Condensed group statement of changes in equity
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Other components of equity |
Share capital Rm |
Foreign currency translation Rm |
Cash flow hedges Rm |
Cost of hedging Rm |
Equity- settled Rm |
Retirement employee obligations Rm |
Financial asset FVOCI revaluation Rm |
Other Rm |
Retained earnings Rm |
Attributable to owners of the parent Rm |
Non- controlling interests Rm |
Total equity Rm |
At 31 December 2022 (Audited) |
983 |
1 126 |
19 |
450 |
38 |
63 |
4 |
44 136 |
46 819 |
12 560 |
59 379 |
Total comprehensive income/(loss) |
269 |
9 |
2 |
(2) |
5 905 |
6 183 |
1 865 |
8 048 |
– Profit for the period |
5 905 |
5 905 |
1 780 |
7 685 |
– Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the period |
269 |
9 |
2 |
(2) |
278 |
85 |
363 |
Transactions with owners |
(511) |
(2 744) |
(3 255) |
(928) |
(4 183) |
Contributions and distributions |
(511) |
(2 744) |
(3 255) |
(928) |
(4 183) |
– Dividends paid (note 6) |
(2 744) |
(2 744) |
(928) |
(3 672) |
– Share-based payments movement |
(511) |
(511) |
(511) |
At 30 June 2023 (Reviewed) |
983 |
1 395 |
28 |
(61) |
40 |
61 |
4 |
47 297 |
49 747 |
13 497 |
63 244 |
Total comprehensive (loss)/income |
(37) |
(56) |
(7) |
(22) |
5 387 |
5 265 |
1 590 |
6 855 |
– Profit for the period |
5 387 |
5 387 |
1 631 |
7 018 |
– Other comprehensive loss for the period |
(37) |
(56) |
(7) |
(22) |
(122) |
(41) |
(163) |
Transfer to property, plant and equipment (net of tax) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Transactions with owners |
(5) |
(2 761) |
(2 766) |
(927) |
(3 693) |
Contributions and distributions |
(5) |
(2 761) |
(2 766) |
(927) |
(3 693) |
– Dividends paid (note 6) |
(2 761) |
(2 761) |
(927) |
(3 688) |
– Share-based payments movement |
(5) |
(5) |
(5) |
At 31 December 2023 (Audited) |
983 |
1 358 |
(27) |
(7) |
(66) |
40 |
39 |
4 |
49 923 |
52 247 |
14 160 |
66 407 |
Total comprehensive (loss)/income |
(36) |
1 |
(2) |
1 |
6 |
3 686 |
3 656 |
1 106 |
4 762 |
– Profit for the period |
3 686 |
3 686 |
1 116 |
4 802 |
– Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the period |
(36) |
1 |
(2) |
1 |
6 |
(30) |
(10) |
(40) |
Transactions with owners |
(213) |
(3 839) |
(4 052) |
(1 270) |
(5 322) |
Contributions and distributions |
(213) |
(3 821) |
(4 034) |
(1 288) |
(5 322) |
– Dividends paid (note 6) |
(3 821) |
(3 821) |
(1 288) |
(5 109) |
– Share-based payments movement1 |
(213) |
(213) |
(213) |
Changes in ownership interest |
(18) |
(18) |
18 |
– Recognition of NCI2 |
(18) |
(18) |
18 |
At 30 June 2024 (Reviewed) |
983 |
1 322 |
(26) |
(9) |
(279) |
41 |
45 |
4 |
49 770 |
51 851 |
13 996 |
65 847 |
1 Relates to the net amount of the share-based payment expense of R95 million and the value of shares acquired in the market to settle vested share-based payment transactions of R308 million.
2 Relates to the recognition of the NCI’s share of Amakhala SPV’s net asset value, amounting to R58 million, upon the exercise of its in-substance share option, amounting to R40 million.
Foreign currency translation
Arises from the translation of financial statements of foreign operations within the group as well as the share of equity-accounted investments’ foreign currency translation reserves.
Cash flow hedges
Comprises the group’s cash flow hedge reserves relating to interest rate swaps and the spot rate component of FECs as well as the share of equity-accounted investments’ hedging reserves.
Cost of hedging
Comprises the group’s cost of hedging reserves which reflects gains or losses on the portion excluded from the designated hedging instrument that relates to the forward element of FECs. It is initially recognised in OCI and accounted for similarly to gains or losses in the cash flow hedge reserve.
Represents the fair value, net of tax, of services received from employees and settled by equity instruments granted.
Retirement employee obligations
Comprises remeasurements, net of tax, on the retirement employee obligations as well as the share of equity-accounted investments’ retirement employee obligations reserves.
Financial asset FVOCI revaluation
Comprises the fair value adjustments, net of tax, on the financial assets classified at FVOCI as well as the share of equity-accounted investments’ financial asset FVOCI revaluation reserves.