Exxaro Resources Limited
Tax report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Statement from the finance director

We want to be a sustainable and impactful business that catalyses economic growth, environmental stewardship and positive change to contribute to a safer and more productive tomorrow. Our sustainability is based on mutually constructive relationships and common values with our stakeholders. This includes how we report on our financial and ESG performance and, in this report, our tax practices.

Riaan Koppeschaar

Finance director

To protect and maintain our licence to operate, we focus on building long-term, stable relationships with stakeholders that are built on trust. We understand the role of transparent tax reporting in strengthening these relationships and we encourage exchange of information to enable value creation for our stakeholders.

We believe our commitment to transparency, including our tax reporting, solidifies our role in society and our commitment to our purpose of powering better lives in Africa and beyond. GRI 207, which identifies tax as a material reporting topic, and our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy guide our approach and enable us to report using responsible business practices and recognised reporting frameworks.

Our business values ethics and integrity among the material considerations that sustain our commitment to responsible governance and meaningful reporting, as highlighted in the King IV Report on Corporate GovernanceTM for South Africa, 2016 (King IV)*. By remaining committed to responsibly maximising the value of our coal assets, Exxaro can create and sustain value, thereby contributing to macroeconomic stability in the jurisdictions where we operate, including socio-economic development within local communities and broader society.

Riaan Koppeschaar
Finance director

10 April 2024