Condensed group statement of cash flows

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  6 months 
30 June 
  6 months 
30 June 
  12 months 
31 December 
Cash flows from operating activities (926)   1 528    3 400 
Cash generated by operations 3 941    3 660    6 826 
Interest paid (269)   (328)   (597)
Interest received 143    55    188 
Tax paid (588)   (575)   (790)
Dividends paid (4 153)   (1 284)   (2 227)
Cash flows from investing activities (1 109)   (907)   4 377 
Property, plant and equipment acquired to maintain operations (note 12) (1 177)   (1 105)   (2 977)
Property, plant and equipment acquired to expand operations (note 12) (860)   (209)   (944)
Intangible assets acquired (1)       (1)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 232      11 
Settlement of contingent consideration (note 20.2) (299)   (74)   (74)
Decrease in loans to related parties     400    400 
Interest received on loans to related parties     84    84 
Decrease in other financial assets at amortised cost 41         
Decrease in loan to joint venture 18         
Increase in loan to joint venture (150)        
Decrease in lease receivable          
Increase in loan to associate         (1)
Acquisition of associate (note 13) (191)       (26)
Income from investments in associates and joint ventures 1 306    59    1 499 
Proceeds from disposal of equity-accounted investments         6 525 
Decrease in non-current financial assets       14 
Increase in non-current financial assets     (4)   (4)
Increase in environmental rehabilitation funds (67)   (66)   (130)
Dividend income from financial assets and non-current assets classified as held-for-sale 32       
Cash flows from financing activities (2 065)   (4 620)   (6 361)
Interest-bearing borrowings raised         2 491 
Interest-bearing borrowings repaid (1 496)   (999)   (2 534)
Shares acquired in the market to settle share-based payments (422)   (97)   (99)
Dividends paid to BEE Parties (147)        
Repurchase of share capital     (3 524)   (6 219)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (4 100)   (3 999)   1 416 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 6 566    5 183    5 183 
Reclassifications of cash and cash equivalents 51         
Translation difference on movement in cash and cash equivalents 40    (24)   (33)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 2 557    1 160  6 566 
Cash and cash equivalents 2 596    2 073    6 606 
Cash and cash equivalents classified as held-for-sale 10      14   
Overdraft (49)   (917)   (54)