Condensed group statement of changes in equity

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      Other components of equity      
At 31 December 2016 (Audited) 2 509  4 010  23  1 898  (262) (60)
Profit for the period                   
Other comprehensive (loss)/income     (39)       (29)
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income of equity-accounted investments     (174) (58) 89  25    
Issue of share capital1  463                
Share-based payments movement2           (422)      
Dividends paid                   
Share repurchase3  (1 312)               
Reclassification within equity                   
At 30 June 2017 (Reviewed) 1 660  3 797  (35) 1 565  (266) (55)
Profit for the period                   
Other comprehensive loss     (23)          (19)
Share of other comprehensive income/(loss) of equity-accounted investments     20  (7) 114  17    
Issue of share capital1  10 242                
Share-based payments movement2           4 479       
Dividends paid                   
Share repurchase3  (639)               
Treasury shares4  (10 242)               
Partial disposal of an associate5     (1 332) (286) 91    
Liquidation of subsidiaries6     58             
At 31 December 2017 (Audited) 1 021  2 520  (41) 5 872  (158) (74)
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 15 (net of tax)7                   
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 9 (net of tax)7                 74 
Adjusted balance at 1 January 2018  1 021  2 520  (41) 5 872  (158)   
Profit for the year                   
Other comprehensive income     41             
Share of other comprehensive income of equity-accounted investments     88  21       
Share-based payments movement2           (280)      
Dividends paid                   
Liquidation of subsidiaries6     14             
At 30 June 2018 (Reviewed) 1 021  2 663  (20) 5 592  (156) (17)  
to owners 
of the 
At 31 December 2016 (Audited)    (3 524) 31 281  35 875  (788) 35 087 
Profit for the period        2 692  2 692  31  2 723 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income           (63)    (63)
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income of equity-accounted investments           (118)    (118)
Issue of share capital1           463     463 
Sharebased payments movement2           (422)    (422)
Dividends paid        (1 284) (1 284)    (1 284)
Share repurchase3     3 524  (2 212)         
Reclassification within equity     (1)         
At 30 June 2017 (Reviewed)    30 476  37 143  (757) 36 386 
Profit for the period        3 290  3 290  19  3 309 
Other comprehensive loss           (42)    (42)
Share of other comprehensive income/(loss) of equity-accounted investments           144     144 
Issue of share capital1           10 242     10 242 
Share–based payments movement2           4 479     4 479 
Dividends paid        (943) (943)    (943)
Share repurchase3        (2 056) (2 695)    (2 695)
Treasury shares4           (10 242)    (10 242)
Partial disposal of an associate5        195  (1 331)    (1 331)
Liquidation of subsidiaries6           58     58 
At 31 December 2017 (Audited)    30 962  40 103  (738) 39 365 
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 15 (net of tax)7        314  314     314 
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 9 (net of tax)7  (74)    (11) (11)    (11)
Adjusted balance at 1 January 2018  (74) 31 265  40 406  (738) 39 668 
Profit for the year        3 182  3 182  36  3 218 
Other comprehensive income  57        98     98 
Share of other comprehensive income of equity-accounted investments           111     111 
Share-based payments movement2           (280)    (280)
Dividends paid        (4 153) (4 153)    (4 153)
Liquidation of subsidiaries6           14     14 
At 30 June 2018 (Reviewed) (17) 30 294  39 378  (702) 38 676 
1 For 2017, the issue of share capital comprises the vesting of Mpower 2012 treasury shares to good leavers and beneficiaries upon final vesting of the share-based payment scheme on 31 May 2017 amounting to R463 million and an issue of 67 221 565 ordinary shares to NewBEECo at a discounted share price of R73.92 per share which had a market share price of R152.35 on 11 December 2017.
2 For 2018, the share-based payment movements include an amount of R147 million paid to the BEE Parties as a dividend. For 2017, comprises the final vesting of Mpower 2012 shares as well as the potential benefit to be obtained by the BEE Parties amounting to R4 245 million.
3 Exxaro executed two repurchases during 2017. Exxaro repurchased 43 943 744 ordinary shares from Main Street 333 for a purchase consideration of R3 524 million during January 2017 and 22 686 572 ordinary shares from Main Street 333 for a purchase consideration of R2 695 million during December 2017.
4 For 2017, 107 612 026 ordinary shares held by NewBEECo in Exxaro were accounted for as treasury shares on consolidation of NewBEECo.
5 During October 2017, Exxaro disposed of 22 425 000 Class A Tronox Limited ordinary shares which resulted in a gain on translation differences being recycled to profit or loss, the release of a loss from the financial instruments revaluation reserve to profit or loss, a net reclassification within equity from retirement benefit obligation reserve and equity-settled reserve to retained earnings.
6 For 2018, recognised a gain on translation difference recycled to profit or loss on the liquidation of a foreign subsidiary (Exxaro Coal Botswana Holding Company Proprietary Limited). For 2017, recognised a gain on translation difference recycled to profit or loss on the liquidation of a foreign subsidiary (Exxaro Mineral Sands BV).
7 Refer note 4 for details of the adjustments on initial application of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (IFRS 9) and IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15).
Dividend distribution cents cents
Final dividend per share paid in respect of the 2017 financial year 400
Dividend per share paid in respect of the 2017 interim period 300
Dividend per share payable in respect of the 2018 interim period 530

Foreign currency translation

Arises from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations within the group.

Financial instruments revaluation

Comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow hedging instruments where the hedged transaction has not yet occurred.


Represents the fair value, net of tax, of services received from employees and settled by equity instruments granted as well as the fair value of the potential benefit to be obtained by the BEE Parties in relation to the Replacement BEE Transaction.

Post-retirement employee obligations

Comprises remeasurements, net of tax, on the post-retirement employee obligations.

Available-for-sale revaluation

Comprises the fair value adjustments, net of tax, on the available-for-sale financial assets.

Financial asset FVOCI revaluation

Comprises the fair value adjustments, net of tax, on the financial assets classified at FVOCI.