Exxaro Resources Limited
Tax report for the year ended 31 December 2022

Our tax contribution at a glance

Effective tax rate

Effective tax rate excluding equity-accounted investments

Carbon tax accrual
R3 million

Dividend withholding tax (South Africa)
R1 million

Withholding tax (Switzerland)
R10 million

Offshore corporate income tax accrual
R54 million

Mineral royalty tax accrual
R1.8 billion

Total tax accrual
Total tax accrual R4.3 billion

Cash tax collected on behalf of government
R1.6 billion

Total tax contribution
R7.25 billion

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Exxaro Resources Limited Tax report
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About Exxaro
Statement from the finance director
Our tax contribution at a glance
Tax approach
Tax governance
Tax risk management
Tax performance
Country-by-country information