We manage our impact by incorporating environmental performance principles in our ESG management systems, environmental policies and practices. We comply with local legislation, management standards, and current and future-based best practice. Our approach goes beyond compliance as demonstrated by our participation in voluntary benchmarks such as the global CDP climate and water disclosure projects.
Our environmentally and socially responsible response to climate change reflects our commitment to sustainability and objective to become carbon neutral by 2050, and supports South Africa's just transition programmes.
Our sustainability is built on mutually beneficial relationships and the values we share
with our stakeholders. Our business activities aim for holistic, positive and lasting impact
on our people, communities and society at large. Our Social Impact strategy
guides us in delivering on our overarching
Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy
(integrated report) so that we remain an exemplary responsible corporate
citizen among our peers.
We are driven by our responsibility to be accountable for our actions and to positively impact our people and communities. Our business activities promote socio-economic development in our communities while we strive for operational efficiency, growth and regulatory compliance.
The Exxaro board applies good corporate governance to ensure sustainable growth while transitioning to a low-carbon world, an ethical culture and delivering on the promise of human rights.
Exxaro's board is the focal point and custodian of good corporate governance for the group. The board sets Exxaro's short, medium and long-term strategic direction through our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy (integrated report). By approving a new capital allocation model and budget, setting and monitoring performance and culture expectations as well as a governance framework for the group, the board enables sustainable value creation.