Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and governance report 2022

Strategic key performance indicators

We remain within our sustainability risk appetite and have managed our strategic objectives by monitoring our KPIs through the strategic performance dashboard. This is done quarterly by Exxaro's board and executive committee.

We ensure strategy management is integrated with:

  • A sustainability framework
  • An integrated risk management framework including clearly defined material matters
  • KPIs aligned with strategy execution and material matters
  • Integrating the combined assurance process, risk management, material matters and KPI reporting

The board and executive committee measure and manage Exxaro's strategy and performance so that stakeholders can have a transparent and consolidated view of value creation and sustainability drivers.

Built-in risk appetite thresholds enable appropriate strategic decisions.

How to interpret the dashboard

The dashboard links strategic KPIs and our material matters to present our sustainable value creation in terms of the relationship amongst the capitals we impact. Performance indicators (out of appetite, worst tolerable, best realistic, target or opportunity) show whether KPIs are within our risk appetite thresholds.

We aim for "target", and avoid "worst tolerable" or "out of appetite" to remain within our defined risk appetite. When necessary, we implement or improve controls to ensure we achieve our strategy objectives.

Matla control room

Matla control room

Our KPIs are outlined in the strategic performance dashboard below.


Trend^ KPI threshold Out of
Target Possible
waste or
Unchanged Indicator
New KPI this period

Natural capital
Trend based on indicator^
2022 2021
KPI Strategy Target Actual Indicator Target Actual Indicator
Reportable environmental incidents (levels 2 and 3) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0 level 2s
0 level 3s
0 level 2sRA
0 level 3sRA
6 level 2s
0 level 3s
0 level 2s
Stoppage directives (includes section 54 in terms of MHSA*) Empower people to create impact 0 7RA 0 2
Stoppage directives (includes directives in terms of NWA, NEMA and MPRDA**) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0 0RA 0 0
Valid authorisations in place
Current operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100% 100%
Projects Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100% 100%
Compliance to valid licences/authorisations in place***
Current operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100% 96%
Projects Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100% 99%
Environmental liability provisions in place***
Commercial and captive operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship Between 80% and 80% to
100% and 100%
Between 50% and 80% Between 80% and 80% to 100% and 100% 72
Environmental management
Carbon intensity (scope 1 tCO2e/total kilotonnes mined (kTTM)) Be carbon neutral by 2050 Actual for
year less
0.5% reduction Actual for
year less
Actual for previous year less by more than 5%
Carbon intensity (scope 2 tCO2e/kTTM) Be carbon neutral by 2050 Actual for
year less
0.8% increase Actual for
year less
Current year less than previous year
Water intensity (kL/tonne RoM) Improving water efficiency 0.15 to 0.18 0.15RA 0.20 0.149
Physical rehabilitation (actual versus budget) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0% deviation from budget Between 25% and 50% deviation from budget
^ The trend-based indicators are in accordance with Exxaro’s internal sustainability framework.
* Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) (MHSA).
** National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) (NWA), National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA) and Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,
2002 (Act 28 of 2002) (MPRDA).
*** Includes environmental authorisation, integrated water use licence (IWUL), water management licence, atmospheric emissions licence, environmental impact assessment, record
of decision and reporting.

Human capital
Trend based on indicator^
2022 2021
KPI Strategy Target Actual Indicator Target Actual Indicator
Number of fatalities
(7 lost-time injuries)
Empower people to create impact 0 1RA 0 0
LTIFR# Empower people to create impact 0.06 0.05RA 0.11 0.08
Four accepted occupational health cases
OHIFR# reported Empower people to create impact 0.18 0.16RA 0.31 0.16
People who received HIV/Aids awareness training Empower people to create impact 90% to 100% 116.5% 90% to100% 79.3%
Employees who received awareness training and voluntarily tested for HIV/Aids Empower people to create impact 68% and above 70.6% 68% and above 71%
HIV/Aids prevalence rate compared to country prevalence rate Empower people to create impact Less than country prevalence rate 1% to 10% less the country prevalence rate Less than country prevalence rate 3.7%
Skills provision (percentage of appointment of employees within) Empower people to create impact 60% 64%RA 60% 62.17%
Scarcity skills retention (percentage turnover) Empower people to create impact 5% 4.4%RA 5% 3.7%
Fraud and corruption/asset destruction Empower people to create impact 0% 0% 0% 0%
^ The trend-based indicators are in accordance with Exxaro’s internal sustainability framework.
# Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) and occupational health incident frequency rate (OHIFR).
Matla clinic

Our employee having a lung function test at Matla clinic

Social and relationship capital
Trend based on indicator^
2022 2021
KPI Strategy Target Actual Indicator Target Actual Indicator
Employment equity
Black ownership at group level Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 30% 47.1% 30.1% 47.1%
People with disability Representation Empower people to create impact 1.5% 1.61% 1.5% 1.59%
Human resources development spend as % of payroll–Mining Charter III Empower people to create impact 5.0% 5.53% 5% 5.51%
HDP✝> representation–top management Empower people to create impact 50% 66.66% 50% 66.66%
HDP representation–senior management Empower people to create impact 60% 68.91% 60% 65%
HDP representation–middle management Empower people to create impact 60% 80.92% 60% 78.52%
HDP representation–junior management Empower people to create impact 70% 81.16% 70% 79.52%
Women representation in top management bands Empower people to create impact 20% 33.33% 20% 33.33%
Women representation in senior management bands Empower people to create impact 25% 22.97% 25% 20.48%
Women representation in middle management bands Empower people to create impact 25% 40.62% 25% 38.19%
Women representation in junior management bands Empower people to create impact 30% 32.41% 30% 29.25%
Business sustainability
B-BBEE level Empower people to create impact Level 1 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2
Enterprise development (percentage of NPAT) Empower people to create impact 1% 0.4945% 1% 0.308%
Supplier development (% of NPAT) Empower people to create impact 2% 0.8301% 2% 0.694%
Socio-economic development (percentage of NPAT) Empower people to create impact 1% 0.93% 1% 0.56%
Skills development expenditure on learning programmes in the learning programme matrix for black people as a percentage of leviable amount–B-BBEE Empower people to create impact 3.0% 3.15% 3% 3.20%
Project delivery measure–local economic development projects per SLP time variance from plan Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0% behind schedule 40% behind schedule 0% behind schedule 8% behind schedule
Cost variance from plan Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0% over budget 16% over budget 0% over budget 19% over budget
^ The trend-based indicators are in accordance with Exxaro’s internal sustainability framework.
Historically disadvantaged persons (HDP), net profit after tax (NPAT) and social and labour plans (SLPs).
* Refer to SLP performance.  

Manufactured and Intellectual capital
Trend based on indicator^
2022 2021
KPI Strategy Target Actual Indicator Target Actual Indicator
Capital project delivery measure
Capital projects time overrun Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% behind schedule 0.4% over schedule 0% behind schedule 10.3%
Capital projects cost overrun Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% over budget 0% over budget

0% over budget 3%
Operational performance
System availability (Core P1 and ERP Solutions) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 97% 97.49% 97% 99%
Information management projects (cost overrun) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% over budget 5% under budget 0% over budget 0%
Information management projects (time overrun) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% behind schedule 0% behind schedule 0% behind schedule 0%

Financial capital
Trend based on indicator^
2022 2021
KPI Strategy Target Actual Indicator Target Actual Indicator
Adjusted operating margin Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 20% 35.2% 20% 24.4%
Adjusted ROCE#  Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 20% 46.9% 20% 33.6%
Net debt to EBITDA (excluding Cennergi) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 1.5 times * <1.5% *
^ The trend-based indicators are in accordance with Exxaro’s internal sustainability framework.
# Return on capital employed (ROCE).
* Exxaro is in a net cash position.
Matla clinic

Medical professional performing clinical tests at Matla clinic

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Driving transition through leadership
About this report
Our strategic evolution
About Exxaro
Our ESG perspective
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Measuring our performance
Strategic key performance indicators
Stakeholder management

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Air quality
Climate change resilience
Energy management
Water security management
Waste management
Environmental liabilities and rehabilitation

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Material themes in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Board of directors
Our executive team
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Remuneration committee report
Nomination committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
King IV application register
Remuneration report

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Human rights

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria