Exxaro Resource limited Report Selector 2018

Report Selector

Exxaro Resources Limited Supplementary Report


Group company secretary and registered office

S van Loggerenberg
Exxaro Resources Limited
Roger Dyason Road
Pretoria West, 0183
(PO Box 9229, Pretoria, 0001
South Africa
Telephone +27 12 307 5000


Absa Bank Limited (acting through its corporate and investment bank division)
Barclays Sandton North
15 Alice Lane
Sandton, 2196

Company registration number

JSE share code: EXX
ISIN code: ZAE000084992


PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
2 Eglin Road
Sunninghill, 2157

Commercial bankers

Absa Bank Limited

Corporate law advisers

EOH Legal Services Proprietary Limited
Roger Dyason Road
Pretoria West

United States ADR depositary

The Bank of New York Mellon
101 Barclay Street
New York NY 10286
United States of America


Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited
Rosebank Tower
15 Biermann Avenue
Rosebank, 2196
(PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107)

With ongoing feedback from a range of stakeholders, we are able to contextualise certain issues better for more informed understanding by readers. We welcome your suggestions, which should be directed to:
Hanno Olinger
Manager: Integrated reporting and ESG
Tel: +27 12 307 3359
Mobile: +27 83 609 1094
Fax: +27 12 307 5327
Email: hanno.olinger@exxaro.com
Web: www.exxaro.com




