Exxaro Resource limited Report Selector 2018

Report Selector

Exxaro Resources Limited Supplementary Report

Investing in research

Our sustainability is founded on creative, mutually constructive relationships and common values with our stakeholders, being responsible and accountable for our actions, and conducting our business activities in a way that creates success for all. Our aim is to create sustainable shared value for our stakeholders by striving for operational efficiency, growth and regulatory compliance within a framework of responsible corporate citizenship. Therefore, by virtue of our existence and prosperity, we strive to make our society a better place to live in.

Our approach and issues raised are detailed in the integrated report.

External economic, environmental and social standards

In constantly aiming to benchmark ourselves against global best practice, Exxaro endorses a number of voluntary external standards, charters and principles, including:

  • United Nations Global Compact (signatory)
  • Millennium Development Goals, and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Carbon and water disclosure projects (CDP).

Broader industry participation

As an active stakeholder in the mining industry, Exxaro participates in shaping appropriate policies in South Africa through many channels, including:

  • The Minerals Council of South Africa (previously Chamber of Mines)
  • JSE Limited and Computershare forums
  • National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)
  • Energy-intensive users group (EIUG)
  • National electricity response team (NERT)
  • Energy efficiency accord under technical committee facilitated by National Business Initiative (NBI)
  • NBI coordinated response to issues such as climate change and water, and related national priorities
  • Industry energy policy influence workshops
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF) roundtable event
  • South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (SACCI) electricity dialogue
  • SANBI (South Africa National Biodiversity Institute).

Exxaro is also involved in the initiatives of:

  • South African Independent Power Producers Association (SAIPPA)
  • Coaltech 2020
  • Fossil Fuel Foundation
  • Peace Parks Foundation (donated over R12 million to date)
  • SA Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage with international and local partners
  • Clinton Foundation
  • Mpumalanga Coal Producers Community Development Forum.

Developing the body of knowledge

In a rapidly changing world, thought leadership is often driven by business strategies to enhance shared value:

  • Business is good at responding to shorter-term challenges, but global change presents longer-term complex problems
  • Long-term business-led research and most fundamental discoveries occur inside specialised schools of excellence embedded in universities
  • Therefore, through strategic investment, business and universities form partnerships that run longer, invest more, look further ahead and hone the competitiveness of companies, universities and regions. This relationship merges the discovery-driven culture of the university with the innovation-driven culture of companies.

Over the past decade, Exxaro has invested in enhancing this shared value. Importantly, our long-standing commitment to developing the body of knowledge at tertiary level is closely aligned to our strategy.

Stakeholder engagement

Our business philosophy

Exxaro operates within society, and therefore fulfils a number of societal functions:

Through our coal-mining activities,
which contribute to

generating around 33% of South Africa's electricity

As an employer of over 6 500 permanent employees

and 15 500 contractors

Our continued operation and investment in growth initiatives of close

to R20 billion create secondary industries that expand societal benefits

We also affect the environmental, intellectual and financial capitals of

society as we pursue our sustainable

  Exxaro chair in global change and sustainability (Wits)     Exxaro chair in business and climate change (Unisa)     Exxaro chair in energy, water and food (Pretoria)  
  • Adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change
  • Climate governance and negotiations
  • Energy efficiency and demand-side management
  • Coupling ecosystem integrity and human wellbeing
  • People, practice and policies
  • Building resilience
  • Sustainable development goal:
    • domestication and localisation
  • Industrial energy system
  • Minimise impact of extractive industries, and maximise
    post-extractive landscapes for sustainable communities
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation (including green building)
  • Building energy systems
  • Energy-water nexus
  • Energy-water- food nexus
  • Micro-grid design and operation for remote applications
  • Greenhouse climate control for food productivity



Unisa: The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) and Exxaro, together with the university, are installing a biodigester at Earth Centre, an equine therapy NGO. A biodigester functions as a mechanical stomach, "fed" with organic waste from farm animals. In this case, waste comes from 20 horses. Once placed in the biodigester, an oxygen-free environment, it is decomposed by micro-organisms to produce biogas such as methane and carbon, which can be supplied to buildings as renewable energy. It also creates fertiliser as a by-product, which can be bagged and sold for additional income for the centre


Pretoria: Exxaro/Kumba chair in geology enhances undergraduate, honours and
post-graduate training of geoscientists, as well as research activities


South African Minerals to Metals Research Institute (SAMMRI), a collaboration between mining industry members and the Department of Science and Technology to develop high-level technical skills for the extractive industry by sponsoring research projects at tertiary institutions aimed at industry needs


The Mineral Education Trust Fund was founded by the Minerals Council to attract, retain and develop undergraduate teaching staff, create academic centres of excellence, focus on departments that deliver in terms of quality and foster collaboration. It concentrates on metallurgy, chemical mining engineering and geology. Exxaro contributes annually to the fund
