Currently viewing Mineral Resources Report 2018
The Exxaro annual estimation and reporting process is managed through the Exxaro geosciences policy and associated Coal Resource and Reserve reporting and estimation procedures. Both policy and procedures are aligned with the guidelines of JSE section 12, SAMREC Code 2016 and, for South African coal reporting, SANS 10320:2004.
The policy and procedures dictate technical requirements for estimation and reporting, and include guidelines on methodologies, processes and deliverables. Procedures are also implemented for the geophysical, rock engineering, geotechnical, structural geology, tenure management, hydro-geological, exploration and mine-planning disciplines that prescribe methodologies and minimum standards for compliance.
To align with the SAMREC 2016 code, Exxaro has updated its internal competent persons' reports (CPRs) in 2017 and again in 2018. No material changes as defined in the code have occurred, but we considered the introduction of the 'if not, why not' principle as significant enough to warrant the updates. The reports followed guidelines under appendix 1 of SAMREC 2016.
Table 1: Exxaro reporting structure
Regulatory | Governance | Deliverables | Assurance | |||||||||||
JSE Listings Requirements (section 12) | Geosciences policy | Annual resource and reserve estimation schedule | Annual review and update of procedures | |||||||||||
2016 amendments to 'minimum contents of annual report, point 12.13' were considered | 2017 update to align with our functional model strategy was considered | 2018 estimation schedule for operations under Exxaro control was followed | 2017 update was considered | |||||||||||
SAMREC Code (2016) table 1 | Exxaro Mineral Resource and Reserve reporting procedure | Mineral reserve fact packs | Competent person's register update and review | |||||||||||
2016 updated table 1 was considered | 2016 version was updated to include external audit findings and recommendations | ECC, Matla and Leeuwpan fact packs containing all modifying factor considerations were updated | Updated for 2018 | |||||||||||
SANS (SANS 10320:2004) | Exxaro Mineral Resource estimation procedure | Annual operation/project Mineral Resource and Reserve report | CMRR review and lead competent person sign-off | |||||||||||
SANS guidelines were considered | 2016 version was updated to include external audit recommendations | Belfast annual report was updated | Review concluded in March 2018 by SRK Consultants | |||||||||||
JORC Code (2012) | Exxaro Mineral Reserve estimation procedure | Consolidated Mineral Resource and Reserve report (CMRR) | Applicable competent person and technical team sign-off | |||||||||||
2017 LoMP update was considered | Incorporated 2017 external review findings | Included in individual CPR reports, available on request | ||||||||||||
When required:Mineral resource and reserve competent person report/s | Internal review and external audit process | |||||||||||||
Given the new SAMREC Code, we have updated individual CPRs for 2018 | External process audits were conducted on Central, Grootegeluk, and Forzando. Reviews were conducted on Matla and Moranbah |
Comments on 2018 estimation shown in blue italics |