Exxaro report selector 2019

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Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and governance report

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About this report

Exxaro's environmental, social and governance (ESG) report for 2019 expands on information in the integrated report 2019 and the 2019 consolidated Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves report. It also contains the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index.

Exxaro's alignment to the SDGs

Exxaro is committed to contributing positively to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To this end, in South Africa, we participate in the National Business Initiative to align the 17 SDGs with the country's National Development Plan. Exxaro is committed, through its strategy, to supporting the country in the implementation of the National Development Plan and the SDGs.

We employ leading practices in upholding the most material SDGs for our business to leave a lasting net positive impact.

Exxaro as a mining company and in line with its purpose to power possibilities, intentionally focus on the following SDGs:

Ensure healthy lives

Provide quality education and lifelong learning Empower girls and women to achieve gender equality

Generate and secure sustainable,
clean energy
Create jobs, sustainable livelihoods and equitable growth
Make our local communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Manage natural resource assets sustainably

Combat climate change and mitigate its impacts

Protect our environment and minimise biodiversity loss

Ensure good governance, effective institutions, and stable and peaceful societies

To date, Exxaro has worked to embed integrated thinking in terms of the six capitals into its business operations and strategy. In the year ahead, our focus will be on mapping our refreshed strategy and strategic objectives to the relevant SDGs that present the greatest opportunity for positive impact. We will then focus on embedding these goals within our business.

How to navigate this report

GRI elements in the ESG report are cross-referenced for a fuller perspective.

Read more online Further reading in this report

# In this report you will see a few hashtags. We will be using these throughout the year when we are sharing news about a topic, making it easier to follow us on social media and stay tuned to our activities during the year.