Exxaro report selector 2019

Report selector

Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and governance report

Currently viewing: Governance / Sustainability indicators (reporting criteria)

Sustainability indicators (reporting criteria)

Indicator Definition

Number of fatalities

A fatality includes all work-related incidents that resulted in a fatality

Number of lost-time injuries (LTIs): employees and contractors

LTI is a work-related injury resulting in the employee/contractor being unable to attend work or perform the full duties of regular work on the next calendar day. Restricted work cases are counted as LTIs.

Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR): employees and contractors

Rate per 200 000 hours of LTIs due to all causes for employees and contractors

Number of accepted cases of occupational diseases

Number of accepted cases of occupational tuberculosis, chronic obstructive airways disease, pneumoconiosis, noise-induced hearing loss and silicosis reported to Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases and Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

Number of reported cases of occupational diseases in the reporting period. An occurrence of an occupational disease reported to Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases and Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, and for noise-induced hearing loss reported to Rand Mutual Assurance

The occupational diseases include reported cases of:

  • Occupational tuberculosis
  • Chronic obstructive airways disease
  • Pneumoconiosis
  • Noise-induced hearing loss
  • Silicosis.

Occupational diseases are monitored and reported for employees and contractors. The rate is calculated per 200 000 hours for employees and contractors.

Direct CO2 emissions from own operations

(scope 1)

Total scope 1 emissions include total litres of diesel oil used for primary production activities, fugitive emissions from mining activities and limestone emissions created through mining activities converted to tonnes CO2e

Indirect CO2 emissions from electricity

(scope 2)

Total electricity purchased converted to tonnes CO2e

Other indirect emissions (scope 3)

Total scope 3 emissions from use of sold products

Carbon intensity

Total kt CO2e/total tonnes mined

Water intensity

Water intensity refers to the total water withdrawals (excluding supply to third party, game and farmers) from a resource (not recycled/reclaimed water)/tonnes mined

Number of level 2 and 3 environmental incidents

Level 1: An internally reportable environmental incident with reversible on-site impacts, which will involve immediate clean-up [and/or a negative impact costing

Level 2: An internally reportable environmental incident with reversible on-site and immediate surrounding impacts, which will involve longer than 48 hours clean-up activities [and/or a negative impact costing R100 000 – R500 000 to remediate]

Level 3: An internally and/or externally reportable environmental incident with irreversible on-site, immediate and remote areas impacts, which will involve long-term clean-up activities [and/or a negative impact costing > R500 000 worth of damage]

Skills provision (% of appointment from within)

The percentage of internal appointments (temporary, learnership transfer to artisan and non-permanent employees) who are appointed as permanent employees

Scarcity skills retention (% turnover)

Total employee separations over a 12-month period, excluding all retrenchments including voluntary severance packages

Talent bench: % of clusters (DL to DU) that have at least two employment equity candidates in the 3A/3B/2A category and % of clusters (EL and above) that have at least two employment equity candidates in the 3A/3B/2A category

The percentage of employment equity employees on D band and E band that are immediately or medium-term ready for the next higher level

Number of stoppage directives (includes section 54 in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act)

A stoppage instruction issued by an inspector from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy or Department of Labour in terms of section 54(a) and (b) of the Mine Health and Safety Act or section 30(1)-(5) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for occurrences, practices or conditions that, in the opinion of the inspector, pose a threat to the safety or health of employees, to cease operations at the mine or part thereof with immediate effect

Number of stoppage directives (includes directives in terms of National Water Act, National Environmental Management Act and Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act)

A right/authorisation/permission/approval/licence placed under notice as per sections 93 and/or 47 of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, section 54 of National Water Act, section 31L of National Environmental Management Act and/or regulation 38 of National Environmental Management Act environmental impact assessment regulations