Exxaro Resources Limited
Integrated report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Our risks and opportunities

Unavailability of rail capacity (2023: 1)

  • Cable theft and derailments
  • TFR challenges that include availability of locomotives, inadequate maintenance regime, and financial difficulties
  • Develop alternative routes to evacuate export-bound coal
  • Continuous engagement with TFR to understand issues and provide assistance
  • Operational stoppages
  • Financial loss
  • Inability to meet contractual agreements
  • Shareholder dissatisfaction on lower returns

Operational and maintenance challenges are expected to continue to have a significant impact on Exxaro. Sustainable solutions to current challenges will be explored through proactive engagement with Transnet and the industry.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Fatal risk incidents(2023: 4)

  • Lack of fatal risk ownership and leadership support
  • Under classification of critical controls to manage fatal risk
  • Inadequate resource allocation to implement and manage critical control management programme
  • Lack of safety and health involvement in the sourcing process
  • Our business partners' health and safety compliance are not aligned to Exxaro maturity
  • Employee behaviour
  • Implement critical control management programme with strong emphasis placed on the effectiveness of preventive controls
  • Verify effectiveness of actions and learnings from incidents to eliminate repeat incidents
  • Management and verification of high-risk and non-routine tasks to ensure control effectiveness
  • Visible felt leadership where management is provided with the opportunities to identify gaps and improvements in management systems and behaviour while demonstrating their commitment to safety
  • Fatal health and safety incidents
  • Operational stoppages
  • High insurance premiums
  • Loss of licence to operate
  • Decrease in quality of life
  • Section 54 by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE)
  • Loss of productivity (deaths, incapacity or sick leave)

Our employees' safety remains a top priority. Although good safety performance has been demonstrated in the recent past, we continue to implement our safety strategy with a focus on safety improvement in our quest for zero harm.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Cybersecurity attacks impacting business (2023:3)

  • Large number of devices connected (especially in operations) to the corporate network that need to be managed (security updates)
  • Vulnerability due to lack of awareness – people exposing Exxaro to cyberattacks
  • Employees can work remotely as per our working guidelines
  • Sophistication of cyber attacks
  • Exxaro has not implemented technical controls to restrict or monitor the use of removable media devices such as USBs
  • Ensure we have monitored security governance in place
  • Stricter security practices and remediation of identified weaknesses
  • Conduct regular and ongoing security awareness
  • Business continuity management plan and disaster recovery testing
  • Assess the current antivirus solution to improve the endpoint protection capabilities, which detect threats such as malware/ransomware on endpoints
  • Harden the operating system security settings to not allow any software programs to execute on endpoints, unless these programs have been approved or whitelisted
  • Access to USB ports will be blocked
  • Implement a tool that monitors data movement
  • Implement the use of privileged access management to manage privileged identities such as system administrator accounts
  • Implement an extended detection and response tool (XDR) to monitor and block malware on endpoints
  • Segregate the IT and OT networks
  • Implement a backup and recovery solution to guarantee a clean data backup and boost disaster recovery capabilities
  • Revenue loss and reputational damage
  • Exposure of confidential information
  • Business interruption
  • Legal and regulatory impacts (Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013) (POPIA) implications)

The prevalence of cybersecurity attacks, specifically ransomware attacks, is expected to increase. We will continue to improve the robustness of the cybersecurity posture.

Exxaro continues to benchmark our cybersecurity profile to enhance identification, detection, response and recovery efforts, and our vulnerability identification and management efforts.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Country risk (2023: 7)

  • Effect of local political environment
  • Slow implementation of reforms and policy certainty
  • Instability associated with national government elections
  • Unstable/failing local government leading to poor service delivery
  • South Africa's low GDP forecast
  • High levels of poverty and unemployment
  • Low investor confidence
  • Low corruption perception index scoring, indicating prevalence of corruption
  • Align our purpose with governance and ethics
  • Continuously monitor independent country risk assessment report
  • Establish and participate in collaborative regional development platforms for community impact
  • Develop renewables strategy that could result in new investment and electricity security
  • Long-term investment perspective for growth, development and impact
  • Participate in municipal capacity building
  • Ongoing engagement with Minerals Council and provincial and local governments
  • Strive for full compliance with relevant legislation for business continuity
  • Continued support of relevant business lobby groups to engage business and government
  • Increased and improved analysis of dynamic political landscape and impacts on stakeholders
  • Possibility of community unrest for political support
  • Stakeholder dissatisfaction
  • Increased compliance burden
  • Potential increase in royalties/taxes
  • Reduced investment opportunities (increase in cost of capital)
  • Increased cost of doing business (due to increased compliance burden)
  • Fewer opportunities for co-investment with government in community development
  • Breakdown in government relationships with Exxaro
  • Higher expectation from society and government for more social investment

Social tensions and insecurity persist amid high levels of poverty, income inequality and endemic unemployment (above 30%). With the national elections in 2024, the local economy will likely continue to face challenges like volatility from political uncertainty and associated risks.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Transition at speed and scale
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive
  • Empower people to create impact
  • Be carbon neutral by 2050
  • Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Customer concentration risk (2023: 2)

  • Eskom power stations not operating at full capacity
  • Eskom liquidity risk
  • Commercial risk attached to long-term contracts
  • Inadequate environmental financial provision at tied operations
  • Environmental rehabilitation fund shortfall at Matla
  • Realisation of approved funding for capital requirements (Matla capital project programme)
  • Continuous stakeholder engagement
  • Ongoing discussions on coal supply agreements
  • Enforcement of coal supply agreements
  • Low volume offtake from the power utility
  • Loss of revenue
  • Reputational damage
  • Operational constraints

Eskom's financial challenges will remain a concern in the short to medium term as government continues to reform South Africa's electricity sector and Eskom implements its turnaround strategy and restructuring.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Adverse threat to licence to operate (2023: 8)

  • Delays in approval of licences and authorisations
  • Unable to achieve SLP targets as approved (annual and five-year projects)
  • Unable to meet legislative targets, eg Mining Charter and B-BBEE
  • High community expectations for social investments and procurement opportunities
  • BEE transaction unwinding
  • Poor stakeholder communication about Exxaro achievements
  • Fulfil regulatory requirements within reasonable cost/expenses
  • Structured engagement with regulators
  • Supervision on execution of projects (SLPs)
  • Compliance performance management
  • Suspension/cancellation of mining right or directive issued by DMRE
  • Reputational damage
  • Financial loss
  • Community unrest
  • Production stoppages

We will continue to focus on delivering on our commitments in line with our licence to operate. Furthermore, the implementation of the Social Impact strategy is expected to deliver greater impact on the communities where we operate.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Community unrest (new)

  • Delayed implementation of SLPs and transformation (local economic development, human resource development, local procurement, etc)
  • Lack of participation of local community companies in the tender process
  • Influence of local community business forums on allocation of opportunities
  • High unemployment rate
  • Loadshedding impacting SMMEs, resulting in job losses and fewer opportunities for local employment
  • Electioneering in the lead-up to and after the upcoming national elections in May 2024
  • Monitor implementation of SLPs
  • Ongoing engagement with Minerals Council and local and district municipalities, among others
  • Ongoing investment in communities aligned to Social Impact strategy
  • Strike emergency response plans
  • Regular participation at community forums
  • Potential harm to mine employees, contractors and community members
  • Disruptions to operations (prevent access to workplace)
  • Reputational damage
  • Financial loss

An increase in the number of incidents is expected due to the upcoming national elections, which could impact our operations.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Inability to achieve growth objectives (2023: 5)

  • Volatile economic and market conditions
  • Regulatory/policy uncertainty in South Africa and other targeted destinations
  • Competition for desired mineral assets increases valuation of opportunities
  • The organisation's ability to respond effectively to opportunities (internal skills and processes)
  • Shareholder pressure to return excess cash
  • Capital allocation considerations and JSE transaction category criteria (execution risk)
  • Disclosure of target and performance against strategy and capital allocation
  • Build critical skills and capacity to achieve strategy
  • Assessment and execution of our opportunity pipeline
  • Funds earmarked for growth strategy
  • Consider and incorporate appropriate post-deal strategies
  • Improve networking opportunities – insights on potential transactions and financing
  • Regular communication on strategy, capital allocation and returns against targets – investor engagements
  • Board mandate to increase scope of minerals beyond manganese, bauxite and copper
  • Reputational damage
  • Unable to transition from coal to other minerals
  • Undervalued/declining/volatile share price and market value

The primary growth lever for the organisation is inorganic growth through acquisition. We will continue to pursue opportunities for growth through mergers and acquisitions.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Transition at speed and scale
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive
  • Empower people to create impact
  • Be carbon neutral by 2050
  • Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Labour unrest (2023: 16)

  • Wage negotiations
  • Community activism
  • Inter-union rivalry
  • Labour unrest spilling over from other mining houses (sympathy strikes)
  • Impact of potential local (branch) and regional union leadership changes
  • Unstable macro-economic, socio-economic and political factors
  • Ensure strategic alignment with management and employees
  • Regular union engagement
  • Regular communication with various stakeholders
  • Intelligence system on ground level
  • Participate in the Minerals Council forum
  • Ensure picketing guidelines and effective communication plans are in place
  • Establish a strike emergency response plan and team
  • Operational stoppages
  • Reputational damage
  • Damage to assets
  • Incidents and accidents
  • Security risks
  • Strained relationships with unions and employees

The wage agreements are due for renewal in 2024. Focus will be on the upcoming wage negotiations with efforts focused on strengthening union relations.

Strategic objective impacted
  • Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


Inadequate response to climate change (2023: 11)

  • Ageing infrastructure and assets unable to withstand extreme weather conditions
  • Poor monitoring and reporting of climate change impacts. Lack of forecasting capabilities of extreme weather events
  • Lack of forecasting of extreme weather events
  • International and local investor sentiment against fossil fuels
  • Increased stakeholder activism (NGOs and communities)
  • Increased stringent local and international legislation (eg carbon tax, carbon budget and Climate Change Bill
  • Competition between operations and communities for resources such as water can emanate due to climate impacts particularly in water stressed areas
  • Develop Exxaro’s decarbonisation roadmap (2050)
  • Develop market intelligence on carbon pricing
  • Diversify the portfolio into other minerals
  • Engage government on policy and other key role players
  • Invest in renewable decarbonisation initiatives
  • Reduce carbon intensity per ton of product to reduce carbon emissions
  • Reduce our water intensity per tonne of product produced
  • Develop financial model to cost impact of carbon tax
  • Costing of individual projects that will contribute towards decarbonisation
  • Increased cost of doing business
  • Community protest
  • Non-compliances associated with environmental emissions
  • Energy security and supply
  • Loss of production
  • Natural disasters
  • Equipment/infrastructure damage
  • Possible fatalities and increased occupational incident rate
  • Restriction in security of water
  • Legal claims against heavy polluters
  • Unable to secure insurance covers for operations

Collaborate with value chain partners such as Eskom and the Council for Geosciences on carbon capture and storage for the mitigation of scope 3 emissions. Exxaro operates in line with our carbon neutral target.

Strategic objectives impacted
  • Transition at speed and scale
  • Become carbon neutral by 2050
  • Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship

Material theme

material theme

Capitals impacted

Capitals impacted

Line of defence

Risk ranking trend


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Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Delivering sustainable value creation
Snapshot of our long-term value creation

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Chairperson's statement
Who we are
Our operating context

How we create value
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Our business model
Our material matters
Our risks and opportunities
Engaging our stakeholders

Strategically positioning the business for growth
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CEO's report
Our strategy
Performance against our strategy and outlook

Building resilience through governance
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Our leadership
Summarised governance report
Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Combined assurance for effective governance

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Finance director's overview
Operational performance
Business resilience
Building momentum with people
Social impact
Our environment stewardship
Responding to TCFD reporting requirements

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Our mineral resources and mineral reserves
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