In applying IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements management has applied judgement in assessing whether Exxaro has control over certain entities where the percentage shareholding does not provide control. Specifically:
Exxaro has control over Eyesizwe even though the group only holds a 24.9% (2022: 24.9%) equity interest in Eyesizwe which is made up of the company's equity interest of 14.9% and a further 10% held equally by Exxaro ESOP SPV and Exxaro Aga Setshaba NPC (previously named Exxaro Matla Setshabeng Development NPC). Eyesizwe was created and designed for the sole purpose of providing Exxaro with BEE credentials and as a structure to hold Exxaro shares. The implementation of the Replacement BEE Transaction protects the stability of Exxaro's operations reinforcing the sustainability of relationships with key stakeholders, equips Exxaro for growth by positioning Exxaro with market-leading empowerment credentials in the South African mining sector and creates long-term value for shareholders.
Exxaro is able to direct the strategic direction of Eyesizwe and, as per the transaction agreements, Eyesizwe's MoI may not be amended or replaced without Exxaro's prior written consent. All these points indicate that Exxaro has been involved from the inception of the Replacement BEE Transaction, to ensure that the design and operation of Eyesizwe achieves the purpose for which it was created. Eyesizwe can also not dispose of Exxaro shares without the prior consent of Exxaro. Exxaro has significant exposure to the variable returns of Eyesizwe, through the creation and maintenance of the BEE credentials during the lock-in period as well as through the equity investment held by Exxaro in Eyesizwe. All these factors have been considered in determining that, even though Exxaro does not have majority voting rights in Eyesizwe, it still has control over Eyesizwe and consolidates the results of Eyesizwe in the group results of Exxaro.
As part of the Replacement BEE Transaction, implemented in 2017, Eyesizwe was incorporated and established as the empowerment vehicle to hold 30% of Exxaro shares. A portion of the 30% acquired interest was financed by means of an issue of Eyesizwe preference shares to various financial institutions. The shares held by Eyesizwe in Exxaro were provided as security for these preference shares.
The outstanding preference share obligation was settled early by Eyesizwe during October 2019 as a result of the dividends which were received from Exxaro. This has resulted in Eyesizwe's other shareholders (IDC and Eyesizwe SPV Proprietary Limited) becoming true equity shareholders as they are now exposed to both upside and downside risk in relation to the Exxaro shares.
From an Exxaro group perspective this resulted in the recognition of NCIs for Eyesizwe's other shareholders. On initial recognition the NCI in Eyesizwe was recognised at the net asset value of the consolidated Eyesizwe results. Subsequent to initial recognition, the NCI's share in the movement of profit or loss and OCI.
In 2020, Cennergi, as the acquiree, had outstanding share-based payment transactions that Exxaro, as the acquirer, did not replace, cancel or exchange as part of the acquisition. The share-based payment transactions had vested and therefore accounted for as part of NCI in the Cennergi group acquisition and measured at their market-based measure in terms if IFRS 2 Share-based Payment (IFRS 2). These arrangements were viewed as in-substance share options with the minorities, as the minorities are not exposed to downside risk nor benefit, until such time as the underlying shareholder financing of the arrangements has been settled.
Subsequently the in-substance share option holders in Tsitsikamma SPV have become true equity shareholders as they are now exposed to both upside and downside risk in relation to the Tsitsikamma SPV shares. The NCI of Tsitsikamma SPV has been recognised at the net asset value of Tsitsikamma SPV at the date on which the in-substance share options were exercised. The remaining Amakhala SPV in-substance share option holders remain valued at the acquisition date valuation determined by applying a Monte-Carlo simulation Technique that used the following key assumptions:
Year 1 to 5: 5.31% to 6.20% Year 6 to 16: 7.03% to 10.28% |
33% for community BEE parties |
7% |