Exxaro Resources Limited
Group and company annual financial
statements for the year ended
31 December 2023

CHAPTER 6:Operational performance and working capital

  • 6.1.1Accounting policies relating to operational performance Revenue

For group, revenue is derived from contracts with customers for the supply of goods and rendering of services.

For company, as an investment holding and services company, revenue is derived from dividend income and interest income received from subsidiaries, associates and JVs (investment holdings), as well as from its revenue from contracts with customers for the rendering of services. In applying IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements, management concluded that the ordinary activities of the company do not include income from financial assets that do not relate to subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, which are the company's primary investment holding activities. Instead, any income earned on other financial assets is considered incidental in nature.

Revenue from contracts with customers

Timing of recognition

Revenue is recognised when (or as) a performance obligation is satisfied by transferring a promised good or service to a customer. A promised good or service is transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control of that promised good or service.

Measurement on recognition

The amount of revenue recognised is the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to a satisfied performance obligation. The amount is determined on a gross basis when acting as a principal, or on a net basis when acting as an agent.

The total transaction price in a customer contract is allocated to the performance obligations identified in the contract based on their standalone selling prices. The standalone selling prices are determined based on listed prices at which those goods or services are sold in separate transactions. The customer contracts generally contain only one performance obligation and therefore the contract consideration generally reflects the standalone selling price of the performance obligation.

As a permitted practical expedient, no adjustment is made to the transaction price for the effects of the time value of money as the period of time between the delivery of goods or rendering of services and contract payment terms generally do not exceed 60 days, which is considered not to result in a significant financing component.

Nature of goods and services

Below is a summary of the different types of revenue depicting the standard terms and performance obligations for each type:

Revenue type   Performance obligation   Timing of when performance obligation is satisfied   Payment terms
Coal (domestic supply   Delivery of coal at a contractually agreed-upon delivery point   On delivery (point in time   Range: 0 to 60 days
Coal (FOB export supply)   Delivery of coal at a contractually agreed-upon delivery point   On delivery (point in time   Range: 15 to 60 days
Renewable energy (electricity sales)   Delivery of electricity over time at a contractually agreed-upon metering point (output method)   As consumed and measured at the metering point (over time)   Within 60 days
Ferrosilicon   Delivery of ferrosilicon at a contractually agreedupon delivery point   On delivery (point in time   Range: 15 to 60 days
Biological goods   Delivery of biological goods at a contractuallyagreed upon delivery point   On delivery (point in time)   Range: 15 to 60 days
Stock yard management services   Rendering of stock yard management services over time   As services are performed (over time)   Within 30 days
Project engineering services   Rendering of project engineering services over time   As services are performed (over time)   Within 30 days
Other mine management services   Rendering of other mine management services over time   As services are performed (over time)    Within 30 days
Transportation services   Rendering of freight or other transportation services over time (Including CFR basis for exports, if any, and special transportation arrangements for customers)   As services are performed (over time)   Range: 0 to 60 days
Corporate management services (company)   Rendering of corporate services over time   As services are performed (over time)   Within 30 days
Other services   Mainly rendering of storage services over time   As services are performed (over time)   Within 30 days

Dividend revenue

For company, dividend revenue from subsidiaries, associates and JVs is recognised when the right to receive payment is established.

Interest revenue

For company, interest revenue from subsidiaries is recognised as it accrues in profit or loss, using the effective interest rate method.

  • 6.1.2Revenue

Revenue is derived from contracts with customers. Revenue has been disaggregated based on timing of revenue recognition, major type of goods and services, major geographic area and major customer industries.

Coal  Ferrous  Other   
For the year ended 31 December 2023  Waterberg
Segmental revenue reconciliation 
Segmental revenue1  22 496  8 666  5 783  1 345  398  10  38 698 
Export sales allocated to selling entity2  (4 538) (6 539) 11 077 
Total revenue  17 958  2 127  5 783  11 077  1 345  398  10  38 698 
By timing and major type of goods and services 
Revenue recognised at a point in time  17 958  2 127  4 729  11 077  392  36 292 
Coal  17 958  2 127  4 729  11 077  35 891 
Ferrosilicon  392  392 
Biological goods 
Revenue recognised over time  1 054  1 345  2 406 
Renewable energy  1 345  1 345 
Stock yard management services  159  159 
Project engineering services  895  895 
Transportation services 
Other services 
Total revenue  17 958  2 127  5 783  11 077  1 345  398  10  38 698 
By major geographic area of customer3 
Domestic  17 958  2 127  5 783  1 345  398  27 619 
Export  11 077  11 079 
Europe4  5 522  5 523 
Asia5  4 600  4 601 
Other  955        955 
Total revenue  17 958  2 127  5 783  11 077  1 345  398  10  38 698 
By major customer industries 
Public utilities  14 963  5 783  511  1 345  22 602 
Merchants  370  1 230  9 826  11 428 
Steel  1 462  152  1 614 
Mining  250  23  351  624 
Manufacturing  357  45  402 
Food and beverage  233  235 
Cement  262  70  314  646 
Chemicals  646  646 
Other  61  426  501 
Total revenue  17 958  2 127  5 783  11 077  1 345  398  10  38 698 
1 Coal segmental revenue is based on the origin of coal production
2 Relates to revenue sold by export distribution entity.
3 Determined based on the customer supplied by Exxaro.
4 Relates mainly to Switzerland and Germany.
5 Relates mainly to Singapore and Japan.
Coal  Ferrous  Other   
For the year ended 31 December 2022 Waterberg
Segmental revenue reconciliation                
Segmental revenue1 23 613 15 797 5 561   1 159 224 15 46 369
Export sales allocated to selling entity2 (7 621) (13 769)   21 390        
Total revenue 15 992 2 028 5 561 21 390 1 159 224 15 46 369
By timing and major type of goods and services                
Revenue recognised at a point in time 15 992 2 028 4 311 21 390   220 13 43 954
Coal 15 992 2 028 4 311 21 390       43 721
Ferrosilicon           220   220
Biological goods             13 13
Revenue recognised over time     1 250   1 159 4 2 2 415
Renewable energy         1 159     1 159
Stock yard management services     125         125
Project engineering services     1 125         1 125
Transportation services           2   2
Other services           2 2 4
Total revenue 15 992 2 028 5 561 21 390 1 159 224 15 46 369
By major geographic area of customer3                
Domestic 15 992 2 028 5 561   1 159 224 14 24 978
Export       21 390     1 21 391
Europe4       16 984       16 984
Asia5       3 899     1 3 900
Other       507       507
Total revenue 15 992 2 028 5 561 21 390 1 159 224 15 46 369
By major customer industries                
Public utilities 13 287   5 561 940 1 159     20 947
Merchants 315 1 363   19 840       21 518
Steel 1 317 125           1 442
Mining 242 44       180   466
Manufacturing 407 6   213   44   670
Food and beverage 145           1 146
Cement 223     158       381
Chemicals   481           481
Other 56 9   239     14 318
Total revenue 15 992 2 028 5 561 21 390 1 159 224 15 46 369
1 Coal segmental revenue is based on the origin of coal production
2 Relates to revenue sold by export distribution entity.
3 Determined based on the customer supplied by Exxaro.
4 Relates mainly to Switzerland and Germany.
5 Relates mainly to Singapore and Japan.

The group derives revenue from an external customer which accounts for at least 10% or more of the group's revenues, being 57% or R22 092 million (2022: 43% or R20 006 million).

The company derives the following revenue from its ordinary activities as an investment holding company and services company:

 For the year ended 31 December  Note 2023
Revenue from contracts with customers:   1 543 1 753
Rendering of services over time: Corporate management services rendered to subsidiaries 17.3.1 1 543 1 753
Dividend revenue:   8 153 11 476
Associates1   3 386 5 153
Subsidiaries 17.3.1 4 767 6 323
Interest revenue:   463 3 432
Subsidiaries 17.3.1 463 3 432
– Interest-bearing back-to-back loans receivable 17.3.1 443 370
Interest-bearing acquisition loans receivable 17.3.1 4 6
– Interest-bearing treasury facilities receivable 17.3.1 16 3 056
Total revenue 10 159 16 661
1 Dividends received from SIOC.
  • 6.1.3Operating expenses
    Group   Company  
For the year ended 31 December Note 2023
Cost by nature            
Operational expense items            
Raw materials and consumables   5 332 7 620   11 10
Depreciation and amortisation   2 715 2 681   199 179
Movement in inventories   140 124   7  
Staff costs   6 091 5 862   804 945
Other employee-related costs   239 244   70 50
Contract mining   1 494 812      
Repairs and maintenance   2 969 2 785   16 8
Railage and transport   3 178 3 019   1 1
Insurance   (138) 465   3 1
Exploration expenditure   8 15      
Royalties   1 142 1 821      
Water   79 79      
Energy   1 027 841   11 5
Information management costs   690 653   147 203
Legal and professional fees   487 387   97 130
Movement in provisions 13.3 70 474   (1) 7
Movement in retirement employee obligations 14.4 11 9      
Travel and subsistence   94 86   23 19
Security and office cleaning services   111 85   4 4
Licenses   6 6     1
Stock yard management services   159 125      
Project engineering services   895 1 125      
Financial gains and losses            
Currency exchange differences   (124) (777)   (5) (113)
ECLs on financial assets at amortised cost   21 79   328 29
Write-off of trade and other receivables 6.2.3 4 2     3
Write-off of ESD loans   2 2   2 2
Fair value (gains)/losses recognised on financial instruments at FVPL   (588) 228   (3) (1)
Hedge ineffectiveness on cash flow hedges   18 13      
General items and expenses            
Loss on disposal of subsidiary 8.3         42
Loss on dilution of investment in associate 9.5   2      
Write-off of other current assets   32     5  
Net losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment   57 97   36 9
Movement in indemnification asset   5 (5)      
Expenses relating to short-term leases   567 342   1 1
Expenses relating to variable lease expenses of right-of-use assets   75 5      
Operating lease income   (36) (36)   (7) (7)
(Gain)/loss on termination or modification of lease     (3)   2  
Loss on termination of right-of-use asset     1      
Research and development costs   2 1      
Own work capitalised1   (434) (396)      
General charges   1 671 1 275   151 233
Total operating expenses   28 071 30 148   1 895 1 761
1 Relates to operating expenses incurred that are capitalised to projects where qualifying criteria are met.

The following operating expense items have been further disaggregated:

    Group Company
For the year ended 31 December Note 2023
Staff costs   6 091 5 862 804 945
– Salaries and wages   5 312 5 104   629  744
– Share-based payment expense   212 207 129 129
– Termination benefits   23 46 4 30
– Pension and medical costs   544 505 42 42
Consultancy fees1   284 265 64 80
Auditor's remuneration1   33 29 14 11
– Audit fees   30 27 11  11
– Other services   3 2 3  
Depreciation and amortisation   2 715 2 681 199 179
– Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 10.1.3 2 483 2 457 137  125
– Depreciation of right-of-use assets 11.3 57 58 52 52
– Amortisation of intangible assets 10.2.3 175 166 10 2
Fair value (gains)/losses recognised on financial instruments at FVPL   (588) 228 (3) (1)
– Derivative financial instruments   (278) 229    
– Debt investments: environmental rehabilitation funds   (216) (6) (3) (1)
– Debt investments: portfolio investments   (4) 5    
– Debt investments: deposit facilities   (90)      
Currency exchange differences   (124) (777) (5) (113)
– Net realised gains   (78) (809) (21)  (125)
– Net unrealised (gains)/losses   (46) 32 16 12
1 Disclosed as part of legal and professional fees.
1 Disclosed as part of legal and professional fees.
Group  Company 
For the year ended 31 December  2023
ECLs on financial assets at amortised cost (impairment loss/(reversal of impairment loss)):  21  79  328  29 
Other financial assets at amortised cost  (3) (2)
– Performing  (3) (2)
ESD Loans  44  (2) 44  (2)
– Performing 
– Non-performing  44  (3) 44  (3)
Lease receivables  (1)
– Performing  (1)
Vendor finance loan  (7) (7)
– Performing  (7) (7)
Trade and other receivables  (45) 26  (1) (1)
Trade receivables  (5)
– Performing  (6)
– Non-performing 
Other receivables  (40) 21 
– Non-performing  (40) 21 
Indebtedness by subsidiaries  (1) (1)
– Performing        (1) (1)
Non-interest bearing loans to subsidiaries        (5)
– Performing        (9)
– Non-performing          
Other financial assets at amortised cost  (2) (3) (2) (3)
– Performing  (2) (3) (2) (3)
ESD loans  28  66  28  66 
– Performing  (1)    (1)   
– Non-performing  29  66  29  66 
Vendor finance loan  (1) (1)
– Performing  (1) (1)
Treasury facilities with subsidiaries at amortised cost        265  (31)   
– Performing        (2) (31)
– Non-performing        267