Exxaro Resources Limited
Consolidated Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves report
31 December 2023

Coal Resources

The table below details the total inclusive Coal Resources estimated as at 31 December 2023.

Table 9: Coal Resources and qualities

      2023 2022  
      Tonnes and quality3 Tonnes and quality3 %  
Operation1   Resource category Tonnes (Mt) CV MJ/ kg % Ash % IM % VM % S Tonnes (Mt) (Mt) CV MJ/ kg % Ash % IM % VM % S
Matla mine Measured 634 20.1 29.9 4.6 22.2 1.0 657 19.9 30.3 4.6 22.1 1.0 (4)
(UG) (captive market) Indicated 92 19.9 29.7 4.6 21.8 0.8 91 20.5 28.6 4.7 22.0 0.8
Mpumalanga 100% attributed Inferred 85 19.7 30.9 4.2 20.7 0.8 87 20.3 29.7 4.4 21.4 0.8 (3)
Total 810 20.0 29.9 4.6 22.0 1.0 835 20.0 30.0 4.6 22.0 0.9 (3)
to Exxaro2
Resources inside LoMP 294 20.9 27.7 4.9 23.0 1.0 308 20.8 28.0 4.8 22.9 1.0 (5)
Leeuwpan mine Measured 63.4 20.0 31.2 3.3 18.5 1.1 65.8 20.3 30.2 3.3 18.9 1.1 (4)
(OC) (commercial market) Indicated 0.0           0.0            
Mpumalanga 100% attributed Inferred 0.0           3.6 19.8 35.4 2.5 14.9 0.9 (100)
Total 63.4 20.0 31.2 3.3 18.5 1.1 69.4 20.3 30.5 3.2 18.7 1.1 (9)
to Exxaro2
Resources inside LoMP5 35.7 20.1 30.1 3.1 19.6 1.1 40.5 20.3 29.5 3.2 19.8 1.2 (12)
Mafube mine6 Measured 141.0 21.1 27.2 3.9 22.0 1.0 125.0 20.2 29.2 3.7 21.1 0.9 13 
(OC) (commercial market) Indicated 2.2 21.3 26.1 4.4 21.2 1.0 16.3 20.4 29.8 3.6 21.7 0.9 (87)
Mpumalanga 50% attributed Inferred 0.6 20.8 28.2 3.6 20.8 0.5 2.5 19.1 32.2 3.7 19.7 0.8 (76)
Total 143.8 21.1 27.2 3.9 22.0 1.0 143.8 20.2 29.3 3.6 21.2 0.9
to Exxaro2
Resources inside LoMP 115.3 21.0 27.4 3.9 22.1 1.1 127.1 20.0 29.7 3.6 21.1 0.9 (9)
Belfast mine Measured 98.4 23.6 21.9 3.6 22.9 1.2 101.6 23.7 21.7 3.6 22.9 1.2 (3)
(OC) (mining right) Indicated 8.0 22.8 24.4 3.5 22.5 1.3 8.0 22.8 24.5 3.5 22.5 1.3
Mpumalanga 100% attributed Inferred 13.3 22.3 25.2 3.7 21.9 1.1 13.3 22.3 25.2 3.7 21.9 1.1
Total 119.7 23.4 22.4 3.6 22.7 1.2 122.9 23.5 22.3 3.6 22.7 1.2 (3)
to Exxaro2
Resources inside LoMP 35.9 24.8 18.9 3.6 23.6 1.2 38.9 24.8 18.8 3.6 23.6 1.2 (8)
Grootegeluk mine Volksrust Formation Measured 2 250 14.2 54.7 1.8 19.7 1.2 2 297 14.2 54.7 1.8 19.7 1.2 (2)
(commercial market)
  Indicated 738 14.1 55.2 1.7 19.5 1.4 738 14.1 55.2 1.7 19.5 1.4
100% attributed
  Inferred 144 14.0 55.0 1.9 19.5 1.3 144 14.0 55.0 1.9 19.5 1.3
to Exxaro2 Total 3 133 14.1 54.8 1.8 19.6 1.3 3 179 14.1 54.8 1.8 19.6 1.3 (1)
Resources inside LoMP 2 225 14.2 54.6 1.8 19.8 1.2 2 272 14.2 54.6 1.7 19.8 1.2 (2)
Grootegeluk mine Vryheid Formation Measured 728 24.0 27.2 1.9 22.3 2.2 742 24.0 27.2 1.9 22.3 2.2 (2)
(OC) (commercial market)   Indicated 229 24.0 27.8 1.7 21.9 2.3 229 24.0 27.8 1.7 21.9 2.3
Limpopo 100% attributed to Exxaro2   Inferred 34 24.2 26.7 1.9 21.9 2.1 34 24.2 26.7 1.9 21.9 2.1
Total 991 24.0 27.3 1.8 22.2 2.2 1 004 24.0 27.3 1.8 22.2 2.2 (1)
Resources inside LoMP 513 24.5 25.7 1.9 22.7 2.3 524 24.5 25.9 1.8 22.6 2.3 (2)
Total Measured 2 978 16.6 48.0 1.8 20.3 1.5 3 039 16.6 48.0 1.8 20.3 1.5 (2)
Grootegeluk mine Indicated 967 16.4 48.7 1.7 20.1 1.6 967 16.4 48.7 1.7 20.1 1.6
(OC) (commercial market) Limpopo 100% attributed to Exxaro2 Inferred 178 15.9 49.6 1.9 19.9 1.4 178 15.9 49.6 1.9 19.9 1.4
Total 4 123 16.5 48.2 1.8 20.2 1.5 4 184 16.5 48.2 1.8 20.2 1.5 (1)
Resources inside Grootegeluk opencast LoMP 2 739 16.2 49.2 1.7 20.3 1.4 2 796 16.2 49.2 1.7 20.3 1.4 (2)
Thabametsi Measured 270 13.0 52.3 1.9 20.0 1.2 270 13.0 52.3 1.9 20.0 1.2
project Indicated 749 12.6 53.1 1.8 19.8 1.1 749 12.6 53.1 1.8 19.8 1.1
(OC/UG) (mining right) Limpopo 100% attributed to Exxaro2 Inferred 2 857 12.7 52.7 1.9 19.3 1.3 2 857 12.7 52.7 1.9 19.3 1.3
Total 3 876 12.7 52.7 1.9 19.7 1.3 3 876 12.7 52.7 1.9 19.7 1.3
Resources inside IPP7 LoMP 133 12.0 54.7 1.9 20.0 1.0 133 12.0 54.7 1.9 20.0 1.0
Moranbah South Measured 484.6 26.9 23.6 2.6 18.5 0.6 484.6 26.9 23.6 2.6 18.5 0.6
project8 Indicated 226.0 27.4 21.4 2.6 17.8 0.5 226.0 27.4 21.4 2.6 17.8 0.5
(UG) (prospecting) Australia 50% attributed to Exxaro2 Inferred 29.7 29.7 19.6 2.7 16.9 0.5 29.7 29.7 19.6 2.7 16.9 0.5
Total 740.4 27.1 22.8 2.6 18.2 0.6 740.4 27.1 22.8 2.6 18.2 0.6
  • Rounding of figures may cause computational discrepancies.
  • All changes more than 10% in the total Resources of an operation are explained. Tonnages are quoted in metric tonnes and million tonnes is abbreviated as Mt.
  • Coal Resources and qualities (raw coal) are quoted on an MTIS and air-dried basis (adb).
  • Coal Resources are quoted inclusive of Coal Resources that have been modified to Coal Reserves, unless otherwise stated.
  • Resources inside LoMP refer to MTIS Resources in the LoMP layout.
  • Thickness and quality cut-offs applied at each project or mine are stated in the ancillary section.
1 Operation refers to operating mine or significant project. The mining methods are opencast (OC) and underground (UG).
2 Figures are reported at 100%, irrespective of percentage attributable to Exxaro, and refer to 2023 only.
3 Raw coal qualities (adb); CV: calorific value (gross), IM: inherent moisture, S: total sulphur and VM: volatile matter.
4 The percentage difference between 2023 reported MTIS and 2022 reported MTIS. Brackets signify a decrease.
5 The decrease is the result of new information and sterilisation that occurred during mine plan execution.
6 Movements within categories are the result of new information.
7 Independent power producer (IPP).
8 Estimates are received from Anglo American Steelmaking Coal Proprietary Limited and not audited by Exxaro.