Exxaro Resources Limited
Consolidated Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves report
31 December 2023

Kumba Iron Ore Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

Table 14: Kumba Iron Ore Mineral Resources (in addition to Ore Reserves)

            2023     2022  
  Operation/project Ore type %
to Exxaro

Resource category
Average %
% Fe
Tonnage (Mt) Average %
% Fe
  In situ Mineral Resources
(in addition to Ore
    Measured (outside LoAP) 52.1 65.1 50 52.1 65.1 50
Indicated (outside LoAP) 62.1 63.1 62.1 63.1
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 114.2 64.0 114.2 64.0
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 1.2 64.7 1.2 64.7
Inferred (outside LoAP) 17.3 62.5 17.4 62.5
Total Inferred 18.5 62.6 18.6 62.6
Sub-total 132.7 63.8 132.8 63.8
Long-term stockpiled
Mineral Resources (in
addition to Ore Reserves)
Measured (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Indicated (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Inferred (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Inferred 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub-total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  Total Mineral Resources
(in addition to Ore
    Measured (outside LoAP) 52.1 65.1 52.1 65.1
Indicated (outside LoAP) 62.1 63.1 62.1 63.1
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 114.2 64.0 114.2 64.0
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 1.2 64.7 1.2 64.7
Inferred (outside LoAP) 17.3 62.5 17.4 62.5
Total Inferred 18.5 62.6 18.6 62.6
Sub-total 132.7 63.8 132.8 63.0
  In situ Mineral Resources
(in addition to Ore
    Measured (outside LoAP) 241.3 56.5 40 175.3 59.4 40
Indicated (outside LoAP) 194.9 55.1 222.2 55.4
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 436.2 55.9 397.4 57.2
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 1.4 59.5 11.7 50.6
Inferred (outside LoAP) 7.8 47.8 24.4 56.7
Total Inferred 9.1 49.6 36.1 54.7
Sub-total 445.3 55.8 433.5 57.0
Long-term stockpiled
Mineral Resources (in
addition to Ore Reserves)
Measured (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Indicated (outside LoAP) 7.8 53.4 0.0 0.0
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 7.8 53.4 0.0 0.0
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Inferred (outside LoAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Inferred 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub-total 7.8 53.4 0.0 0.0
  Total Mineral Resources
(in addition to Ore
    Measured (outside LoAP) 241.3 56.5 175.3 59.4
      Indicated (outside LoAP) 202.7 55.0 222.2 55.4
      Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 444.0 55.8 397.4 57.2
      Inferred (considered in LoAP) 1.4 59.5 11.7 50.6
      Inferred (outside LoAP) 7.8 47.8 24.4 56.7
      Total Inferred 9.1 49.6 36.1 54.7
      Sub-total 453.1 55.7 433.5 57.0
Company Kumba Iron Ore
Grand total Mineral
Resources (in addition
to Ore Reserves)
Measured (outside LoAP) 293.4 58.0

227.4 60.7
Indicated (outside LoAP) 264.7 56.9 284.2 57.1
Measured and Indicated (outside LoAP) 558.1 57.5 511.6 58.7
Inferred (considered in LoAP) 2.6 61.9 12.9 51.9
Inferred (outside LoAP) 25.1 58.0 41.8 59.1
Total Inferred 27.7 58.4 54.7 57.4
Sub-total 585.8 57.5 566.3 58.6
For operations over which Exxaro has no management control, please refer to the relevant company’s website for supplementary information: www.angloamericankumba.com/investors
Mineral Resources are reported as additional to Ore Reserves.
The tonnages are quoted in dry metric tonnes and million tonnes is abbreviated as Mt.
Rounding of figures may cause computational discrepancies
Mineral Resource figures are reported at 100%, irrespective of percentage attributable to Exxaro ownership.
The term Inferred Mineral Resource (outside life of asset plan (LoAP)) refers to that portion of the Inferred Mineral Resources not utilised in the LoAP.
The term Inferred Mineral Resource (considered for LoAP) refers to that portion of the Inferred Mineral Resources utilised in the LoAP; reported without having any modifying factors applied –
therefore the term “considered for LoAP” instead of “inside LoAP”.
While it would be reasonable to expect that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources would upgrade in confidence to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration, due to the
uncertainty of Inferred Mineral Resources, it should not be assumed that such upgrading will always occur on a one-to-one basis.
** The cut-off grade quoted for each of the Kumba sites is a fixed in situ Fe percentage.
1 Kolomela mine:Mineral Resources are reported above a cut-off of 50.0%. The exclusive Mineral Resources remained flat year-on-year with an insignificant net decrease recorded compared to
2022, as a result of the decision taken to deplete the 2022 LoAP for 2023 as the LoAP will only be updated in 2024. The minor 0.1Mt decrease represents the forecasted depletion of Inferred
Mineral Resources for 2023.
2 Sishen mine:Mineral Resources are reported above a cut-off of 40.0% Fe in situ. The Sishen exclusive Mineral Resources 5% year-on-year net increase is primarily the result of a reallocation
of Ore Reserves to Mineral Resources because of the decrease in the pit layout size, resulting in a 52.6Mt increase in Mineral Resources (mainly low-grade ore). The Resource shell changes, as a
result of the reduction in the revenue factor from 1.6 (2022) to 1.3 (2023), were minimal. The increase was partially offset by a decrease of 26.4Mt based on the 2023 geological model update,
considering additional borehole data.

Table 15: Kumba Iron Ore, Ore Reserves

  Operation/project Operation
Ore type %
to Exxaro
(% Fe)
(% Fe)
yield (%)
tonnage (Mt)
grade (% Fe)
Ore Reserves from pit
Open pit
Proved 87.9 64.2 50 11 94.3 83.0 65.0
Probable 22.2 63.3 20.9 64.2
Sub-total 110.1 64.0 103.9 64.8
Ore Reserves from
RoM buffer stockpiles
Proved 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Probable 22.7 56.0 21.4 56.9
Sub-total 22.7 56.0 21.4 56.9
Total Ore Reserves Proved 87.9 64.2 83.0 65.0
Probable 44.9 59.6 42.3 60.5
Sub-total 132.8 62.6 125.3 63.5
Ore Reserves from pit
Open pit
Proved 402.2 57.2 Value
15 63.4 281.5 65.0
Probable 119.2 48.5 61.3 61.7
Sub-total 521.4 55.3 342.8 64.4
Ore Reserves from
RoM buffer stockpiles
Proved 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Probable 77.2 46.3 36.8 61.1
Sub-total 77.2 46.3 36.8 61.1
Total Ore Reserves Proved 402.2 57.2 281.5 65.0
Probable 196.5 47.6 98.1 61.5
Sub-total 598.6 54.0 379.6 64.1
Company Kumba Iron Ore
Grand total Ore Reserves      
      Proved 490.1 58.5     69.0 364.4 65.0
      Probable 241.3 49.8    
140.5 61.2
      Sub-total 731.4 55.6     504.9 63.9
  Operation/project Operation
Ore type %
to Exxaro
(% Fe)
Grade cut-off*
(% Fe)
yield (%)
tonnage (Mt)
grade (% Fe)
Ore Reserves from pit
Open pit
Proved 97.9 63.8     94.3 92.3 64.8
Probable 21.8 63.5     20.5 64.3
Sub-total 119.6 63.7     112.9 64.7
Ore Reserves from
RoM buffer stockpiles
Proved 0.0 0.0     0.0 0.0
Probable 21.4 61.1 50 12 20.2 62.1
Sub-total 21.4 61.1     20.2 62.1
Total Ore Reserves Proved 97.9 63.8     92.3 64.8
Probable 43.2 62.3     40.7 63.2
Sub-total 141.1 63.3     133.1 64.3
Ore Reserves from pit
Open pit
Proved 364.9 57.6     64.5 255.5 64.7
Probable 192.8 47.7     107.2 59.8
Sub-total 557.7 54.2     362.8 63.3
Ore Reserves from
RoM buffer stockpiles
Probable 60.7 52.3 40 17 36.3 63.0
Sub-total 60.7 52.3     36.3 63.0
Total Ore Reserves Proved 364.9 57.6     255.5 64.7
Probable 253.5 48.8     143.6 60.6
Sub-total 618.4 54.0     399.1 63.2
Company Kumba Iron Ore
Grand total Ore Reserves      

      Proved 462.8 58.9     347.9 64.7
      Probable 296.7 50.8     184.3 61.2
      Sub-total 759.4 55.7     532.2 63.5
For operations over which Exxaro has no management control, please refer to the relevant company’s website for supplementary information:: www.angloamericankumba.com/investors
The tonnages are quoted in dry metric tonnes and million tonnes is abbreviated as Mt.
Rounding of figures may cause computational discrepancies.
Ore Reserve figures are reported at 100%, irrespective of percentage attributable to Exxaro ownership.
Saleable product figures are reported at 100%, irrespective of percentage attributable to Exxaro ownership.
Yield is calculated as: saleable product tonnes/Ore Reserves tonnes x 100.
The cut-off grade assigned to Ore Reserves is variable and is dependent on the beneficiability and/or blending capacity of the modified ore scheduled as RoM, which is iteratively determined during LoAP scheduling to achieve a scheduling grade target that is set to meet the client product
specifications. The % Fe cut-off illustrated is therefore the lowest of a range of variable cut-offs for the various mining areas.
** Reserve life represents the period in years in the approved LoAP for scheduled extraction of Proved and Probable Reserves. The Reserve life is limited to the period during which the Ore Reserves can be economically exploited. Where the scheduled Ore Reserves fall below 25% of the
average annual production rate, the period beyond this is excluded from the Reserve life. The Reserve life also does not exceed the security of tenure expiry date.
$ Sishen has introduced a value-based approach to mining block modelling to allow pit optimisation to determine what portion of the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources is economically mineable and can be converted to Ore Reserves and subsequent saleable product. This involves
the replacement of the 40% Fe Ore Reserve cut-off grade with a value-based cut-off approach whereby the economic mineability of each selective mining unit (SMU) in the mining block model is determined by comparing the cost of mining and beneficiating the SMU ore and the selling of
the SMU product against the income generated by the SMU product type, based on the long-term price (considering grade penalties) and exchange rate. The product estimated for each SMU ore block is derived from cut-offs applied to saleable product grade and yield parameters assigned
to each block via beneficiation algorithms.
1 Kolomela mine: Ore Reserves are reported above a processing plant feed-derived cut-off of 50.0% Fe inclusive of dilution. Kolomela’s Ore Reserves decreased by 8.2Mt (-6%) from 2022 to 2023, primarily attributable to the 2023 forecasted depletion (-11.6Mt) of Ore Reserves (excluding
modified Inferred Mineral Resource RoM), partially offset by other minor positive movements. The 2023 Kolomela Ore Reserve estimate was derived by depleting the 2022 LoAP of Kolomela, as the LoAP will only be updated in 2024.
2 Sishen mine:Ore Reserves decreased by 19.8Mt (-3%) from 2022 to 2023, primarily as a result of a change in criteria applied during pit optimisation whereby the revenue factor used to derive the pit layout was reduced from 1.0 (2022) to 0.8 (2023), resulting in a 54.9Mt Ore Reserve
being reallocated to Mineral Resources, combined with a 30.9Mt decrease as a result of the forecasted depletion for 2023. The decrease was partially offset by a 50.2Mt increase in Ore Reserves based on a new value-based approach to mining block modelling.