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Principle |
| Applicable actions, policies and processes |
The governing body should serve as the focal point and custodian of corporate governance in the organisation [3.1] |
- The board as a whole remains accountable for corporate governance
- Approved a new group governance framework applicable to the full group of companies, which reaffirms the Exxaro board as the focal point of corporate governance
- The board entrenches corporate governance throughout the organisation at all levels of decision making
- The board attends mandatory governance sessions for directors and executive management twice a year
- New directors received a formal induction on appointment
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The governing body should ensure, in its composition, a balance of the skills, experience, diversity, independence and knowledge needed to discharge its role and responsibilities [3.2] |
- The board adopted a nomination and appointment policy to provide a framework and set standards for the nomination and appointment of relevant, fit and proper, suitably skilled and ethical non-executive directors to the board of the company
- The nomination committee ensures that the board's composition comprises the appropriate level of skills, experience, diversity, independence and knowledge of which the appointments in 2021 and 2022 are testimony
- The remuneration and nomination committee reviews its terms of reference annually
- An approved skills and experience matrix facilitates directors' appointments
- The board annually reviews and approves its diversity and inclusion targets
- Directors receive a formal appointment letter
- Directors declare any outside interests on appointment and before any meetings commence with annual reviews of these declarations by the SERC
- The board appoints the lead independent director
- A formal division exists between the CEO and chairperson's duties as per the board charter
- The board reviewed its charter in 2021
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The governing body should consider creating additional governing structures to assist with balancing power and effective discharge of responsibilities without abdicating accountability [3.3] |
- The board has reviewed the mandates and delegated powers to its board committees with the most significant changes to the SERC, RBR committee and the investment committee
- All board committees have formally approved terms of reference, which are reviewed annually
- The board assesses the composition of board committees annually and has made several changes to board committee composition
- The composition of board committees complies with the Companies Act, Exxaro's MoI, King IV and each committee's terms of reference
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The governing body should ensure that the appointment of and delegation to competent executive management contributes to an effective arrangement through which authority and responsibilities are exercised [3.4] |
- A clear division of power exists between the CEO and chairperson as per the approved board charter
- The board monitors the performance of the executives
- The executive committees have formal terms of reference that were reviewed in 2021
- The board approves the group delegation of authority and reviews it at least annually, including a separate focused delegation applicable to the energy business
- The board appoints the company secretary
- The board assesses the company secretary's performance annually
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The governing body should ensure that the evaluation of its own performance and that of its committees, its chair and its individual members supports continuous improvement in its performance and effectiveness [3.5] |
- The board conducted a high-level independent assessment through questionnaires and one-on-one interviews early in 2022
- The chairperson conducts a formal assessment
- The chairperson oversees a formal implementation plan to address potential shortcomings flowing from the evaluation, which is reported on to the board
- Two governance board sessions are arranged throughout the year
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The governing body should govern risk and opportunity in a way that supports the organisation in defining core purpose, and to set and achieve strategic objectives [4.1] |
- The board approves and periodically reviews the ERM framework
- The board links Exxaro's strategy, risks, risk appetite and performance via the strategic performance dashboard
- An updated strategy process was adopted by the board to provide for a continuous cycle in ensuring an integrated strategy across Exxaro businesses, supporting Exxaro's purpose
- An integrated risk management approach is applied in the strategy review process, including the identification of emerging risks
- The strategic performance dashboard was reviewed with a revised philosophy based on the Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy with new focused KPIs for the board cascading down to management
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The governing body should govern technology and information in a way that supports the organisation in defining core purpose, and to set and achieve strategic objectives [4.2] |
- The RBR committee monitors IM-specific risks and security posture
- The audit committee exercises ongoing oversight of technology and information management
- The audit committee delegates IT governance to the IM steering committee
- The IM steering committee has formal terms of reference and its scope includes reviewing the IT strategy in support of the overall business as well as IT risks, IT audit findings and IT compliance
- The IM steering committee reports to the audit committee quarterly
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The governing body should govern compliance with laws and ensure consideration of adherence to non-binding rules, codes and standards [4.3] |
- The board formally approves the compliance policy
- The board fully integrates the compliance process with the risk process
- The board conducts compliance awareness of high legal risks annually
- Exxaro subjects the compliance process to independent assurance annually
- Exxaro developed CSA questionnaires to enable managers to assess compliance with licence to operate requirements
- The regulatory compliance universe has been reviewed and updated with the necessary content to assist management with an understanding of the relevant legislation
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The governing body should ensure that the organisation remunerates fairly, responsibly and transparently to promote the creation of value in a sustainable manner [4.4] |
- The remuneration committee determines strategy and policy
- Shareholders vote on the remuneration policy at the AGM
- Formal engagement takes place with shareholders
- The remuneration policy dealing with the STI and LTI principles was amended in 2021 following engagement with shareholders
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The governing body should ensure that assurance results in an effective control environment and integrity of reports for better decision making [4.5] |
- The audit committee approves the internal audit charter and plan annually
- The audit committee approves the external audit plan annually
- A formal policy has been adopted to serve as a framework for engagement of auditors to supply non-audit services to the group
- Exxaro has a risk-based internal and external audit report
- Combined assurance forum with formally approved terms of reference ensures coordination of assurance activities
- The audit committee monitors all findings
- Internal audit performance forms part of every executive member's KPIs
- The board appointed a chief audit officer, independent of management, who chairs the combined assurance forum
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