Exxaro Resources Limited
Integrated report 2022

Our business model

Our business model depicts the capital inputs we need to conduct our activities and deliver our products.

Our inputs

The resources and relationships we rely on (as at 31 December 2022)

Click on the icons below for further information on the capitals

  • Our inputs: Natural CapitalNATURAL CAPITAL
  • Our inputs: Human CapitalHUMAN CAPITAL
  • Our inputs: Social and Relationship CaptialSOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL
  • Our inputs: Manufactured CaptitalMANUFACTURED CAPITAL
  • Our inputs: Intellectual CapitalINTELLECTUAL CAPITAL
  • Our inputs: Financial CapitalFINANCIAL CAPITAL


The natural resources we rely on to run our business and create our products

  • RoM: 74.48Mtpa (2021: 69.4Mtpa)
  • Land managed: 62 603ha (active and inactive mines)
  • Water consumption: 10 419ML (2021: 10 281ML)
  • Diesel: 83 268kL (2021: 84 852kL)
  • Electricity: 590 078MWh (2021: 601 717MWh)
  • Land rehabilitated: 2 000ha (2021: 1 933ha)

The capital constraints and trade-offs we face

These affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives and value creation.

  • Natural resources, including the Mineral Resources we rely on, are finite and must be managed carefully
  • Balancing the need for energy that supports economic growth (primarily coal fuelled) with the need to transition to a low-carbon economy


The people who manage our business and perform our operational activities

  • Employees: 6 745 (2021: 6 745)
  • Contractors: 12 497 (2021: 12 068)
  • Investment in skills development and talent management: R331 million (2021: R276 million)
  • Investment in employee remuneration: R4.3 billion (2021: R4.1 billion)
  • Culture: connect2NEXT

The capital constraints and trade-offs we face

These affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives and value creation.

  • Attracting and retaining the right employees with the necessary skills for now and into the future remains challenging in a competitive market


The relationships that provide our social licence to operate


The physical mining, energy and property assets that enable us to deliver our products

  • Five mines (including one joint venture), one ferro-silicon manufacturing facility, one coal project and two windfarms
  • Sustaining capital: R1.4 billion (2021: R1.6 billion)
  • Expansion capital: R0.3 billion (2021: R0.8 billion)
  • Investment in property, plant and equipment: R1.7 billion (2021: R2.5 billion)

The capital constraints and trade-offs we face

These affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives and value creation.

  • Manufactured capital remains costly with delays in project completions hampering growth


The unique combination of knowledge, experience, innovation and systems that differentiate Exxaro

  • Continued investment in world-class digitalisation
  • Business excellence integrated into the business
  • Leadership and management training: 264 people attended (2021: 322)
  • Significant investment in updating and aligning our strategy to our purpose and long-term goals
  • Continued investment in leading governance structures: changes in board and engagement with investors

The capital constraints and trade-offs we face

These affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives and value creation.

  • As the world evolves at an unprecedented pace, technologically and in terms of the operating context, rapid innovation and ideation is more important than ever and remains challenging


The financial assets that enable us to deliver on our strategy

  • Adjusted equity-accounted income: R7.3 billion (2021: R9.8 billion)
  • Adjusted EBITDA: R19.0 billion (2021: R10.7 billion)
  • Cash dividend paid to external shareholders: R6.7 billion (2021: R9.6 billion)
  • Cash dividend paid to BEE Parties: R2.2 billion (2021: R3.1 billion)
  • Revenue: R46.4 billion (2021: R32.8 billion)
  • Balance sheet strength

The capital constraints and trade-offs we face

These affect our ability to achieve our strategic objectives and value creation.

  • In a low-growth environment, financial capital remains costly and scarce

Our activities

What we do

Our business activities align with our strategy of strengthening our resilience and ensuring we deliver sustainable value through a robust portfolio in a low-carbon economy.

Our purpose guides our activities, ensuring we continue providing critical resources that support South Africa's sustainable economic and social development in a way that will accelerate change and ultimately safeguard the value we create for our stakeholders over time. We are committed to making a deliberate positive impact through our physical outputs and the way we do business.

Our activities comprise:

Responsible mining

  • Delivering resources to support the country's energy needs
  • Responsible environmental stewardship

Renewable energy operations (own use and grid supply)

  • Deliver renewable energy products and services
  • Build a leading global renewable energy solutions business by 2030

Strategising for future relevance and a just transition

  • Developing a roadmap for a just transition to a low-carbon economy

Diversified equity investments

  • SIOC (iron ore)
  • Black Mountain

Delivering sustainable impact and responsible practices

  • Driving diversity and inclusion
  • Values-based leadership
  • Effective governance
  • Investments in community development initiatives
  • Stakeholder engagement and communication

Although we strive to create value through our business activities and our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy, we have a negative impact on some capitals. We remain committed to negating these negative impacts while creating positive impacts beyond compliance by using our recognised ESG, brand and culture.

Our business model does not operate in isolation. It impacts and is impacted by our:

Impact on value:   Net increase in value
Year-on-year change:   Positive increase
    Negative increase
Net value preservation
Net value erosion
Positive decrease
Negative decreaseManufactured

Our outputs

Our product


43.1Mt product volumes (2021: 42.5Mt)

Renewable energy

671GWh wind energy (2021: 724GWh)

Iron ore (SIOC)

R4.9 billion adjusted equity-accounted income (2021: R9 billion)


1 624t hazardous waste (2021: 520t) 971ktCO2e emissions (2021: 995ktCO2e)

Our outcomes

Creating, preserving or eroding value: To ensure sustainability, our positive impacts must reach far and wide. We must be a catalyst for meaningful change with our legacy measurable long after mining ceases.

This should be embodied in creating opportunities and economies that sustain communities and broader society for future generations.

Click on the icons below for further information on the capitals

  • Our outcomes: Natural CapitalNATURAL CAPITAL
  • Our outcomes: Human CapitalHUMAN CAPITAL
  • Our outcomes: Social and Relationship CapitalSOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL
  • Our outcomes: Manufactured CaptialMANUFACTURED CAPITAL
  • Our outcomes: Intellectual CapitalINTELLECTUAL CAPITAL
  • Our outcomes: Financial CapitalFINANCIAL CAPITAL


Despite a focused approach to environmental stewardship, we have an overall negative impact on the environment and thus erode natural capital. This is because we extract natural resources as part of our business activities and depend on these natural resources.

How we are improving our outcomes

  • Mine responsibly
  • Minimise our environmental impacts
  • Actively participate in the just energy transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Reduce the risk of stranded assets
  • Active land management
  • Ensure biodiversity stewardship
  • Increase the proportion of high-quality coal in our product mix
  • Continue improving our good cost control and resource efficiency
Carbon intensity: 0.5% increase (2021: 13% increase)
Water intensity: 0.5% increase (2021: 9% increase
Environmental incidents: zero (2021: zero level 3)
Valid mining rights: 100% (2021: 100%)
Safety stoppage directives: seven (2021: two)

Affected SDGs


As part of ensuring we have the right people to drive us forward, we invest in, upskill and offer our employees an attractive value proposition, thereby increasing our overall human capital. This investment extends to potential future employees and the communities who provide labour to our operations.
We preserve the value of our human capital by being mindful of the safety and health of our employees and host communities, and striving to achieve zero harm through collective responsibility, commitment and risk awareness.

How we are improving our outcomes

  • Remain committed to achieving zero harm
  • Work with employees and contractors to eradicate any safety incidents
  • Continue to invest in employees
Employee and contractor fatalities: one (2021: zero)
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR): 0.05 (2021: 0.08)
Occupational health incident frequency rate (OHIFR): 0.16 (2021: 0.16)
Scarce skills retention: 4.4% (2021: 3.7% (on target))

Affected SDGs


Affected SDGs


Our investment in our portfolio of quality assets to meet changing market demands increases our manufactured capital.
However, these investments decrease our financial capital and natural capital.

How we are improving our outcomes

  • Optimise our manufactured assets
  • Fast track our decarbonisation and investments to generate predictable long-term cash flows and increase portfolio diversification
Marginal timeline overruns in mega-projects
Implementation cost for mega-projects on target

Affected SDGs


We continue increasing our competencies across mining and renewable energy. Our focus on business resilience, investments in innovation, digitalisation and technology – for example, our renewable energy risk and opportunity domain analysis (RRODA) tool/platform – increase intellectual capital.
Our collective knowledge, skills and resources positively impact human, social and relationship, and manufactured capital.

How we are improving our outcomes

  • Maintain our competitive advantage through innovation and digitalisation
  • Build on an already successful business as we mature, using our intellectual capital and differentiation with a long-term vision to develop a sustainable, growth-orientated, value-driven company
  • Become a leading international renewable solutions provider by the end of the decade
Core system availability: 97.94% (2021: 99.55%)
Secure scorecard: 76.35% (2021: 63.45%)

Affected SDGs


To ensure we positively impact financial capital and create value over time, we have a strong balance sheet and cash-generative coal business, a strategy that builds off our core purpose and capabilities, and a leadership team fully aligned with the need to create a carbon-resilient business. We deliver financial value and empower people to create impact and self-sustaining economic activity.
We invest and distribute our financial resources to support our strategy, increase efficiency, expand operations and maximise value.

How we are improving our outcomes

  • Continue focusing on initiatives designed to lower costs, increase quality and manage our risk profile to deliver financial value
  • Carefully consider how we allocate capital to achieve our strategic goals and invest in our current operations and future growth plans
  • Create value for our broader stakeholders by continuously delivering solid returns to shareholders and ensuring we have the financial resources to implement our growth plans and social development objectives
EBITDA margin: 41% (2021: 33%)
Return on capital employed (ROCE): 45% (2021: 36%)
Adjusted HEPS: 6 016 cents per share (2021: 4 683 cents per share)
Market capitalisation: R75.9 billion (2021: R53.4 billion)
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Driving transition through leadership
Driving value creation through transition
About our integrated report
Chairperson's statement
About Exxaro
Sustainable growth and impact
Our operating context

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Our business model
Our material matters
Our business risks and opportunities
Creating value through stakeholder engagement

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CEO's report
Our strategy: positioning Exxaro for sustainable growth and impact
Performance against our strategy and future focus
2022 strategic key performance indicators
Key strategic trade-offs

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Our leadership
Summarised governance report
Combined assurance for effective governance

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Finance director's overview
Operational performance
Business resilience
Our people
Social licence to operate: enabling our legitimacy
Our environment: stewardship and compliance
Responding to TCFD reporting requirements

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Our mineral resources and mineral reserves

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