Exxaro Resources Limited
Integrated report 2022

Trust, good reputation and legitimacy

Stakeholder inclusivity

Exxaro's board has a stakeholder-inclusive approach that, supported by its key account management approach to stakeholder engagement, responds to principle 16 of King IV regarding stakeholder inclusivity and responsiveness. It aims to balance the needs, interests and expectations of material stakeholders in the organisation's best interest over time to protect and build trust in the organisation and its reputation and legitimacy in the eyes of our stakeholders.

As recommended by King IV, Exxaro's disclosure regarding stakeholder relationship management reflects our management approach, key focus areas and stakeholder management activities.

Internal communication

CEO's roadshow

As part of her transition, our new CEO challenged employees to #GetOnTheBus during roadshows at BUs and head office. The CEO engaged with employees on opportunities presented by Exxaro's Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy and shared how employees could actively participate in the growth and success of Exxaro and our country.

External communication

Stakeholder days

The purpose of the stakeholder day virtual events was:

  • To communicate Exxaro's performance to stakeholders
  • For SERC and the board to engage with a diverse set of stakeholders by listening to community feedback and receiving an account from beneficiaries on Exxaro's social performance and impact

The stakeholder engagements were scheduled over three days with ESD and socio-economic development stakeholders in Limpopo and socio-economic development stakeholders in Mpumalanga. Participants included:

  • National, district and local government
  • Community leaders (including tribal authorities, community structures, NGOs and strategic business partners)
  • Union representatives
  • ESD programme implementation partners
  • SLP, ESD and mega-projects beneficiaries

Other external communications

The following external communication (among others) took place in 2022:

  • Publication of the annual reporting suite (integrated report, ESG report and climate change position statement)
  • AGM (presentation of annual financial statements, report of the SERC and various other resolutions for voting by shareholders)
  • SENS announcements
  • Interim and annual financial results presentations by executive management
  • Results roadshows following the annual and interim results presentations for interaction with investors
  • SLP future forums that play an important role in engaging with labour representative groups to promote ongoing discussions about the future of mines, to identify possible challenges and solutions for productivity and employment, and to improve business sustainability
  • Sustainability summit in Middelburg, Mpumalanga
  • Governance roadshow 
  • COP27 (in November 2022) at which Exxaro presented its response to the climate change risk

Integrity in reporting

The board ensures the integrity of the company's integrated report and its alignment with best practice in integrated reporting, including other reporting by the company.

The board also oversees the publication of our annual financial statements, ESG report, and the reports of our audit committee, SERC, RBR committee, investment committee, and remuneration and nomination committees as well as the remuneration report and other online or printed information that complies with legal requirements and meets the legitimate and reasonable information needs of stakeholders.


The board approves the group-wide anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy. The SERC receives quarterly reports on forensic investigation statistics and progress with initiatives under the SERC-approved fraud prevention and anti-bribery and corruption programme. For the oversight role of the SERC, please consider the SERC report.

Responsible corporate citizenship

The board ensures the organisation's strategy and conduct reflect its purpose of powering better lives in Africa and beyond and to be a responsible corporate citizen in giving effect to its purpose.

As the organisation is an integral part of society, the board sets the strategic direction and ensures that the company's responsible corporate citizen efforts include compliance with the Constitution of South Africa (including the Bill of Rights), the law, leading international and national standards, and its own codes of conduct and policies.

The board exercises independent judgement in overseeing management and safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, including our shareholders. In fulfilling its stewardship role, the board seeks to instil and foster a corporate environment founded on integrity, and to provide management with sound guidance in pursuit of long-term shareholder value, ensuring that the company provides sustainable value to society as a whole.


It is the SERC's role, as amended in 2021, to entrench responsible corporate citizenship as part of the committee's focused activities. The role and responsibility of the board's SERC includes overseeing the impact of the consequences of the group's activities and outputs on its status as a responsible corporate citizen in:

  • Economy: economic transformation as well as fraud and corruption prevention, detection and mitigation
  • Society: public health and safety, consumer protection, community development and protection of human rights


Following an internal gap analysis in 2021, the board revisited, amended and approved Exxaro's human rights policy in 2022. Fundamental to Exxaro's purpose of powering better lives, is our stance that all people have inherent fundamental human rights regardless of their differences. As such, Exxaro is committed to respecting and upholding human rights for all people in its sphere of influence where the company has power to effect investment and development. Exxaro is guided by the Constitution, applicable legislation and external standards such as the Minerals Council's human rights framework, the UNGC principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Human rights

Exxaro remains committed to supporting the 10 principles of the UNGC. The UNGC principles are embedded in our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy, values, operations and stakeholder engagements in alignment with our endeavours to meet the SDGs. We believe that Exxaro's voluntary participation in the UNGC advances the case for responsible business practices and encourages our stakeholders to do the same. It holds us accountable to a global standard as we strive to become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship.

UNGC communication on progress

Health and safety

The importance of safety in the workplace receives focused attention at each board, board committee and executive committee meeting. This is achieved through a standing safety moment item on all agendas.

In addition to SERC's mandate, the RBR committee is responsible for reviewing health and safety risks and focuses on reported high-potential incidents (HPIs) and lost-time injuries (LTIs).

Safety (ESG report) and health and wellness (ESG report) outline our approach and performance.

Focus areas

Our focus areas in 2022 (going into 2023) included:

  • Approved a new ethics strategy and management plan
  • Developed and approved a revised human rights policy
  • Compulsory group-wide anti-bribery and anti-corruption training on MyNexxt to be completed in 2023
  • Compulsory training of directors, prescribed officers, group company secretary and directors of major subsidiaries on insider dealing and training available on MyNexxt


The Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Awards ranked Exxaro fifth for the second year. The awards recognise JSE-listed companies' contributions to the economy and social progress through investments, initiatives, and job creation. The awards also applaud these private-sector companies for achieving the highest returns for their shareholders over the past five years.

Exxaro also won Capital Finance International's 2021 award for best sustainable mining leadership in South Africa in recognition of our renewable energy efforts and investment. The award acknowledges Exxaro's work in realising a regenerative economic model for its mining operations.

In addition, Exxaro received Top Employers Institute recognition for its industry-leading people development practices. This reflects our dedication to a better working world through excellent human resources policies and people practices. This is the third time Exxaro has received this honour since 2014.

Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index recognised Exxaro in 2023 for the fourth consecutive year for the company's accomplishment in a predominantly male dominated industry sector. The Gender-Equality Index framework defines a set of metrics used to determine a company's progress towards equal representation of gender through the various employment levels of the organisation. Therefore, various global experts submit the Bloomberg social survey to be evaluated on the achievement or adoption of best-in-class statistics and policies.

Our strategic evolution (ESG report) lists our awards over the years.

Transition Pathway Initiative

The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) is a global initiative led by asset owners. It assesses individual companies' positioning for the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Exxaro's TPI score of level 4 reflects our GHG emissions, risks and opportunities related to the low-carbon transition.

Our TPI score was level 2 in 2016 and 2018. It improved to level 4 in 2019 and we have maintained this achievement since then.

TPI performance scores

Level 0: Unaware of climate change as a business issue

Level 1: Acknowledging climate change as a business issue

Level 2: Building capacity

Level 3: Integrating into operational decision making

Level 4: Strategic assessment

Delivering measurable results and impact (ESG report)

Disclosure recognition 2022

  • EY Excellence in Integrated Reporting: Our 2021 integrated report earned a historical fifth place among the Top 10 (the highest achievement in our history)
  • Global ESG Investing Awards: Exxaro's 2021 ESG report earned second place among the best sustainability reports in the world
  • FTSE Russell ESG performance:
    • Overall final ESG score of 3.8
    • Our governance reporting score increased from 4.6 (2018 to 2021) to 4.7
  • MSCI ESG rating: Exxaro sustained its "A" rating and improved in the "E" (environment) category. The governance category, measuring corporate governance and corporate behaviour, where the company scored 6.9 out of 10, compared to the industry standard rating of 3.9
Delivering measurable results and impact (ESG report)
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Driving transition through leadership
Driving value creation through transition
About our integrated report
Chairperson's statement
About Exxaro
Sustainable growth and impact
Our operating context

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Our business model
Our material matters
Our business risks and opportunities
Creating value through stakeholder engagement

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CEO's report
Our strategy: positioning Exxaro for sustainable growth and impact
Performance against our strategy and future focus
2022 strategic key performance indicators
Key strategic trade-offs

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Our leadership
Summarised governance report
Combined assurance for effective governance

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Finance director's overview
Operational performance
Business resilience
Our people
Social licence to operate: enabling our legitimacy
Our environment: stewardship and compliance
Responding to TCFD reporting requirements

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Our mineral resources and mineral reserves

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