Exxaro Resource limited Report Selector 2018

Report Selector

Exxaro Resources Limited Group and company annual financial statements


AgriProtein AgriProtein Holdings UK Limited
AGM Annual general meeting
Anglo Anglo South Africa Capital Proprietary Limited
API4 All publications index 4 (FOB Richards Bay 6000/kcal/kg)
AU$ Australian dollar
B-BBEE Broad-based black economic empowerment
BEE Black economic empowerment
BEE Parties External shareholders of Eyesizwe
Black Mountain Black Mountain Proprietary Limited
Cennergi Cennergi Proprietary Limited
CFR Cost and freight
Chifeng Chifeng Kumba Hongye Corporation Limited
Companies Act Companies Act No 71 of 2008, as amended
CPI Consumer price index
cps Cents per share
Curapipe Curapipe Systems Limited
DBP Deferred bonus plan
DCF Discounted cash flow
DEA Department of Environmental Affairs
DMR Department of Mineral Resources
DMTN Domestic Medium-Term Note
ECC Exxaro Coal Central Proprietary Limited
ECL(s) Expected credit loss(es)
Eloff Eloff Mining Company Proprietary Limited
EMJV Ermelo joint venture
ESD Enterprise and supplier development
ESG Environment, social and governance
Eyesizwe Eyesizwe (RF) Proprietary Limited, special purpose private company which has a 30% shareholding in Exxaro (previously referred to as NewBEECo)
Exxaro Exxaro Resources Limited
FCTR Foreign currency translation reserve
FECs Forward foreign exchange contracts
Ferroland Ferroland Grondtrust Proprietary Limited
FOB Free on board
FPR Financial provisioning regulations
FVOCI Fair value through other comprehensive income
FVPL Fair value through profit or loss
GG Grootegeluk
HDSA the meaning given to it, or any equivalent or replacement term, in the broad-based socio-economic empowerment charter for the South African Mining Industry, developed under section 100 of the MPRDA, as amended or replaced from time to time
HEPS Headline earnings per share
IAS International Accounting Standard
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
IFRIC IFRS Interpretations Committee
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard
IM Information management
IPP Independent power producer
IT Information technology
JIBAR Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate
JORC Joint Ore Reserves Committee Code
JSE JSE Limited
kcal Kilocalorie
King IVTM King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016
KIO Kumba Iron Ore Limited
KPI(s) Key performance indicator(s)
kt Kilo tonnes
LightApp LightApp Technologies Limited
Listings Requirements JSE Listings Requirements
LME London Metal Exchange
LOM Life of mine
LTIFR Lost-time injury frequency rate
LTIP Long-term incentive plan
Mafube Mafube Coal Proprietary Limited
Main Street 333 or MS333 Main Street 333 Proprietary Limited (RF)
Manyeka Manyeka Coal Mines Proprietary Limited
MoI Memorandum of Incorporation
Mpower 2012 Exxaro Employee Empowerment Trust
MPRDA Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002
Mt Million tonnes
NBC North Block Complex
NCI Non-controlling interests
NCOE Notional cost of employment
NEMA National Environmental Management Act, 1998
NPC Not for profit company
OCI Other comprehensive income
PAYE Pay as you earn
PIC Public Investment Corporation
PPI Producer Price Index
PRC People's Republic of China
Prime Rate South African prime bank rate
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
RB1 Richards Bay export product 1
RBCT Richards Bay Coal Terminal Proprietary Limited
Replacement BEE Transaction BEE transaction which was implemented in 2017 and resulted in Exxaro being held 30% by HDSAs
Rm Rand million
RMB Chinese renminbi
RSA Republic of South Africa
SAICA South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
SAMREC Code The South African code for the reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves
SAR Share appreciation right scheme
SARS South African Revenue Service
SIOC Sishen Iron Ore Company Proprietary Limited
SPPI Solely payments of principal and interest
SSCC Semi-soft coking coal
Tata Power Tata Power Company Limited
TiO2 Titanium dioxide
Tronox Exxaro's investment in Tronox entities
Tronox SA Tronox KZN Sands Proprietary Limited and Tronox Mineral Sands Proprietary Limited
Tronox UK Tronox Sands Limited Liability Partnership in the United Kingdom
TSR Total shareholder return
UK United Kingdom
Universal Coal Universal Coal Development IV Proprietary Limited
US$ United States dollar
USA United States of America
VAT Value Added Tax
VWAP Volume weighted average price
WACC Weighted average cost of capital
WANOS Weighted average number of shares
WATP Weighted average trading price