Currently viewing Annual Financial Report 2018
AgriProtein | AgriProtein Holdings UK Limited | |
AGM | Annual general meeting | |
Anglo | Anglo South Africa Capital Proprietary Limited | |
API4 | All publications index 4 (FOB Richards Bay 6000/kcal/kg) | |
AU$ | Australian dollar | |
B-BBEE | Broad-based black economic empowerment | |
BEE | Black economic empowerment | |
BEE Parties | External shareholders of Eyesizwe | |
Black Mountain | Black Mountain Proprietary Limited | |
Cennergi | Cennergi Proprietary Limited | |
CFR | Cost and freight | |
Chifeng | Chifeng Kumba Hongye Corporation Limited | |
Companies Act | Companies Act No 71 of 2008, as amended | |
CPI | Consumer price index | |
cps | Cents per share | |
Curapipe | Curapipe Systems Limited | |
DBP | Deferred bonus plan | |
DCF | Discounted cash flow | |
DEA | Department of Environmental Affairs | |
DMR | Department of Mineral Resources | |
DMTN | Domestic Medium-Term Note | |
ECC | Exxaro Coal Central Proprietary Limited | |
ECL(s) | Expected credit loss(es) | |
Eloff | Eloff Mining Company Proprietary Limited | |
EMJV | Ermelo joint venture | |
ESD | Enterprise and supplier development | |
ESG | Environment, social and governance | |
Eyesizwe | Eyesizwe (RF) Proprietary Limited, special purpose private company which has a 30% shareholding in Exxaro (previously referred to as NewBEECo) | |
Exxaro | Exxaro Resources Limited | |
FCTR | Foreign currency translation reserve | |
FECs | Forward foreign exchange contracts | |
Ferroland | Ferroland Grondtrust Proprietary Limited | |
FOB | Free on board | |
FPR | Financial provisioning regulations | |
FVOCI | Fair value through other comprehensive income | |
FVPL | Fair value through profit or loss | |
GG | Grootegeluk | |
HDSA | the meaning given to it, or any equivalent or replacement term, in the broad-based socio-economic empowerment charter for the South African Mining Industry, developed under section 100 of the MPRDA, as amended or replaced from time to time | |
HEPS | Headline earnings per share | |
IAS | International Accounting Standard | |
IASB | International Accounting Standards Board | |
IFRIC | IFRS Interpretations Committee | |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standard | |
IM | Information management | |
IPP | Independent power producer | |
IT | Information technology | |
JIBAR | Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate | |
JORC | Joint Ore Reserves Committee Code | |
JSE | JSE Limited | |
kcal | Kilocalorie | |
King IVTM | King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016 | |
KIO | Kumba Iron Ore Limited | |
KPI(s) | Key performance indicator(s) | |
kt | Kilo tonnes | |
LightApp | LightApp Technologies Limited | |
Listings Requirements | JSE Listings Requirements | |
LME | London Metal Exchange | |
LOM | Life of mine | |
LTIFR | Lost-time injury frequency rate | |
LTIP | Long-term incentive plan | |
Mafube | Mafube Coal Proprietary Limited | |
Main Street 333 or MS333 | Main Street 333 Proprietary Limited (RF) | |
Manyeka | Manyeka Coal Mines Proprietary Limited | |
MoI | Memorandum of Incorporation | |
Mpower 2012 | Exxaro Employee Empowerment Trust | |
MPRDA | Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 | |
Mt | Million tonnes | |
NBC | North Block Complex | |
NCI | Non-controlling interests | |
NCOE | Notional cost of employment | |
NEMA | National Environmental Management Act, 1998 | |
NPC | Not for profit company | |
OCI | Other comprehensive income | |
PAYE | Pay as you earn | |
PIC | Public Investment Corporation | |
PPI | Producer Price Index | |
PRC | People's Republic of China | |
Prime Rate | South African prime bank rate | |
PwC | PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated | |
RB1 | Richards Bay export product 1 | |
RBCT | Richards Bay Coal Terminal Proprietary Limited | |
Replacement BEE Transaction | BEE transaction which was implemented in 2017 and resulted in Exxaro being held 30% by HDSAs | |
Rm | Rand million | |
RMB | Chinese renminbi | |
RSA | Republic of South Africa | |
SAICA | South African Institute of Chartered Accountants | |
SAMREC Code | The South African code for the reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves | |
SAR | Share appreciation right scheme | |
SARS | South African Revenue Service | |
SIOC | Sishen Iron Ore Company Proprietary Limited | |
SPPI | Solely payments of principal and interest | |
SSCC | Semi-soft coking coal | |
Tata Power | Tata Power Company Limited | |
TiO2 | Titanium dioxide | |
Tronox | Exxaro's investment in Tronox entities | |
Tronox SA | Tronox KZN Sands Proprietary Limited and Tronox Mineral Sands Proprietary Limited | |
Tronox UK | Tronox Sands Limited Liability Partnership in the United Kingdom | |
TSR | Total shareholder return | |
UK | United Kingdom | |
Universal Coal | Universal Coal Development IV Proprietary Limited | |
US$ | United States dollar | |
USA | United States of America | |
VAT | Value Added Tax | |
VWAP | Volume weighted average price | |
WACC | Weighted average cost of capital | |
WANOS | Weighted average number of shares | |
WATP | Weighted average trading price |