Currently viewing Annual Financial Report 2018
Defined contribution plans
The group provides defined contribution retirement funds for the benefit of employees, the assets of which are held in separate funds. These funds are funded by contributions from employees and the group, taking account of the recommendations of independent actuaries. The group’s contributions to the defined contribution funds are recognised in profit or loss in the year to which it relates.
The group does not provide guarantees in respect of returns in the defined contribution funds.
Defined benefit obligations
A post-retirement medical contribution obligation exists for certain in-service and retired employees who are members of accredited medical aid funds. This benefit is no longer offered to employees. The liability is determined using the projected unit credit method. Remeasurements arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. Remeasurements recognised in other comprehensive income will not be reclassified to profit or loss. Net interest expense and other expenses related to the post-retirement medical contribution obligation are recognised in profit or loss.
The cost of all short-term employee benefits, such as salaries, bonuses, housing allowances, medical and other contributions, are recognised during the period in which the employee renders the related service.
The vesting portion of long-term benefits is recognised and provided for at financial year end, based on current total cost to company.
Termination benefits are payable whenever an employee’s employment is terminated before the normal retirement date or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits.
The group recognises termination benefits when it has demonstrated its commitment to either terminate the employment of current employees according to a detailed formal plan without possibility of withdrawal or to provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy. If the benefits fall due more than 12 months after the reporting date, they are discounted to present value.
Senior management, including executive directors, and eligible employees participate in the LTIP and DBP incentive schemes.
The LTIP and DBP are treated as equity-settled share-based payment schemes with the fair value being expensed over the vesting period of the instrument with a corresponding increase in equity. The fair value of these schemes are determined at grant date and subsequently reviewed at each reporting period only for changes in non-market performance conditions and employee attrition rates applicable to each scheme.
Exxaro has an agreement with its subsidiary companies to charge the subsidiaries for the equity compensation share schemes granted to the subsidiaries’ employees.
The movement in equity in the company’s financial statements relating to the recharge of the share-based payments of subsidiaries is accounted for against investments in subsidiaries and is eliminated on consolidation for group reporting purposes.
Equity-settled instruments in respect of the Replacement BEE Transaction vested on the grant date, being 11 December 2017, resulting in the recognition of an equity-settled share-based payment expense in profit or loss.
In applying IFRS 2 Share-based Payment, management has made certain judgements in respect of the fair value option pricing models to be used in determining the various share-based payment arrangements in respect of employees, as well as the variable elements used in these models.
For share-based payments, estimates are made in determining the fair value of equity instruments granted. Assumptions are used in the valuation models and include assumptions regarding future dividend yield, risk-free rate, expected employee attrition rate, expected share volatility and expected option life.
BEE credentials valuation: in applying IFRS 2 management was required to make estimates and assumptions in determining the share-based payment expense. The share-based payment expense, amounting to R4 245 million, was calculated with reference to the requirements of IFRS 2 and the SAICA Financial Reporting Guide 2 Accounting for BEE Transactions. Since these options are not tradable, IFRS 2 requires that the fair value of these instruments be calculated using a suitable, market-consistent valuation model.
A Monte Carlo simulation model was selected in order to account for the path-dependency inherent in the transaction arising from the relationship between the share price and the strike price (the outstanding preference share liability balance at maturity after taking into account dividends used to repay the preference share liability and preference dividend). The valuation was based on 30% of Exxaro’s issued ordinary share capital being held by Eyesizwe at a spot Exxaro share price of R152.35 per share, being the closing share price as at 11 December 2017. Established derivative pricing theory requires the use of the underlying share value on the valuation date, and precludes the use of WATP (VWAP), for the purposes of measuring a sharebased payment expense and for this reason the closing share price was used. The model applied a term structure of dividend yields over the life of the transaction, using estimated dividend forecasts. The dividend term-structure used equated to an average continuously compounded dividend rate of 4.49% per annum. The model assumed an option life of five years, an average flat, continuous risk free rate of 8.02% and a historical share volatility of 41.20% as inputs into the valuation model. The model further assumed funding rates of 80% of Prime Rate for the preference share liability. The outstanding preference share liability balance, as at the valuation date, of R2 491 million was used as the starting point in modelling the outstanding preference share liability balance as at the maturity date of the transaction. Exxaro’s 24.9% interest in Eyesizwe was deducted from this value as an intercompany adjustment. The re-investment cost by the BEE Parties was subtracted from the share-based payment expense as this represented a cost to those shareholders for the participation in the Replacement BEE Transaction.
In applying IAS 19 Employee Benefits, management is required to make judgements when determining the classification of each scheme, such judgements include the identification as to the nature of benefits provided by each scheme.
For defined benefit schemes, management is required to make annual estimates and assumptions about the discount rate, future remuneration changes, employee attrition rates, administration costs, changes in benefits, medical cost trends, inflation rates, exchange rates and life expectancy. In making these estimates and assumptions, management considers advice provided by external advisers, such as actuaries.
Independent funds provide retirement and other benefits for all permanent employees, retired employees and their dependants. At the end of the financial year, the main defined contribution retirement funds to which Exxaro was a participating employer were:
Bargaining unit employees pay a contribution of 8%, with the employer’s contribution of 15% to the above funds being expensed as incurred.
Other members generally pay a contribution of 7% with the employer’s contribution of 10% to the above funds being expensed as incurred.
All funds registered in South Africa are governed by the South African Pension Funds Act of 1956.
Employer contributions | ||||
2018 Rm |
2017 Rm |
Group | ||||
Exxaro Pension and Provident Fund | 111 | 101 | ||
Iscor Employees’ Umbrella Provident Fund | 57 | 55 | ||
Mine Workers Provident Fund | 20 | 20 | ||
Sentinel Retirement Fund | 63 | 60 | ||
Other funds | 11 | 9 | ||
Total | 262 | 245 | ||
Company | ||||
Exxaro Pension and Provident Fund | 31 | 30 | ||
Iscor Employees’ Umbrella Provident Fund | ||||
Sentinel Retirement Fund | 3 | 3 | ||
Total | 34 | 33 |
The group and company contribute to defined contribution medical aid schemes for the benefit of permanent employees and their dependants who choose to belong to one of a number of employer accredited schemes. The contributions charged against income amount to R132 million (2017: R116 million).
The following schemes based on individuals, business unit, commodity and group-level performance are in place:
Individual performance reward
A short-term incentive scheme focused on the individual is used to augment the performance management process and retention strategy across junior to senior management levels of employment within the group.
The two-tier performance incentive
First tier
The first tier is a line-of-sight incentive based on achieving 100% of a combination of the business unit’s net operating profit and production targets and is currently equal to 8.33% of annual gross remuneration for all full-time employees of every business unit, commodity, services and corporate office department.
Second tier
The second tier is based on exceeding a combination of budgeted consolidated net operating profit and production targets by an improvement percentage at commodity business unit and group level. The second tier is profit-based and 30% of gains above budget are shared with employees.
Equity compensation benefits are provided to selected employees through the following share-based payment schemes:
An LTIP is a conditional award of Exxaro shares offered to qualifying senior employees of the group. The shares vest after three years subject to certain performance conditions being met. The extent to which the performance conditions are met governs the number of shares that vest. The LTIP is an equity-settled share-based payment scheme.
Participants to the 2018 and 2017 LTIP grant obtained the right, provided performance conditions are met, to receive a number of Exxaro shares. The vesting of the award is based on:
Performance between these targets will result in proportional vesting which will be calculated using a linear sliding scale between the minimum and maximum performance conditions. Grants have a vesting period of three years at which the performance conditions are calculated.
The aim of the DBP is to encourage executive directors and senior management to sacrifice a part of their bonuses for the purpose of acquiring shares in the company in exchange for an upliftment in the number of shares received. Participants may sacrifice a percentage of their (post-tax) bonus in exchange for Exxaro shares at the ruling market price. The pledged shares are then held in trust for a three-year period, thus until the vesting date of the matching award. At vesting date, the company will make an additional award of shares by matching the shareholding on a one-for-one basis (matching award). Participants will consequently become unconditionally entitled to both the original pledged shares as well as the matching award of shares.
A participant may at its election dispose of and withdraw the pledged shares from the scheme at any stage. However, if the pledged shares are withdrawn before the expiry of the pledge period, the participant forfeits the matching award. The DBP is an equity-settled share-based payment scheme.
Details of the schemes:
Number of instruments | ||||||
LTIP and DBP | 2018 '000 |
2017 '000 |
Outstanding at beginning of the year | 10 637 | 10 823 | ||||
Issued during the year1 | 4 143 | 2 723 | ||||
Exercised during the year | (4 124) | (824) | ||||
Lapsed/cancelled during the year | (393) | (2 085) | ||||
Outstanding at end of the year | 10 263 | 10 637 | ||||
Terms of outstanding instruments at end of the year | Expiry date | |||||
2018 | 3 798 | |||||
2019 | 4 382 | 4 179 | ||||
2020 | 2 800 | 2 660 | ||||
2021 | 3 081 | |||||
10 263 | 10 637 | |||||
Total value of shares outstanding (Rm) | 1 415 | 1 714 |
1 | Included in 2018 is a 8.9% grant of top-up instruments relating to the 2015, 2016 and 2017 schemes. The top-up grants were issued with the same terms and performance conditions as the respective original grants. |
Fair value of equity compensation instruments
In determining the fair value of services received as consideration for equity instruments, measurement is referenced to the fair value of the equity instrument granted.
During the current year, three new DBPs and one new LTIP have been granted.
The conditional matching awards granted in terms of the DBP are the economic equivalent of granting an Exxaro share at no consideration, but without dividend rights for the period from the grant date to vesting date. Therefore, the value of the DBP is equal to the grant date share price less the present value of the future dividends expected to be granted over the term of the scheme, multiplied by the pledged shares in trust.
The value of the LTIP is the economic equivalent of granting an Exxaro share at no consideration, but without dividend rights for the period from the grant date to vesting date. Therefore, the value of the LTIP is equal to the grant date share price, less the present value of the future dividends expected to be granted over the term of the scheme. In determining the fair value, a Monte Carlo simulation model has been used to take into account the market vesting condition (TSR target). The non-market vesting conditions (HEPS and ESG targets) are taken into account when determining the number of options expected to vest.
2018 | 2017 | ||||
Weighted average fair value for grants during the year (R): | |||||
LTIP | 72.50 | 100.25 | |||
DBP | 100.96 | 103.70 | |||
Inputs to the valuation models for: | |||||
LTIP | Share price at valuation date (R) | 105.90 | 117.89 | ||
Weighted average option life (years) | 3 | 3 | |||
Dividend yield (%) | 5.81 | 3.65 | |||
Risk-free interest rate (%) | 6.87 | 7.36 | |||
DBP | Share price range at valuation dates (R) | 107.00 to 148.85 | 103.80 to 127.80 | ||
Weighted average option life (years) | 3 | 3 | |||
Dividend yield range (%) | 5.45 to 6.34 | 3.34 to 4.81 | |||
Risk-free interest rate range (%) | 6.87 to 7.71 | 6.72 to 7.36 |
Following the merger with Eyesizwe Proprietary Limited in November 2006 and the successful creation of Exxaro, the postemployment healthcare benefit which was provided to a group of continuation and in-service members on the Witbank Coal Medical Aid Scheme was honoured. During 2017, Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga Proprietary Limited withdrew from the Witbank Coal Medical Aid Scheme and the members were moved to the Discovery Health Medical Scheme and Bonitas Medical Aid Scheme. This benefit, which is no longer offered, applied to certain employees previously employed by Eyesizwe Proprietary Limited or Ingwe Coal and comprises a subsidy of contributions.
Exxaro Coal Mpumalanga Proprietary Limited’s contribution to the post-retirement medical aid benefit of retired employees for the year ended 31 December 2018 amounts to R8 million (2017: R8 million).
The obligation represents a present value amount, which is actuarially valued every two years. Any remeasurements are recognised in other comprehensive income.
The movement in the net defined benefit medical obligation over the year is summarised as follows:
Group | ||||
At 31 December | 2018 Rm |
2017 Rm |
At beginning of the year | 227 | 239 | ||
Charge to operating expenses | 19 | (48) | ||
– Current and past service costs1 | 4 | (62) | ||
– Interest expense | 24 | 22 | ||
– Expected employer benefit payments | (9) | (8) | ||
Remeasurements2 | (54) | 40 | ||
Reclassification from/(to) non-current liabilities held-for-sale | 1 | (4) | ||
At end of the year | 193 | 227 | ||
1Includes an adjustment for past service costs amounting to nil (2017: R66 million). 2Tax on remeasurements amounts to R15 million (2017: R11 million). |
The defined benefit medical obligation is composed by country as follows: | ||||
– RSA | 193 | 231 | ||
Present value of unfunded obligations1 | 193 | 231 | ||
1Includes nil (R4 million) which was classified as a non-current liability held-for-sale. | ||||
The actuarial assumptions were as follows: | ||||
Discount rate (%) | 11.4 | 10.7 | ||
Healthcare cost inflation (%) | 9.5 | 10.2 | ||
Expected retirement age (years) | 60 | 60 |
The remuneration and nomination committee has a defined mandate from the board of directors aimed at:
NCOE/guaranteed remuneration plus circumstantial |
Short-term incentives |
Long-term incentives |
Other | |||||||||
2018 | Basic salary R |
Benefits and allowances1 R |
Retirement fund contributions R |
Performance bonuses2 R |
Gains on management share schemes R |
Recognition3 R |
Other4 R |
Executive directors | ||||||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 6 075 096 | 256 007 | 602 416 | 3 321 854 | 15 701 939 | 5 260 | 194 980 | |||||
PA Koppeschaar | 4 473 432 | 285 795 | 404 646 | 2 215 820 | 4 057 988 | 10 760 | ||||||
Total executive directors’ remuneration | 10 548 528 | 541 802 | 1 007 062 | 5 537 674 | 19 759 927 | 16 020 | 194 980 | |||||
Prescribed officers | ||||||||||||
V Balgobind | 2 739 781 | 138 541 | 257 302 | 1 126 004 | 1 669 362 | 5 260 | 1 696 | |||||
AW Diedericks | 3 354 277 | 132 168 | 331 741 | 1 371 114 | 4 700 652 | 5 260 | ||||||
JG Meyer | 3 241 941 | 314 835 | 338 434 | 1 398 774 | 4 670 528 | 5 260 | ||||||
MI Mthenjane | 3 368 508 | 86 491 | 292 914 | 1 345 878 | 3 874 158 | 6 260 | ||||||
Dr N Tsengwa | 3 467 947 | 287 891 | 314 343 | 1 746 518 | 3 770 366 | 9 000 | 60 942 | |||||
SE van Loggerenberg | 1 874 212 | 87 450 | 131 336 | 646 948 | 698 287 | 21 310 | ||||||
M Veti | 3 325 151 | 42 654 | 328 861 | 1 327 476 | 4 364 615 | 6 260 | ||||||
Total prescribed officers’ remuneration | 21 371 817 | 1 090 030 | 1 994 931 | 8 962 712 | 23 747 968 | 58 610 | 62 638 |
2018 | Total remuneration R |
Share- based payment expense5 R |
Gains on management share schemes |
Total remuneration expense R |
Executive directors | |||||
MDM Mgojo | 26 157 552 | 18 256 374 | (15 701 939) | 28 711 987 | |
PA Koppeschaar | 11 448 441 | 6 374 540 | (4 057 988) | 13 764 993 | |
Total executive directors’ remuneration | 37 605 993 | 24 630 914 | (19 759 927) | 42 476 980 | |
Prescribed officers | |||||
V Balgobind | 5 937 946 | 4 293 048 | (1 669 362) | 8 561 632 | |
AW Diedericks | 9 895 212 | 5 144 381 | (4 700 652) | 10 338 941 | |
JG Meyer | 9 969 772 | 4 776 715 | (4 670 528) | 10 075 959 | |
MI Mthenjane | 8 974 209 | 4 418 027 | (3 874 158) | 9 518 078 | |
Dr N Tsengwa | 9 657 007 | 5 451 119 | (3 770 366) | 11 337 760 | |
SE van Loggerenberg | 3 459 543 | 1 170 137 | (698 287) | 3 931 393 | |
M Veti | 9 395 017 | 4 456 700 | (4 364 615) | 9 487 102 | |
Total prescribed officers’ remuneration | 57 288 706 | 29 710 127 | (23 747 968) | 63 250 865 |
2018 | Fees for services R |
Benefits and allowances R |
Total R |
Non-executive directors | ||||
S Dakile-Hlongwane6 | 44 731 | 44 731 | ||
Dr CJ Fauconnier7 | 365 317 | 7 105 | 372 422 | |
GJ Fraser-Moleketi8 | 452 448 | 6 164 | 458 612 | |
MW Hlahla9 | 430 791 | 430 791 | ||
Dr D Konar7 | 608 524 | 608 524 | ||
D Mashile-Nkosi10 | 351 335 | 1 100 | 352 435 | |
S Mayet7 | 168 215 | 1 100 | 169 315 | |
L Mbatha10 | 454 453 | 9 641 | 464 094 | |
VZ Mntambo9 | 582 452 | 582 452 | ||
MJ Moffett8 | 429 745 | 429 745 | ||
LI Mophatlane8 | 618 419 | 4 841 | 623 260 | |
EJ Myburgh | 818 481 | 17 503 | 835 984 | |
V Nkonyeni | 767 230 | 18 275 | 785 505 | |
MF Randera6 | 80 534 | 3 159 | 83 693 | |
J van Rooyen (chairman) | 1 494 465 | 1 494 465 | ||
A Sing10 | 566 327 | 2 410 | 568 737 | |
PCCH Snyders | 751 525 | 70 633 | 822 158 | |
D Zihlangu6 | 91 633 | 91 633 | ||
Total non-executive directors’ remuneration | 9 076 625 | 141 931 | 9 218 556 |
1 | Includes leave days purchased as well as travel and acting allowances. |
2 | All incentive schemes are performance related and were approved by the board of directors. |
3 | Comprise long-service awards, zero-fatality and LTIFR rewards |
4 | Includes leave encashments |
5 | Amount recognised for share-based payment expenses, in terms of IFRS 2, in respect of the equity-settled share-based payment schemes for the services rendered during the year. The employee will only be entitled to the options once all vesting conditions have been met. |
6 | Resigned 6 March 2018. |
7 | Retired 24 May 2018. |
8 | Appointed 23 May 2018. |
9 | Resigned and reappointed 6 March 2018. |
10 | Appointed 6 March 2018. |
Retirement amounts relate to defined contribution retirement funds.
NCOE/guaranteed remuneration plus circumstantial |
Short-term incentives |
Long-term incentives |
Other | |||||||||
2017 | Basic salary R |
Benefits and allowances1 R |
Retirement fund contributions R |
Performance bonuses2 R |
Gains on management share schemes R |
Recognition3 R |
Other4 R |
MDM Mgojo | 5 728 207 | 225 121 | 550 135 | 3 598 366 | 2 585 196 | 2 530 | ||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 3 930 987 | 232 161 | 357 477 | 2 275 231 | 1 301 286 | 2 530 | ||||||
Total executive directors’ remuneration | 9 659 194 | 457 282 | 907 612 | 5 873 597 | 3 886 482 | 5 060 | ||||||
Prescribed officers | ||||||||||||
V Balgobind | 2 463 772 | 205 664 | 238 629 | 1 260 065 | 143 678 | 32 730 | ||||||
AW Diedericks | 3 240 455 | 127 684 | 320 484 | 1 598 280 | 1 058 546 | 60 323 | ||||||
JG Meyer | 3 060 455 | 307 684 | 320 484 | 1 598 280 | 1 063 570 | 60 330 | ||||||
MI Mthenjane | 3 246 788 | 83 365 | 282 329 | 1 565 289 | 889 223 | 2 530 | ||||||
Dr N Tsengwa | 3 376 576 | 169 004 | 296 746 | 1 933 844 | 741 789 | 2 530 | ||||||
SE van Loggerenberg6 | 1 587 963 | 90 106 | 113 521 | 615 239 | 149 382 | 7 030 | ||||||
M Veti | 3 212 286 | 41 206 | 317 698 | 1 547 397 | 910 083 | 2 530 | ||||||
CH Wessels7 | 1 533 721 | 59 453 | 124 356 | 94 030 | 530 227 | 2 530 | 124 993 | |||||
Total prescribed officers’ remuneration | 21 722 016 | 1 084 166 | 2 014 247 | 10 212 424 | 5 486 498 | 170 533 | 124 993 |
2017 | Total remuneration R |
Share- based payment expense5 R |
Gains on management share schemes |
Total remuneration expense R |
MDM Mgojo | 12 689 555 | 8 696 044 | (2 585 196) | 18 800 403 | |
PA Koppeschaar | 8 099 672 | 3 203 239 | (1 301 286) | 10 001 625 | |
Total executive directors’ remuneration | 20 789 227 | 11 899 283 | (3 886 482) | 28 802 028 | |
Prescribed officers | |||||
V Balgobind | 4 344 538 | 2 170 339 | (143 678) | 6 371 199 | |
AW Diedericks | 6 405 772 | 2 810 936 | (1 058 546) | 8 158 162 | |
JG Meyer | 6 410 803 | 2 620 682 | (1 063 570) | 7 967 915 | |
MI Mthenjane | 6 069 524 | 2 064 715 | (889 223) | 7 245 016 | |
Dr N Tsengwa | 6 520 489 | 2 837 266 | (741 789) | 8 615 966 | |
SE van Loggerenberg6 | 2 563 241 | 405 607 | (149 382) | 2 819 466 | |
M Veti | 6 031 200 | 2 180 284 | (910 083) | 7 301 401 | |
CH Wessels7 | 2 469 310 | 791 249 | (530 227) | 2 730 332 | |
Total prescribed officers’ remuneration | 40 814 877 | 15 881 078 | (5 486 498) | 51 209 457 |
2017 | Fees for services R |
Benefits and allowances R |
Total R |
Non-executive directors | ||||
S Dakile-Hlongwane | 553 756 | 4 190 | 557 946 | |
Dr CJ Fauconnier | 1 124 340 | 30 044 | 1 154 384 | |
MW Hlahla | 387 528 | 3 931 | 391 459 | |
Dr D Konar (chairman) | 1 783 803 | 1 783 803 | ||
S Mayet8 | 372 034 | 1 100 | 373 134 | |
VZ Mntambo | 498 967 | 498 967 | ||
EJ Myburgh | 501 061 | 9 887 | 510 948 | |
V Nkonyeni | 532 156 | 532 156 | ||
MF Randera | 486 834 | 10 764 | 497 598 | |
J van Rooyen | 748 806 | 748 806 | ||
PCCH Snyders | 556 462 | 31 286 | 587 748 | |
D Zihlangu | 482 848 | 10 963 | 493 811 | |
Total non-executive directors’ remuneration | 8 028 595 | 102 165 | 8 130 760 |
1 | Includes leave days purchased as well as travel and acting allowances. |
2 | All incentive schemes are performance related and were approved by the board of directors. |
3 | Comprise long-service awards, zero-fatality and LTIFR rewards |
4 | Includes leave encashments |
5 | Amount recognised for share-based payment expenses, in terms of IFRS 2, in respect of the equity-settled share-based payment schemes for the services rendered during the year. The employee will only be entitled to the options once all vesting conditions have been met. |
6 | Appointed as company secretary and legal on 1 October 2017. The remuneration information provided is for the full year. |
7 | Resigned 30 September 2017. |
8 | Fees paid to employer. |
Retirement amounts relate to defined contribution retirement funds.
(i) Number of shares
2018 | 2017 | ||||||||
Directors at 31 December | Direct | Indirect | Direct | Indirect | |||||
Beneficial interest | |||||||||
S Dakile-Hlongwane1 | 188 655 | ||||||||
Dr CJ Fauconnier2 | 47 500 | ||||||||
Dr D Konar2 | 6 168 | ||||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 15 325 | 13 998 | |||||||
D Mashile-Nkosi3 | 4 225 088 | ||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 4 671 041 | 4 671 041 | |||||||
VZ Mntambo4 | 4 448 839 | 4 448 839 | |||||||
J van Rooyen (chairman) | 1 500 | ||||||||
D Zihlangu1 | 344 899 | ||||||||
Non-beneficial interest | |||||||||
Dr CJ Fauconnier2 | 1 000 | ||||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 690 | 1337 | |||||||
MDM Mgojo | 35 984 | 18 741 |
1 | Resigned 6 March 2018. |
2 | Retired 24 May 2018. |
3 | Appointed 6 March 2018. |
4 | Resigned and reappointed 6 March 2018. |
(ii) Percentages (direct and indirect)
Directors at 31 December | 2018 % |
2017 % |
S Dakile-Hlongwane1 | 0.05 | |||
D Mashile-Nkosi2 | 1.18 | |||
MDM Mgojo | 1.30 | 1.30 | ||
VZ Mntambo3 | 1.24 | 1.24 | ||
D Zihlangu1 | 0.10 |
There have been no changes in the directors’ interests in Exxaro shares between the end of the financial year 2018 and the date on which the annual financial statements were approved.
The following options and rights in shares in the company were exercised or are outstanding in favour of directors and prescribed officers of the company under the company’s share option schemes:
Management SARs1
2017 | Grant date price R |
Exercisable period |
Shares forfeited2 Number |
Executive directors | ||||
MDM Mgojo | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 16 358 | |
16 358 | ||||
PA Koppeschaar | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 8 134 | |
8 134 | ||||
Prescribed officers | ||||
V Balgobind | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 2 772 | |
2 772 | ||||
AW Diedericks | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 6 988 | |
6 988 | ||||
JG Meyer | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 4 666 | |
4 666 | ||||
Dr N Tsengwa | 126.77 | 01/04/2017 | 8 312 | |
8 312 |
1 | Rights in terms of the management SARs scheme are no longer granted. |
2 | Shares forfeited due to performance conditions not being fully met. |
Management share scheme — LTIP
2018 | Rights held at 31 December Number |
Exercisable period |
Proceeds if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Pre-tax gain if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Modification during the year2 Number |
Options exercised during the year Number |
Shares forfeited3 Number |
Sale price/ market price R |
Pre-tax gain R |
Date exercised |
Executive directors | |||||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 01/04/2018 | 6 105 | 74 925 | 106.43 | 7 974 268 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
01/05/2018 | 5 667 | 69 556 | 111.10 | 7 727 672 | 04/05/2018 | ||||||
206 388 | 01/04/2019 | 28 454 714 | 28 454 714 | 16 816 | |||||||
139 908 | 01/04/2020 | 19 289 116 | 19 289 116 | 11 399 | |||||||
152 820 | 01/04/2021 | 21 069 293 | 21 069 293 | ||||||||
499 116 | 68 813 123 | 68 813 123 | 39 987 | 144 481 | 15 701 940 | ||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 01/04/2018 | 2 940 | 36 077 | 106.43 | 3 839 675 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
51 770 | 01/04/2019 | 7 137 530 | 7 137 530 | 4 218 | |||||||
36 287 | 01/09/2019 | 5 002 889 | 5 002 889 | 2 957 | |||||||
60 728 | 01/04/2020 | 8 372 569 | 8 372 569 | 4 948 | |||||||
71 749 | 01/04/2021 | 9 892 035 | 9 892 035 | ||||||||
220 534 | 30 405 023 | 30 405 023 | 15 063 | 36 077 | 3 839 675 | ||||||
Prescribed officers | |||||||||||
V Balgobind | 01/04/2018 | 170 | 2 085 | 4 468 | 106.43 | 221 907 | 03/04/2018 | ||||
01/04/2018 | 1 063 | 13 045 | 106.43 | 1 388 379 | 03/04/2018 | ||||||
41 655 | 01/04/2019 | 5 742 975 | 5 742 975 | 3 394 | |||||||
21 760 | 01/04/2019 | 3 000 051 | 3 000 051 | 1 773 | |||||||
27 336 | 01/04/2020 | 3 768 814 | 3 768 814 | 2 228 | |||||||
30 331 | 01/04/2021 | 4 181 735 | 4 181 735 | ||||||||
121 082 | 16 693 575 | 16 693 575 | 8 628 | 15 130 | 4 468 | 1 610 286 | |||||
AW Diedericks | 01/04/2018 | 3 051 | 37 438 | 106.43 | 3 984 526 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
53 725 | 01/04/2019 | 7 407 066 | 7 407 066 | 4 378 | |||||||
34 553 | 01/04/2020 | 4 763 822 | 4 763 822 | 2 816 | |||||||
36 500 | 01/04/2021 | 5 032 255 | 5 032 255 | ||||||||
124 778 | 17 203 143 | 17 203 143 | 10 245 | 37 438 | 3 984 526 | ||||||
JG Meyer | 01/04/2018 | 3 051 | 37 438 | 106.43 | 3 984 526 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
53 725 | 01/04/2019 | 7 407 066 | 7 407 066 | 4 378 | |||||||
34 553 | 01/04/2020 | 4 763 822 | 4 763 822 | 2 816 | |||||||
37 475 | 01/04/2021 | 5 166 678 | 5 166 678 | ||||||||
125 753 | 17 337 566 | 17 337 566 | 10 245 | 37 438 | 3 984 526 | ||||||
MI Mthenjane | 01/04/2018 | 2 966 | 36 401 | 106.43 | 3 874 158 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
52 237 | 01/04/2019 | 7 201 915 | 7 201 915 | 4 256 | |||||||
33 916 | 01/04/2020 | 4 675 999 | 4 675 999 | 2 764 | |||||||
35 828 | 01/04/2021 | 4 939 606 | 4 939 606 | ||||||||
121 981 | 16 817 520 | 16 817 520 | 9 986 | 36 401 | 3 874 158 | ||||||
Dr. N Tsengwa | 01/04/2018 | 2 566 | 31 488 | 106.43 | 3 351 268 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
45 187 | 01/04/2019 | 6 229 932 | 6 229 932 | 3 682 | |||||||
26 964 | 01/05/2019 | 3 717 527 | 3 717 527 | 2 197 | |||||||
51 117 | 01/04/2020 | 7 047 501 | 7 047 501 | 4 165 | |||||||
55 441 | 01/04/2021 | 7 643 651 | 7 643 651 | ||||||||
178 709 | 24 638 611 | 24 638 611 | 12 610 | 31 488 | 3 351 268 | ||||||
SE van Loggerenberg | 01/04/2018 | 535 | 6 561 | 106.43 | 698 287 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
9 414 | 01/04/2019 | 1 297 908 | 1 297 908 | 767 | |||||||
6 191 | 01/04/2020 | 853 553 | 853 553 | 505 | |||||||
7 198 | 01/10/2020 | 992 388 | 992 388 | 587 | |||||||
15 272 | 01/04/2021 | 2 105 551 | 2 105 551 | ||||||||
38 075 | 5 249 400 | 5 249 400 | 2 394 | 6 561 | 698 287 | ||||||
M Veti | 01/04/2018 | 2 953 | 36 244 | 106.43 | 3 857 449 | 03/04/2018 | |||||
52 013 | 01/04/2019 | 7 171 032 | 7 171 032 | 4 238 | |||||||
33 452 | 01/04/2020 | 4 612 027 | 4 612 027 | 2 726 | |||||||
35 338 | 01/04/2021 | 4 872 050 | 4 872 050 | ||||||||
120 803 | 16 655 109 | 16 655 109 | 9 917 | 36 244 | 3 857 449 |
1 | Based on a share price of R137.87 which prevailed on 31 December 2018. |
2 | A modification was made to the LTIP scheme during 2018 which resulted in a top-up in the number of rights employees are entitled to. |
3 | Shares forfeited due to performance conditions not being fully met. |
2017 | Rights held at 31 December Number |
Exercisable period |
Proceeds if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Pre-tax gain if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Options exercised during the year Number |
Shares forfeited2 Number |
Sale price/ market price R |
Pre-tax gain R |
Date exercised |
Executive directors | ||||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 01/04/2017 | 14 354 | 33 494 | 118.84 | 1 705 829 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
68 820 | 01/04/2018 | 11 183 250 | 11 183 250 | |||||||
63 889 | 01/05/2018 | 10 381 963 | 10 381 963 | |||||||
189 572 | 01/04/2019 | 30 805 450 | 30 805 450 | |||||||
128 509 | 01/04/2020 | 20 882 713 | 20 882 713 | |||||||
450 790 | 73 253 376 | 73 253 376 | 14 354 | 33 494 | 1 705 829 | |||||
PA Koppeschaar | 01/04/2017 | 6 911 | 16 127 | 118.84 | 821 303 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
33 137 | 01/04/2018 | 5 384 763 | 5 384 763 | |||||||
47 552 | 01/04/2019 | 7 727 200 | 7 727 200 | |||||||
33 330 | 01/09/2019 | 5 416 125 | 5 416 125 | |||||||
55 780 | 01/04/2020 | 9 064 250 | 9 064 250 | |||||||
169 799 | 27 592 338 | 27 592 338 | 6 911 | 16 127 | 821 303 | |||||
Prescribed officers | ||||||||||
V Balgobind | 01/04/2017 | 1 209 | 2 820 | 118.84 | 143 678 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
6 383 | 01/04/2018 | 1 037 238 | 1 037 238 | |||||||
11 982 | 01/04/2018 | 1 947 075 | 1 947 075 | |||||||
38 261 | 01/04/2019 | 6 217 413 | 6 217 413 | |||||||
19 987 | 01/04/2019 | 3 247 888 | 3 247 888 | |||||||
25 108 | 01/04/2020 | 4 080 050 | 4 080 050 | |||||||
101 721 | 16 529 664 | 16 529 664 | 1 209 | 2 820 | 143 678 | |||||
AW Diedericks | 01/04/2017 | 6 024 | 14 057 | 118.84 | 715 892 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
34 387 | 01/04/2018 | 5 587 888 | 5 587 888 | |||||||
49 347 | 01/04/2019 | 8 018 888 | 8 018 888 | |||||||
31 737 | 01/04/2020 | 5 157 263 | 5 157 263 | |||||||
115 471 | 18 764 039 | 18 764 039 | 6 024 | 14 057 | 715 892 | |||||
JG Meyer | 01/04/2017 | 5 696 | 13 292 | 118.84 | 676 913 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
34 387 | 01/04/2018 | 5 587 888 | 5 587 888 | |||||||
49 347 | 01/04/2019 | 8 018 888 | 8 018 888 | |||||||
31 737 | 01/04/2020 | 5 157 263 | 5 157 263 | |||||||
115 471 | 18 764 039 | 18 764 039 | 5 696 | 13 292 | 676 913 | |||||
MI Mthenjane | 01/04/2017 | 6 974 | 16 272 | 118.84 | 828 790 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
33 435 | 01/04/2018 | 5 433 188 | 5 433 188 | |||||||
47 981 | 01/04/2019 | 7 796 913 | 7 796 913 | |||||||
31 152 | 01/04/2020 | 5 062 200 | 5 062 200 | |||||||
112 568 | 18 292 301 | 18 292 301 | 6 974 | 16 272 | 828 790 | |||||
Dr N Tsengwa | 01/04/2017 | 6 033 | 14 076 | 118.84 | 716 962 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
28 922 | 01/04/2018 | 4 699 825 | 4 699 825 | |||||||
41 505 | 01/04/2019 | 6 744 563 | 6 744 563 | |||||||
24 767 | 01/05/2019 | 4 024 638 | 4 024 638 | |||||||
46 952 | 01/04/2020 | 7 629 700 | 7 629 700 | |||||||
142 146 | 23 098 726 | 23 098 726 | 6 033 | 14 076 | 716 962 | |||||
SE van Loggerenberg3 | 01/04/2017 | 1 257 | 2 933 | 118.84 | 149 382 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
6 026 | 01/04/2018 | 979 225 | 979 225 | |||||||
8 647 | 01/04/2019 | 1 405 138 | 1 405 138 | |||||||
5 686 | 01/04/2020 | 923 975 | 923 975 | |||||||
6 611 | 01/10/2020 | 1 074 288 | 1 074 288 | |||||||
26 970 | 4 382 626 | 4 382 626 | 1 257 | 2 933 | 149 382 | |||||
M Veti | 01/04/2017 | 6 944 | 16 202 | 118.84 | 825 225 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
33 291 | 01/04/2018 | 5 409 788 | 5 409 788 | |||||||
47 775 | 01/04/2019 | 7 763 438 | 7 763 438 | |||||||
30 726 | 01/04/2020 | 4 992 975 | 4 992 975 | |||||||
111 792 | 18 166 201 | 18 166 201 | 6 944 | 16 202 | 825 225 | |||||
CH Wessels4 | 01/04/2017 | 3 283 | 7 659 | 118.84 | 390 152 | 03/04/2017 | ||||
01/04/2018 | 15 737 | |||||||||
01/04/2019 | 22 583 | |||||||||
01/04/2020 | 15 061 | |||||||||
3 283 | 61 040 | 390 152 |
1 | Based on a share price of R162.50 which prevailed on 31 December 2017. |
2 | Shares forfeited due to performance conditions not being fully met. |
3 | Shares forfeited due to performance conditions not being fully met. |
4 | Resigned 30 September 2017. |
Management share scheme — DBP
2018 | Rights held at 31 December Number |
Exercisable period |
Proceeds if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Pre-tax gain if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Modification during the year2 Number |
Options exercised during the year Number |
Sale price/ market price R |
Pre-tax gain R |
Date exercised |
Non-executive directors | ||||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 6 314 | 04/03/2019 | 870 511 | 870 511 | 515 | |||||
11 444 | 31/03/2019 | 1 577 784 | 1 577 784 | 933 | ||||||
1 507 | 31/08/2019 | 207 770 | 207 770 | 123 | ||||||
1 140 | 31/08/2020 | 157 172 | 157 172 | 93 | ||||||
4 124 | 09/03/2021 | 568 576 | 568 576 | |||||||
10 509 | 31/03/2021 | 1 448 876 | 1 448 876 | |||||||
946 | 31/08/2021 | 130 425 | 130 425 | |||||||
35 984 | 4 961 114 | 4 961 114 | 1 664 | |||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 31/03/2018 | 119 | 1 456 | 149.94 | 218 313 | 09/05/2018 | ||||
690 | 31/08/2021 | 95 130 | 95 130 | |||||||
690 | 95 130 | 95 130 | 119 | 1 456 | 218 313 | |||||
Prescribed officers | ||||||||||
V Balgobind | 31/08/2018 | 33 | 394 | 149.94 | 59 076 | 11/09/2018 | ||||
1 836 | 04/03/2019 | 253 129 | 253 129 | 150 | ||||||
2 040 | 31/03/2019 | 281 255 | 281 255 | 167 | ||||||
386 | 31/08/2019 | 53 218 | 53 218 | 32 | ||||||
994 | 09/03/2020 | 137 043 | 137 043 | 81 | ||||||
1 784 | 31/03/2020 | 245 960 | 245 960 | 146 | ||||||
285 | 31/08/2020 | 39 293 | 39 293 | 24 | ||||||
1 027 | 09/03/2021 | 141 592 | 141 592 | |||||||
1 773 | 31/03/2021 | 244 444 | 244 444 | |||||||
238 | 31/08/2021 | 32 813 | 32 813 | |||||||
10 363 | 1 428 747 | 1 428 747 | 633 | 394 | 59 076 | |||||
AW Diedericks | 06/03/2018 | 58 | 707 | 125.15 | 88 481 | 14/03/2018 | ||||
31/03/2018 | 321 | 3 939 | 106.43 | 419 228 | 04/04/2018 | |||||
31/08/2018 | 114 | 1 390 | 149.94 | 208 417 | 05/09/2018 | |||||
3 650 | 04/03/2019 | 503 226 | 503 226 | 298 | ||||||
5 339 | 31/03/2019 | 736 088 | 736 088 | 435 | ||||||
869 | 31/08/2019 | 119 809 | 119 809 | 71 | ||||||
2 270 | 09/03/2020 | 312 965 | 312 965 | 185 | ||||||
4 121 | 31/03/2020 | 568 162 | 568 162 | 336 | ||||||
649 | 31/08/2020 | 89 478 | 89 478 | 53 | ||||||
2 343 | 09/03/2021 | 323 029 | 323 029 | |||||||
4 044 | 31/03/2021 | 557 546 | 557 546 | |||||||
525 | 31/08/2021 | 72 382 | 72 382 | |||||||
23 810 | 3 282 685 | 3 282 685 | 1 871 | 6 036 | 716 126 | |||||
JG Meyer | 06/03/2018 | 55 | 669 | 125.15 | 83 725 | 15/03/2018 | ||||
31/03/2018 | 307 | 3 757 | 106.43 | 399 858 | 04/04/2018 | |||||
31/08/2018 | 110 | 1 350 | 149.94 | 202 419 | 03/09/2018 | |||||
875 | 31/08/2019 | 120 636 | 120 636 | 72 | ||||||
2 276 | 09/03/2020 | 313 792 | 313 792 | 186 | ||||||
4 127 | 31/03/2020 | 568 989 | 568 989 | 337 | ||||||
649 | 31/08/2020 | 89 478 | 89 478 | 53 | ||||||
7 927 | 1 092 895 | 1 092 895 | 1 120 | 5 776 | 686 002 | |||||
MI Mthenjane | 1 230 | 09/03/2020 | 169 580 | 169 580 | 101 | |||||
632 | 31/08/2020 | 87 134 | 87 134 | 52 | ||||||
1 269 | 09/03/2021 | 174 957 | 174 957 | |||||||
2 199 | 31/03/2021 | 303 176 | 303 176 | |||||||
5 330 | 734 847 | 734 847 | 153 | |||||||
Dr. N Tsengwa | 06/03/2018 | 80 | 976 | 125.15 | 122 146 | 16/03/2018 | ||||
31/03/2018 | 161 | 1 973 | 106.43 | 209 986 | 12/04/2018 | |||||
31/08/2018 | 48 | 580 | 149.94 | 86 965 | 10/09/2018 | |||||
2 596 | 31/03/2019 | 357 911 | 357 911 | 212 | ||||||
439 | 31/08/2019 | 60 525 | 60 525 | 36 | ||||||
1 234 | 09/03/2020 | 170 132 | 170 132 | 101 | ||||||
373 | 31/08/2020 | 51 426 | 51 426 | 31 | ||||||
250 | 31/08/2021 | 34 468 | 34 468 | |||||||
4 892 | 674 462 | 674 462 | 669 | 3 529 | 419 097 | |||||
M Veti | 06/03/2018 | 37 | 453 | 125.15 | 56 693 | 14/03/2018 | ||||
13/05/2018 | 229 | 2 810 | 118.05 | 331 721 | 23/05/2018 | |||||
31/08/2018 | 65 | 792 | 149.94 | 118 752 | 11/09/2018 | |||||
470 | 31/08/2019 | 64 799 | 64 799 | 39 | ||||||
1 199 | 09/03/2020 | 165 306 | 165 306 | 98 | ||||||
348 | 09/03/2020 | 47 979 | 47 979 | 29 | ||||||
1 251 | 31/08/2020 | 172 475 | 172 475 | |||||||
2 183 | 31/03/2021 | 300 970 | 300 970 | |||||||
284 | 31/08/2021 | 39 155 | 39 155 | |||||||
5 735 | 790 684 | 790 684 | 497 | 4 055 | 507 166 |
1 | Based on a share price of R137.87 which prevailed on 31 December 2018. |
2 | A modification was made to the DBP scheme during 2018 which resulted in a top-up in the number of rights employees are entitled to. |
2018 | Rights held at 31 December Number |
Exercisable period |
Proceeds if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Pre-tax gain if exercisable at 31 December1 R |
Options exercised during the year Number |
Shares forfeited2 Number |
Sale price/ market price R |
Pre-tax gain R |
Date exercised |
Non-executive directors | ||||||||||
MDM Mgojo | 07/03/2017 | 2 255 | 107.34 | 242 052 | 14/03/2017 | |||||
31/03/2017 | 4 560 | 118.42 | 539 995 | 04/04/2017 | ||||||
31/08/2017 | 778 | 125.09 | 97 320 | 04/09/2017 | ||||||
5 799 | 04/03/2019 | 942 338 | 942 338 | |||||||
10 511 | 31/03/2019 | 1 708 038 | 1 708 038 | |||||||
1 384 | 31/08/2019 | 224 900 | 224 900 | |||||||
1 047 | 31/08/2020 | 170 138 | 170 138 | |||||||
18 741 | 3 045 414 | 3 045 414 | 7 593 | 879 367 | ||||||
PA Koppeschaar | 07/03/2017 | 1 269 | 107.34 | 136 214 | 14/03/2017 | |||||
31/03/2017 | 2 735 | 118.42 | 323 879 | 04/04/2017 | ||||||
31/08/2017 | 159 | 125.09 | 19 889 | 04/09/2017 | ||||||
1 337 | 31/08/2018 | 217 263 | 217 263 | |||||||
1 337 | 217 263 | 217 263 | 4 163 | 479 982 | ||||||
Prescribed officers | ||||||||||
V Balgobind | 361 | 31/08/2018 | 58 663 | 58 663 | ||||||
1 686 | 04/03/2019 | 273 975 | 273 975 | |||||||
1 873 | 31/03/2019 | 304 363 | 304 363 | |||||||
354 | 31/08/2019 | 57 525 | 57 525 | |||||||
913 | 09/03/2020 | 148 363 | 148 363 | |||||||
1 638 | 31/03/2020 | 266 175 | 266 175 | |||||||
261 | 31/08/2020 | 42 413 | 42 413 | |||||||
7 086 | 1 151 477 | 1 151 477 | ||||||||
AW Diedericks | 07/03/2017 | 440 | 107.34 | 47 230 | 17/03/2017 | |||||
31/03/2017 | 2 350 | 118.42 | 278 287 | 04/04/2017 | ||||||
31/08/2017 | 137 | 125.09 | 17 137 | 05/09/2017 | ||||||
649 | 06/03/2018 | 105 463 | 105 463 | |||||||
3 618 | 31/03/2018 | 587 925 | 587 925 | |||||||
1 276 | 31/08/2018 | 207 350 | 207 350 | |||||||
3 352 | 04/03/2019 | 544 700 | 544 700 | |||||||
4 904 | 31/03/2019 | 796 900 | 796 900 | |||||||
798 | 31/08/2019 | 129 675 | 129 675 | |||||||
2 085 | 09/03/2020 | 338 813 | 338 813 | |||||||
3 785 | 31/03/2020 | 615 063 | 615 063 | |||||||
596 | 31/08/2020 | 96 850 | 96 850 | |||||||
21 063 | 3 422 739 | 3 422 739 | 2 927 | 342 654 | ||||||
JG Meyer | 07/03/2017 | 1 028 | 107.34 | 110 346 | 17/03/2017 | |||||
31/03/2017 | 2 196 | 118.42 | 260 050 | 03/04/2017 | ||||||
31/08/2017 | 130 | 125.09 | 16 262 | 04/09/2017 | ||||||
614 | 06/03/2018 | 99 775 | 99 775 | |||||||
3 450 | 31/03/2018 | 560 625 | 560 625 | |||||||
1 240 | 31/08/2018 | 201 500 | 201 500 | |||||||
803 | 31/08/2019 | 130 488 | 130 488 | |||||||
2 090 | 09/03/2020 | 339 625 | 339 625 | |||||||
3 790 | 31/03/2020 | 615 875 | 615 875 | |||||||
596 | 31/08/2020 | 96 850 | 96 850 | |||||||
12 583 | 2 044 738 | 2 044 738 | 3 354 | 386 658 | ||||||
MI Mthenjane | 07/03/2017 | 563 | 107.34 | 60 432 | 16/03/2017 | |||||
1 129 | 09/03/2020 | 183 463 | 183 463 | |||||||
580 | 31/08/2020 | 94 250 | 94 250 | |||||||
1 709 | 277 713 | 277 713 | 563 | 60 432 | ||||||
Dr N Tsengwa | 07/03/2017 | 46 | 107.34 | 4 938 | 20/03/2017 | |||||
31/08/2017 | 159 | 125.09 | 19 889 | 04/09/2017 | ||||||
896 | 06/03/2018 | 145 600 | 145 600 | |||||||
1 812 | 31/03/2018 | 294 450 | 294 450 | |||||||
532 | 31/08/2018 | 86 450 | 86 450 | |||||||
2 384 | 31/03/2019 | 387 400 | 387 400 | |||||||
403 | 31/08/2019 | 65 488 | 65 488 | |||||||
1 133 | 09/03/2020 | 184 113 | 184 113 | |||||||
342 | 31/08/2020 | 55 575 | 55 575 | |||||||
7 502 | 1 219 076 | 1 219 076 | 205 | 24 827 | ||||||
M Veti | 07/03/2017 | 688 | 107.34 | 73 850 | 20/03/2017 | |||||
31/08/2017 | 88 | 125.09 | 11 008 | 11/09/2017 | ||||||
416 | 06/03/2018 | 67 600 | 67 600 | |||||||
2 581 | 13/05/2018 | 419 413 | 419 413 | |||||||
727 | 31/08/2018 | 118 138 | 118 138 | |||||||
431 | 31/08/2019 | 70 038 | 70 038 | |||||||
1 101 | 09/03/2020 | 178 913 | 178 913 | |||||||
319 | 31/08/2020 | 51 838 | 51 838 | |||||||
5 575 | 905 940 | 905 940 | 776 | 84 858 | ||||||
CH Wessels3 | 07/03/2017 | 430 | 107.34 | 46 156 | 17/03/2017 | |||||
31/03/2017 | 735 | 118.42 | 87 039 | 05/04/2017 | ||||||
31/08/2017 | 55 | 125.09 | 6 880 | 04/09/2017 | ||||||
06/03/2018 | 262 | |||||||||
31/03/2018 | 1 163 | |||||||||
31/08/2019 | 270 | |||||||||
09/03/2020 | 693 | |||||||||
31/03/2020 | 1 018 | |||||||||
1 220 | 3 406 | 140 075 |
1 | Based on a share price of R162.50 which prevailed on 31 December 2017. |
2 | Shares forfeited due to performance conditions not fully met. |
3 | Resigned 30 September 2017 |