- 18.2 Adoption of new, amended and revised standards and interpretations
- 18.2.1 New, amended and revised standards adopted during 2021
Interest rate benchmark reform
A fundamental reform of major interest rate benchmarks is being undertaken globally, including the replacement of some interbank offered rates (IBORs) with alternative nearly risk-free rates (referred to as 'IBOR reform'). The group has exposures to IBORs on its financial instruments that will be replaced or reformed as part of these market-wide initiatives. The group's main IBOR exposure at 31 December 2021 was indexed to JIBAR. The South African Reserve Bank has indicated their intention to move away from JIBAR and to create an alternative reference rate for South Africa. This reform is at various stages globally, and a suitable alternate for South Africa is only expected to be announced in a few years' time. Accordingly, there is uncertainty surrounding the timing and manner in which the transition would occur and how this would affect various financial instruments held by the group.
The group's corporate treasury function monitors and manages the group's transition to alternative rates. The group's corporate treasury function evaluates the extent to which contracts reference IBOR cash flows, whether such contracts will need to be amended as a result of IBOR reform and how to manage communication about IBOR reform with counterparties. The group's corporate treasury function reports to the board of directors and collaborates with other business functions as needed. It provides periodic reports to management of interest rate risk and risks arising from IBOR reform.
Non-derivative financial liabilities
The group's IBOR exposures to non-derivative financial liabilities as at 31 December 2021 were the secured project financing and unsecured refinanced loan facility indexed to JIBAR as well as the unsecured bond indexed to JIBAR.
The group holds interest rate swaps for risk management purposes that are designated in cash flow hedging relationships. The interest rate swaps have floating legs that are indexed to JIBAR.
Hedge accounting
The group's hedged items and hedging instruments as at the reporting date are indexed to JIBAR. These benchmark rates are quoted each day and the IBOR cash flows are exchanged with counterparties as usual.
There is uncertainty about when and how replacement may occur with respect to the relevant hedged items and hedging instruments. As a result, the group continues to apply the amendments to IFRS 9 issued in September 2019 (Phase 1) to those hedging relationships.
- 18.2.2 New, amended and revised standards not yet adopted
New accounting standards, amendments to accounting standards and interpretations issued which are relevant to the group, but not yet effective
on 31 December 2021, have not been adopted. It is expected that where applicable, these standards and amendments will be adopted on each
respective effective date. The group continuously evaluates the impact of these standards and amendments. The effect of the implementation of the
new, amended or revised standards are not expected to have a material impact, although assessments of the effect of the implementation of these
new, amended or revised standards are ongoing.