Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Our approach

Pollutants such as dust and particulate matter (PM) emanate from opencast mining activities that unavoidably generate dust, posing health and safety risks and negatively impacting the environment.

To address this, we aim to progressively reduce air quality emissions (dust fallout, PM10 and PM2.5) within our operating boundary. Our approach ensures compliance with environmental legislation and regulatory requirements, and incorporates:

  • Risk-based air quality management plans and systems for all BUs
  • Best practice prevention and mitigation measures
  • Monitoring, measuring and reporting data (including continuous research and development of new dust suppression and air pollution mitigation technologies)
  • Awareness and education campaigns for various stakeholders

We regularly assess our plans and mitigation measures to ensure they remain effective. We also expand our monitoring network and systematically improve our approach to maintain our target of 100% monitoring at all operations, and to continuously increase the granularity of data. Our air quality management plans enable the development and implementation of sustainable air pollution reduction measures for current and future operations.

Goals Target
Continuous dust fallout monitoring All operations
Continuous PM10 monitoring All operations
Meteorological monitoring to ensure availability of surface data for temperature, wind direction and wind speed (critical for dispersion modelling, baseline characterisation, ambient monitoring design, dust fallout monitoring and reporting, among others) All operations
Ensuring compliance with dust fallout limits and air quality standards Level below regulated limits
Air quality awareness and education campaigns for various stakeholders Quarterly

Prevention and mitigation

Our prevention and mitigation measures uphold our licence to operate, considering our host communities and compliance with environmental legislation, particularly the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004) and associated regulations.

Mitigation measures to reduce the significant impacts on the environment and our host communities include:

  • Chemical and wet dust suppression on unpaved roads and open ground (with additives to improve effectiveness)
  • Limited drop heights during offloading activities
  • Vehicle speed control with proximity detection systems and speed limiters
  • Vegetation on topsoil stockpiles and overburden material
  • Blast design optimisation (considering wind conditions)
  • Planting trees as windbreaks as implemented at our Belfast operation

As some of our activities are close to residential areas or sensitive receptors, we intensify dust fallout mitigation efforts through chemical suppression for mining sources such as unpaved roads, which significantly contribute to our dust emissions. We continue investigating environmentally friendly dust suppression technologies to limit impacts associated with pesticides and other chemicals used. We also intensify our dust suppression measures in winter as high wind speeds could result in increased fugitive emissions.

We evaluate the practicability of implementing best practice dust control measures in our operations by considering health and safety implications, environmental impacts, regulations and compatibility with current processes and future developments.

Monitoring, measuring and reporting

We are proactive in monitoring legislative changes to ensure that our BUs remain aware of the draft National Dust Control Regulations for fallout measuring, mitigation and reporting and what processes they should follow to report exceedances or non-conformances.

Our dust monitoring networks ensure effective air quality management and compliance with the National Dust Control Regulations. These regulations allow two non-residential and residential exceedances per operation in a year (not within sequential months).

Ambient-monitored data for criteria pollutants such as PM, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) continue to be exceeded in some parts of Mpumalanga due to various sources. Our contributions to air quality management in the Highveld and Waterberg-Bojanala priority areas aim to reduce the cumulative impact of pollutants on the environment and community health. The DFFE monitors the cumulative air quality data for priority areas. We check this data regularly to assess the air quality impacts and provide inputs on our mitigation measures during workshops.

Exxaro also works with research and development institutions to identify measures for quantifying criteria emissions from discard dumps. Our dust monitoring networks for our operations did not require changes due to previous efforts of ensuring comprehensive and representative dust monitoring networks.

We invest in advanced digital solutions for real-time emissions monitoring. The multi-pollutant ambient air quality monitor installed at Grootegeluk enables us to monitor a broad spectrum of emissions, including PM10 and PM2.5.

Cennergi’s windfarms are exempt from monitoring, measuring and reporting as they do not create dust and air pollution emissions. However, water trucks are used for dust suppression during biannual road maintenance works.

Awareness and education

For the past two years, we have run communication campaigns on air pollution and GHG emissions in our communities to raise awareness about the environmental impacts associated with mining activities. These campaigns empower our communities to change their behaviour and mindsets – highlighting the health impacts of using domestic fuels and assisting communities with access to renewable energy.

To ensure our campaigns remain relevant and determine how we can assist communities in reducing the impact of mining activities, we have quarterly feedback sessions on air quality data collected and mitigations implemented.

Accountability and responsibility

Our chief sustainable impact officer: sustainability approves air quality policies, procedures and mechanisms. Mine managers allocate capital, implement projects and monitor our impact.

Our performance

        Highest recorded
  Maximum allowance Limits 2023 2022 2021
Non-residential dust fallout exceedances Two exceedances per BU per year (not occurring in sequential months) 1 200 1 0 0
Residential dust fallout exceedances Two exceedances per BU per year (not occurring in sequential months) 600 2 at Matla 2 at Matla 0

We apply the non-residential limit for compliance assessment because our operations are located in industrial areas. In areas where host communities are located close to our operations, we apply the residential limit compliance assessment. During the year, Exxaro intensified all efforts to prevent and mitigate dust fallout.

With the multi-pollutant monitor installed at Grootegeluk, and the trial phase in place, we envisage that monitored data will be reported on in 2024 and will provide valuable insights about the impact on sensitive receptors.

Case study:

Multi-pollutant monitoring at Grootegeluk

We continuously strive to mitigate and reduce the impacts of air pollution on host communities/sensitive receptors and the environment. We also prioritise the implementation our risk-based management approach to air quality management and consider various aspects in how we manage air quality.

One of these key aspects is vehicles and other activities emitting various pollutants (such as CO2, NOx, PM, SO2 and volatile organic compounds) that negatively affect air quality and the environment. Although mining activities are not a significant source of these pollutants, it is important for us to measure them for effective air quality management, protection of health and reducing negative impacts on the environment.

Therefore, we have taken a proactive approach to integrate multi-pollutant monitoring at our Grootegeluk operation in Lephalale, the first operation at Exxaro to have such a monitor installed. The multi-pollutant monitor will measure SO2, PM and NOx. Calibration activities on the monitor during 2023 ensured credibility, good quality results and proper placement to minimise breakdowns and provide security. Although test monitoring was undertaken using the monitor, we plan to start monitoring in 2024.

The monitored data will contribute to regional efforts of effectively monitoring and managing air quality within the Waterberg-Bojanala priority area to reduce impacts on health and the environment. This is critical for us to deliver on the strategic objectives of our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy.

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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria