Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Delivering measurable results and impact

Monitoring, measuring and reporting on our performance ensures we improve our disclosure every year. We aim to do this accurately, transparently and consistently by:

Benchmarking our ESG progress against our industry sub-sector peers who exemplify global best practice
Measuring our performance (unpacked below)
Reporting on progress against ESG KPIs and targets, with key sustainability metrics in this report independently assured by KPMG
Considering and responding to our stakeholders' needs and expectations

Measuring our performance

We benchmark our ESG performance against our peers who exhibit the global best practice expected by responsible investors. Global ratings agencies assess our ESG performance using publicly available information (annual reports, websites and media) in line with various criteria requirements.

As a result of our ESG approach, we proudly continue to benchmark above our peers in global ESG best practice.

Our score

The Bloomberg GEI encourages organisations to improve their gender-related policies and practices through fostering greater transparency and accountability. The index includes public companies from various organisations, and tracks their performance and progress in gender equality and advancing women in the workplace.

Exxaro has been recognised in the 2023 Bloomberg GEI for the fourth consecutive year — a testament to our commitment to gender equality and inclusion.

MSCI ESG Ratings evaluate and benchmark companies' ESG performance across various industries, enabling investors to integrate ESG considerations into their decision making and identify sustainable investment opportunities.

AA rating in the ESG ratings

This rating, underpinned by our leading carbon initiatives and strong governance, improved from the A rating we received in 2022.


The TPI compares companies' expected future carbon emissions with local and international targets as part of the Paris Agreement. It is used as a benchmark to determine commitment to corporate climate action. A high TPI ranking demonstrates that a company is strategically mitigating climate change and its effects.

4/4 rating

We achieved the same rate compared to 2022, demonstrating our commitment to manage GHG emissions, which shows stakeholders that Exxaro is well positioned to benefit from opportunities presented by the low-carbon transition.


Institutional Shareholder Services empowers investors and companies to build long-term sustainable growth by providing high-quality data, analytics and insight.

Exxaro was ranked at C with a very high transparency level and was counted among the industry leaders, which demonstrates our commitment to good corporate governance.

Areas for improvement include publication and disclosure of how we mitigate our social and environmental risks, including business ethics, biodiversity and safety.


Moody's assesses a company's ESG performance to provide insights to investors and stakeholders regarding how effectively organisations manage their non-financial risks and opportunities.

60/100 overall ESG score

This is an increase of 15 points from our 2020 and 2021 scores – the governance category led the way with a score of 72/100.


The Sustainalytics ESG rating measures exposure to industry‑specific material risks (including company–specific factors such as the business model) and the company’s management of those risks. Exxaro’s exposure was rated high and management was rated strong, which indicates the robustness of our ESG programmes, practices and policies.

34.4 ESG risk rating

Our rating reflects our commitment to robust ESG reporting, which follows recognised best practices.

We continue assessing feedback from other ratings agencies to identify common assessment areas and opportunities for improvement.


FTSE Russell's ESG scores and data model allows investors to understand a company’s exposure to, and management of, ESG issues in multiple dimensions. The index series measures our ESG risks and impact performance in terms of themes relevant to our mining context.

3.9/5 overall ESG score

Over the past five years, we have consistently achieved good scores, demonstrating our commitment to improving our performance. Despite the slight decrease this year, we remain ranked in the top quartile of global performers in the basic resources supersector.

The ESG report discloses performance against the following relevant themes:


Pollution and natural resources

Climate change

Water use



Labour standards

Health and safety

Human rights and community



Risk management

Corporate governance



Risk exposure classification



FTSE Russell ESG Index – Exxaro’s historical performance (score out of 5)

Year end 2023 Exxaro Global coal sub-sector
Environment 4.0 2.1
Social 3.3 2.1
Governance 4.6 3.3
Source: FTSE Russell Corporate Performance Results.

We continuously aim to improve our disclosure, reporting transparently and ensuring our performance information is accessible to a broad range of stakeholders. We regularly engage with various rating agencies to ensure we continuously enhance our reporting.

We remain committed to independent assessment of our environmental performance, and piloted our participation in CDP Forests, which rating we hope to receive in future as part of our nature-based solutions projects.


We manage our ESG KPIs as presented in the dashboard below. Performance is measured and monitored quarterly by Exxaro’s board and executive committee.

We ensure strategy management is integrated with:

  • A sustainability framework
  • An integrated risk management framework including clearly defined material matters
  • KPIs aligned with strategy execution and material matters
  • Integrating the combined assurance process, risk management, material matters and KPI reporting

The board and executive committee measure and manage Exxaro’s strategy and performance so that stakeholders can have a transparent and consolidated view of value creation and sustainability drivers.



Natural capital
KPI Strategy Target 2023 2022 Trend
Reportable environmental incidents (levels 2 and 3) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0 level 2s
0 level 3s
1 level 2RA
0 level 3RA
0 level 2s
0 level 3s
Stoppage directives (includes section 54 in terms of MHSA*) Empower people to create impact 0 4RA 7
Stoppage directives (includes directives in terms of NWA, NEMA and MPRDA**) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0 0RA 0
Valid authorisations in place        
Current operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100%
Projects Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100%
Compliance to valid licences/authorisations in place***      
Current operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 97% 100%
Projects Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 100% 100% 100%
Environmental liability provisions in place***        
Commercial and captive operations Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship Between 80% and
80% to 100%
and 100%
Between 50%
and 80%
Between 50%
and 80%
Environmental management      
Carbon intensity (scope 1 tCO2e/total kilotonnes mined (kTTM)) Be carbon neutral by 2050 Actual for previous
year less 5%
> 5% reduction 0.5% increase
Carbon intensity (scope 2 tCO2e/kTTM) Be carbon neutral by 2050 Actual for previous
year less 5%
> 5% reduction 0.8% increase
Water intensity (kL/tonne RoM) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0.15 to 0.18 0.10RA 0.15
Physical rehabilitation (actual versus budget) Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship 0% deviation from
Between 0% to
25% deviation from budget
Between 25% and
50% deviation from budget
* Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) (MHSA).
** National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) (NWA), National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA) and Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) (MPRDA).
*** Includes environmental authorisation, integrated water use licence (IWUL), water management licence, atmospheric emissions licence, environmental impact assessment, record of decision and reporting.
Human capital
KPI Strategy Target 2023 2022  Trend
Number of fatalities Empower people to create impact 0 0RA 1
LTIFR# Empower people to create impact 0.05 0.07RA 0.05
LTIs# Empower people to create impact 7 11RA 7
OHIFR# reported Empower people to create impact 0.18 0.15RA 0.16
People who received HIV/Aids awareness training Empower people to create impact 90% to 100% 92.92% 116.5%
Employees who received awareness training and voluntarily tested for HIV/Aids Empower people to create impact 68% and above 69% 70.6%
HIV/Aids prevalence rate compared to country prevalence rate Empower people to create impact Less than country prevalence rate 1% to 10% less than the country prevalence rate 1% to 10% less the country prevalence rate
Skills provision (percentage of appointment of employees within) Empower people to create impact 60% 73.66%RA 64%
Scarcity skills retention (percentage turnover) Empower people to create impact 5% 4.5%RA 4.4%
Fraud and corruption/asset destruction Empower people to create impact 0% 0% 0%
# Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR), lost-time injuries (LTIs) and occupational health incident frequency rate (OHIFR).
Manufactured capital
Intellectual capital
KPI Strategy Target 2023 2022 Trend
Operational performance        
System availability (Core P1 and enterprise resource planning solutions) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 97% 98.66% 97.49%
Information management projects (cost overrun) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% over budget 73% under
5% under budget
Information management projects (time overrun) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 0% behind schedule 22% behind schedule 0% behind schedule
Financial capital
KPI Strategy Target 2023 2022  Trend
EBITDA margin (managed operations) (%) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 29 35 41
ROCE# (%) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 20 20 35
Solvency ratio (times) Make our minerals and energy businesses thrive 2 to 3 3.5 3.3
# Return on capital employed (ROCE).
Social and relationship capital

Recognition of our performance

ESG performance is becoming more prominent as various stakeholders are increasingly looking at ESG factors to inform investment and lending decisions – measuring and assessing Exxaro’s exposure to ESG risks, and our mitigation and management efforts relative to our peers.

We aim to continuously improve the transparency and accuracy of our reporting. We received several accolades this year in recognition of our efforts:

Our 2023 integrated report was the overall winner in southern Africa at the 2023 CGISA Integrated Reporting Awards because it provided a clearer perspective of our business performance
We achieved 7th place at the 2023 EY Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards. Our placement in the top 10 over the past two years reflects our commitment to integrated thinking in strategic decision making
Exxaro was a finalist in five of the seven categories as a mid‑cap player, and took second place in the best company for social responsibility: mid-cap category in the annual ESG Investing Corporate ESG Awards. The awards recognise the best listed company of all sizes, across all industries and regions, four ESG pillars, two reporting categories and an overall ESG and sustainability category
Exxaro was a finalist in the DEI category at the Sustainability Leaders ESG intelligence platform’s World Sustainability Awards
Recognised as a top employer in South Africa for 2023 by the Top Employers Institute – recognising our efforts in being an employer of choice
Recognised as one of the top five best managed diversified mining companies for 2023 by the Top Empowerment Awards and top 500 publication among approximately 40 000 companies in South Africa based on ESG reports, integrated reports, annual financial statements and B-BBEE verification. We also received the DEI in the Workplace of the Year Award
Six safety awards received at the 2023 COALSAFE Awards — reflecting the progress we have made towards our goal of zero harm
Ranked 15th — demonstrating the value we have created for our shareholders
Finalist in the aNewSpring Global Awards — recognising our climate change e-learning course
Received a Silver Sponsor Award — recognising our commitment to raise R20 billion with government over a five‑year investment period
Ranked in the top 100 of Africa's fastest growing companies in the fintech, renewable energy, healthcare, commodities and agriculture sectors by Financial Times and Statista

We recognise our responsibility to participate in global movements towards transitioning to a low-carbon world and supporting prosperous and safe communities through broader environmental stewardship and empowering people to create impact.

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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria