Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Our approach

Exxaro’s board is the focal point and custodian of good corporate governance for the group. The board assumes ultimate accountability and responsibility for the group’s performance and affairs. In so doing, it effectively represents and promotes the group’s legitimate interests. As a responsible corporate citizen, Exxaro considers its material stakeholders’ legitimate interests and expectations to ensure it contributes positively to society and the environment.

Principled governance

Exxaro’s corporate governance is underpinned by principles that guide the board in meeting its responsibilities to the company, the group and its stakeholders. These principles enable the company to achieve the King IV governance outcomes and fulfil its purpose to power better lives in Africa and beyond through its own ethical and effective leadership.

King IV

King IV promotes good governance, transparency in leadership and decision making, and a focus on sustainability. Sustainable development is an ethical and economic imperative. It entails economic and social growth to meet present needs without compromising future generations’ ability to fulfil their needs. Sustainable development is a fitting response to organisations being an integral part of society, their status as corporate citizens and meeting stakeholders’ needs, interests and expectations. Exxaro expresses its commitment to sustainable development through its Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy.

Our corporate governance reporting is similarly structured under the four desired King IV governance outcomes of ethical culture, performance and value creation, adequate and effective control, and trust, good reputation and legitimacy.

Material themes

changing context

Exxaro’s board provides attention to the material themes throughout the year.
These include:

changing context Adapting to a changing context
environmental stewardship Responsible environmental stewardship
sustainable communities Building sustainable communities
Helping our people Helping our people thrive
strategy Executing our strategy
Driving business resilience
Principled governance Principled governance

Governance in action

The table below outlines the board’s quarterly progress in addressing our material themes to achieve our governance outcomes:

Quarter 1   Quarter 2   Quarter 3   Quarter 4   Material themes
  • First quarterly meeting
  • 2022 financial results presentation
  • Second quarterly meeting
  • Annual strategy sessions with executive and management
  • First governance session focusing on responsible environmental stewardship
  • Board visit to Cennergi windfarms
  • 2023 sustainability summit
  • Finance director’s pre-close briefing
  • Hybrid AGM held
  • Stakeholder engagement days
  • Third quarterly meeting
  • 2023 interim financial results presentation
  • Annual governance roadshow
  • Second annual board governance session focusing on adapting to a changing context
  • Fourth quarterly meeting
Safety moment and reporting   Safety moment and reporting  
  • Safety moment and reporting
  • Safety indabas at all coal operations and mines in closure
  • Safety moment and reporting
  • Safety indabas at our two Cennergi windfarms
Annual conflict of interest declaration and assessment by directors, prescribed officers, employees and contractors   Obtained AGM shareholder approval through the non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy and its implementation   Approved the terms of reference for the logistics committee  
  • Conducted annual board assessments
  • Revised board committee membership, terms of reference and charter
  • Approved the group year-end financial results and  IFRS announcement
  • Considered the going concern assessment and approved the solvency and liquidity assessment for distribution to shareholders
  Considered an energy blackout crisis management plan and guidelines in the unlikely event of a total grid collapse, which includes procedures for emergency evacuation  
  • Considered the going concern assessment and approved the solvency and liquidity assessment for  distribution to shareholders
  • Approved the group interim financial results, IFRS announcement and interim dividend declaration
  Approved the:  
Approved the integrated suite of documents for publication, including the King IV report and JSE compliance certificate   Requested that the unwind of the 2017 replacement transformation transaction be included as a standing agenda item   Noted progress on the integration of the group social impact structures  
  • Considered the coal mine dust class action litigation launched against Exxaro
  • Noted an environmental incident, and a comprehensive mitigation plan is being executed
Approved the revised business rules policy   Approved the:   Noted continued focus by the RBR committee on information technology (IT) security, risk and governance   Approved the IR material matters following a double materiality test  
Approved a revised workplace harassment policy   Noted:
  • An increase in B-BBEE compliance to level 2
  • Progress on roll out of DEI strategy
  • Amended EE Act amendments and approach to alignment
  • Implementation of the mineral succession strategy on Exxaro‑owned properties
  • Results of 2023 culture and engagement survey, part of Exxaro’s DEI journey
  • Approved the revised supply chain management sustainability policy
  • Noted the wage gap statement of intent, approved by the remuneration committee
Approved the transaction agreements in respect of the LSP at Grootegeluk Coal Mine as cost saving and scope 2 emission reduction between two wholly owned subsidiaries  
  • Approved the Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy, detailing implementing minerals succession planning, education and supplier development as initial focus areas
  • Considered progress and approved strategic flexing of boundary conditions and investment criteria
  • Noted progress on various acquisition and investment opportunities
  • Placed the COP27 roundtable discussions on loss and damage on the agenda for the next governance session in 2024
  • Progress on various acquisition and investment opportunities
  • Progress in finalising an ESG framework policy and related stakeholder engagements
Noted changes to the Companies Act   Noted the change to the JSE Listings Requirements on auditor accreditation model   Approved an updated POPIA policy and PAIA manual   Considered the proposed changes to the Companies Act  
  •  Independent non-executive director, Nosipho Molope
  • New managing director of energy, Leon Groenewald
  Appointed chief growth officer, Richard Lilleike   Appointed:
  • Chief strategic resilience and governance officer, Andiswa Ndoni
  • Chief people and performance officer, Joseph Rock
  Approved the organisational effectiveness programme and structure  

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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria