Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Our approach

Water security management is a critical component of our overall operational and environmental management as we are sensitive to South Africa’s water scarcity and the effects of climate change, particularly increased temperatures and rainfall variability. Without controlled efforts to maintain water security, we risk production stoppages, financial loss and non‑compliance with water authorisations. The consequences could impact our licence to operate, increase competition for scarce resources, limit investment opportunities and damage our biodiversity efforts.

Our water management policy is supported by our group water strategy, which aims for excellent compliance with policies, standards and processes, stakeholder partnerships and technologies for operational water efficiency.

We implement this policy through our water management standard, which covers mining and industrial water use, water authorisations and site-specific water management plans including:

  • Water-related risk assessments
  • Water conservation and demand management
  • Stormwater controls
  • Security of supply
  • Water monitoring
  • Water balance simulations

We manage water-related risks, minimise impacts and operate efficiently by:

  • Reducing, reusing and recycling water in line with water conservation plans that support the National Water Resource Strategy
  • Providing suitable barriers to our dirty water facilities that prevent groundwater contamination
  • Committing to protecting and improving water quality by discharging treated water at our operations through reverse osmosis and/or sewage treatment plants
  • Incorporating climate analytics (ENSO and SA Weather Services seasonal outlook) into our water management decision-making processes

At Matla and Belfast, we use reverse osmosis to treat excess process water to potable standards and treat sewage effluent in two plants before it is discharged into the environment.

Cennergi’s windfarms use licensed boreholes and rainwater. Employees and contractors drink bottled water at the operations.

The facility site manager supported by the head: corporate and social responsibility oversee policy implementation and practice at wind energy facilities.

Tailings storage facilities and dams

Our tailings management system focuses on operation, monitoring and decommissioning of tailings dams. It uses comprehensive riskbased management and governance systems in line with internationally recognised good practice. Exxaro aims to align tailings management with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management.

Our dam assets contain clean or polluted water. According to South African dam safety legislation, dams with a wall height exceeding 5m and capacity exceeding 50 000m3 are considered a safety risk. Classified dams are categorised as I, II or III according to risk potential. Category III has the highest hazard potential. The table below shows dams with a safety risk, as classified by DWS.

  Category I Category II
Matla Brine ponds
Grootegeluk Cyclic ponds
Leeuwpan Witklip Dam
Durnacol  Durnacol Dam No 4 Durnacol Dam No 7
Langley Dam No 2
Langley Dam No 3
Tshikondeni Unwa Dam


Accountability and responsibility

Sustainable impact managers, supported by the corporate water team and on-site environmental specialists, led by the chief sustainability officer: sustainable impact, oversee policy implementation and practice at the operations.

Our performance

Consumption (ML) 2023 2022 2021
Total water withdrawal 8 744 11 486 10 890
  Surface water 5 834 8 602 8 165
  Groundwater 1 487 1 408 1 312
  Third-party water 1 423 1 476 1 413
Total water discharged 1 314 1 068 609
Total water consumption 7 430 10 419 10 281
Recycling ratio (%) Target 2023 2022 2021
Grootegeluk   57 47 43
Matla   51 50 42
Leeuwpan (estimated)   30 30 30
Belfast   62 38 28
Total group* 38 56 47 46
* Includes ECC assets in 2021.
    Water intensity (L/t) Water consumption (m3)
  Target (L/t) 2023 2022 2021 2023 2022 2021
Belfast 250 54 232 237 170 324 612 115 654 132
Leeuwpan 40 29 40 27 140 051 148 466 106 380
Matla 230 206 200 190 1 235 167 1 231 293 1 120 930
Grootegeluk 170 104 148 149 5 802 577 8 344 744 7 681 560
Tshikondeni 79 176kL n/a n/a n/a 71 295 74 532
FerroAlloys 21 000kL n/a n/a n/a 9 841 7 205 15 175
Hlobane 432kL n/a n/a n/a 408 410
Total group* 180 105 150 149 7 429 662 10 418 765 10 280 828
* Includes ECC assets in 2021.

Total water consumption (water withdrawals less water discharged) decreased by 28.7%. These improvements are mainly due to lower water abstraction from the Mokolo Dam at our Grootegeluk operation as we increased recycling of water from the pit. The newly constructed reverse osmosis plant at our Belfast operation also allowed much of the water abstracted from the pits to be returned to the catchment as an offset.

Our water intensity targets align with industry norms and site-specific conditions. The 180L/t RoM target is well below the coal industry average of 380L/t RoM. This supports our strategy to reduce water intake and support the DWS’s objectives to increase water conservation and reclamation. Our water intensity improved by 30% to 105L/t RoM due to factors mentioned above.

Our water recycling target of 38% overall water recycling ratio (defined as the total water recycled divided by total water used including recycled water) is substantially higher than the coal industry average of 6%, as outlined in the national water use efficiency benchmarks of the DWS. In 2023, we exceeded our performance from 2022 by 18.6% with an overall recycling ratio of 56%.

Projects implemented

Internal water pricing
Exxaro embraced the internal water pricing strategy as a planning tool by setting a shadow price, where a price is used during discussions and evaluations of water-related business decisions. The shadow pricing is based on the minimum cost of producing water from alternative sources such as reverse osmosis. This shadow price is further adjusted by evaluating current and future water risks using the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas for the regions under consideration to identify the true cost of water for a location. The Aqueduct Water Risk score is a combined score comprising physical, chemical and regulatory risks.
Belfast water treatment plant
Belfast implemented a reverse osmosis water treatment plant to alleviate hydraulic load in the mine reticulation system by removing excess water, treating it, and returning it to the watershed. Higher than normal rainfall over the preceding three-year period placed the storage facilities under pressure as the mine could not use all of this water on site.

The treatment plant allowed the site to reduce its water intensity by 80%. It also ensured that any risk of storage facility spillage into the natural environment was negated.
Grootegeluk Oliphantskop Dam lining
The lining of the Oliphantskop Dam will enable enhanced water recycling at the beneficiation plants to prevent process water losses to the pit, reducing electricity consumption due to pumping and water quality deterioration in the pit.
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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria