Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Our approach

Attracting, developing and retaining skilled people strengthens our ability to deliver on strategic objectives, ensure business continuity and preserve the value we create for our employees and communities. Talent management is a critical sustainability factor and part of our employee value proposition.

We achieve this through:

  • Our talent management strategy and delivering against its strategic objectives: This strategy outlines our approach to strategic workforce and talent planning, leadership and capability development, compliance training and reporting, and talent pipeline development activities
  • Measuring and reporting our performance through KPIs: We annually identify and measure KPIs as part of the strategic dashboard for talent management and people and performance. Talent management and review processes aim to identify and prepare suitable internal candidates for positions while building a leadership pipeline to address skills shortages
  • Monitoring the relevance of our training programme: Our people and performance and digital value chain teams keep informed of technological advances in training to ensure our programmes are up to date (including Adapting to 4IR on MyNexxt, Power BI and dashboards, and our data science programme language curriculum)
  • Cross-platform education and training: We offer classroom‑based training, e-learning platforms, simulators, virtual reality, webinars and masterclasses – thereby broadening the scope of learning opportunities

Cennergi prioritises internal recruitment of highpotential employees to retain talent and grow management expertise. Employees receive STIs based on individual and company performance. Cennergi invests 1% of its payroll in employee training and development. Line managers conduct performance appraisals twice a year to determine training and development needs.

Talent management strategy

Our talent management strategy enables us to transition organisational inclusivity by developing future capabilities and creating a healthy working environment through engaged, supportive leadership, and using technology to help achieve this. We consider Exxaro's vision to provide resources (beyond just commodities) that are critical in a low-carbon world in our talent management approach. Our talent strategic objectives were defined considering global and local trends, and Exxaro's overarching Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy.

Accountability and responsibility

Line managers and management teams at BUs are responsible for overseeing talent management, supported by our people and performance department.

Our performance

R358 million or 6.22% of our payroll spent on training and development

(2022: R331 million or 6.0%)

Job-related skills development (functional and technical training)

R193.5 million

(2022: R198 million)

Community development, such as portable skills training

R7.6 million

(2022: R8.2 million)

Bursaries, training professionals, internships, learnerships and skills programmes

R126.6 million

(2022: R101 million)

Support for Youth Employment Service to train and develop youth from our host communities

R22 million

(2022: R10 million)

Developing targeted employees in management programmes, leadership roles, postgraduate studies and support functions

R10.5 million

(2022: R7.4 million)
People development training expenditure 2023 2022 2021
Total training (Rm) 358 331 276
Total training (% of total payroll) 6.22 6.0 5.8
Training of black people (Rm) 318 275 275
Black people trained (% of total payroll) 5.54 5.0 4.7

Progressing against our talent management strategy

Use digital platforms

Our digitalised environment is a critical success factor in executing on our strategy. It enables efficient talent management and helps create a self-learning culture, but also expands the reach of our learning opportunities, making it accessible to a broader audience.

1 033 employees registered for open-source online courses (LinkedIn, Udemy, Coursera, Open Sesame and OTT University). Overall, 70% utilisation was achieved during 2023

91 309 compliance-related courses, ensuring safety, health and environmental compliance, completed through MyNexxt

109 745 training interventions on the MyNexxt e-learning platform as part of our Digital@Exxaro strategy and aligned with connect2NEXT and smart workforce initiatives (2022: 96 665)

Powering Knowledge e-learning platform offers learners participating in Exxaro Yes4Youth initiatives self-learning opportunities. Overall, 63% utilisation was achieved during 2023

Courses and number of interventions

ESG and risk
Climate change: five
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption: 9 663 Confidentiality: 246
DEI courses such as workplace harassment and diversity and inclusion: 196
Exxaro Leadership Way: eight
Risk management framework: 32
Implicit and unconscious bias: 116

Performance management: 95

IT and cyber
Cybersecurity: 2 248
Microsoft Office: 136
Adapt to 4IR: 270
Managing innovation: five

Beyond budgeting management thinking: four

Enhance employee experience

We improve internal processes to bolster performance achievements, career and succession planning, culture and leadership initiatives, and SLP commitments.

This year, we implemented a process change whereby line managers are no longer required to approve employment applications made by their team members, thereby empowering employees to freely explore internal growth opportunities. This resulted in an increase in internal applications, with 1 598 applications in the Paterson DL band and higher in 2023 compared to 760 in 2022. We also reintroduced a revamped employee referral reward programme, which offers employees rewards for referring successfully appointed candidates.

Build relevant future skills and competencies

We proactively address talent and critical skills shortages and changes when employees are promoted, rotated, resign or retire.

306 employees attended various leadership programmes (2022: 83) and 162 enrolled in management programmes (2022: 181)

30 employees enrolled in the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business Women in Leadership programme (2022: 21)

We are in the process of developing a capability system tool to guide employees on capability and capacity building to advance their careers with various learning and development opportunities.

Leadership programmes rolled out

Leading programme: eight employees on E band

Leadership in connected economies: 26 employees on Paterson DM/DU band level

Essential leadership programme: 21 employees on Paterson DL level

Launchpad leadership programme: 127 employees below Paterson DL level

Nano sessions: 94 employees on Paterson C band level

Women in leadership: 30 employees

Our learning interventions are structured appropriately to support improved employee capabilities through formal studies in traditional programmes and to ensure new capabilities support renewable energy, digitalisation and the new world of work.

We also provide university-accredited short courses in competencies to support new capabilities such as automation, neuroscience, change management, data analytics and digital business strategy.

Exxaro refreshed our talent management strategy in 2023 to support capability development and succession planning for management and specialist roles in response to new ways of working and global workforce trends.

Formal studies Total
Postgraduate1 14 11 7
Undergraduate1 20 20 18
New skills short courses2 29 17 10
1 South African universities.
2 South African and international universities.

Build a talent pipeline representative of economically active populations

Our development efforts focus on our employment equity candidates – building our talent pipeline by educating people with disabilities and women. This supports our DEI strategy and complies with employment equity targets.

We strive to fill vacancies with black people, with preference given to black women. To address challenges in recruiting qualified black women, particularly in the Lephalale labour sending area, we implemented the employee referral programme. This is an internal programme to find the best talent from employees' existing networks. Benefits include having access to a wider reach of candidates than through traditional hiring methods and enhancing the Exxaro brand through internal employee promotion.

Various empowerment initiatives support our women in mining drive by growing this talent pipeline. Initiatives include:

  • Accelerated development and executive coaching programmes
  • Increased intake of women for mentorship training (69% of employees trained in 2023 were women)
  • Enabling young women in our communities to plan their careers and acquire skills (including the Edumap bridging programme for matriculants to improve their maths and science results)
  • Aiming to increase the number of black women in our feeder schemes and talent pipeline through our employment equity plans
  • Women in mining forums and women in leadership programme

32.5%RA D band (2022: 30.8%) and 25.3%RA E band (2022: 35.4%)

Succession planning clusters prepare black employees to occupy higher level positions immediately or for medium-term occupation

Improved spend on bursaries awarded to black people studying through DHET accredited institutions to the planned target score on the B‑BBEE strategic dashboard. The subscore for this B-BBEE element improved to 0.44% (2022: 0.19%)

Updated our recruitment policy to align with the DEI strategy and created a new people with disabilities policy


Female employees represent 31.2% of our workforce (2022: 29%)

61% female PIT graduates (2022: 50%)

61% black women full-time bursars in engineering and mining disciplines*

55% women in learnership and internship feeder schemes (2022: 56%)

11 black women sponsored at technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges to improve access to formal learnerships such as artisan training (2022: 31)

People with disabilities

25 black South Africans (56% black women) with disabilities supported at local tertiary institutions for full-time studies (2022: 20)

23 internships for PWDs appointed in 2023. All are black people (12 black women)

* South Africans at local universities.

In accordance with its aim to further the objectives of diversity and inclusion in the energy sector, Cennergi recruited eight new employees in 2023, of which 75% were female (six African women) and 25% were male (two African men).

Build a talent pipeline for energy and minerals businesses

We align our talent pipeline with Exxaro's strategic direction. We are committed to identifying full-time students in core engineering, information technology (IT), geology and business support service studies from our host communities, thereby addressing science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills shortages.

We offer formal training and mentorship to young graduates in our development programmes, as PIT graduate participants and interns. Our three-year PIT programme exposes participants to academic theory and practical workplace experience to prepare them for current and future business needs. Each graduate has a technical coach who supervises exposure to various operations. Exxaro also offers technical, leadership and management training during these programmes before guiding trainees who meet accreditation requirements to become professional engineers.

Training professionals

85 PIT programme graduates in our talent pipeline (96% black South Africans) (2022: 89) at a cost of R55 million (2022: R42.6 million)

54 full-time bursars in engineering and mining disciplines (2022: 52)*

R1.1 million invested in bursaries to address engineering skills shortages (2022: R3.8 million)

10 matriculants supported in Edumap maths and science bridging programme (2022: 10)

12 full-time bursaries for tertiary studies awarded to Edumap students and youth from Exxaro's communities (2022: 0)

* South Africans at local universities.
Feeder schemes In training Black people Black women
Engineering learners 521 505 (96%) 263 (50%)
Miner learners 62 62 (100%) 31 (50%)
Operator learners 264 261 (98%) 142 (53%)
Internships 192 192 (100%) 115 (59%)
Business administration learners 49 48 (97%) 47 (95%)

Case study:

Empowering PIT graduates

We actively improve the PIT programme to ensure it is best in class. We held our annual PIT symposium in October 2023, where graduates showcased their problem-solving and project management skills in finding solutions to operational challenges. This year's theme was striking the balance, empowering graduates to live a more holistic, balanced lifestyle.

Establish healthy strategic partner relations

Stakeholder engagement builds competencies that deliver on our business strategy. We submitted annual workplace skills plans and training reports to the MQA, Mining Charter compliance to the DMRE and B-BBEE scores to the dtic including employee information, spend, training and development programmes. Due to the successful submission of the MQA Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report, we received R50.5 million of skills levy tax paid back in the form of grants. We also actioned two Yes4Youth initiatives with youths from our communities to improve their employability.

Case study:

Partnering with Yes4Youth

The Yes4Youth programme provides job opportunities and work experience to youths to address South Africa's unemployment crisis. Exxaro partnered with two service providers in the programme, SME.TAX and Lula Rides, who were contracted to recruit 450 youths from Mpumalanga and Limpopo over a two-year period from 2022. On completion of the programme in 2024, participants will be placed in jobs or be assisted to start their own businesses.

Through Lula Rides, 400 black youths were recruited from Exxaro communities to be trained as licensed motorbike delivery drivers. 186 participants completed the programme and have been placed with various companies such as Takealot and Mr D Food. 173 participants are still active in the programme. SME.TAX recruited and trained 50 black youths with finance qualifications as interns to improve their employability. 49 participants are still active in the programme, and two participants have received employment in the tax and banking sectors.

Exxaro worked with the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) in both initiatives to assist youth with opportunities as entrepreneurs. Workshops were held with Seda in November to further engage youth on opportunities in the entrepreneurial and business spaces.

Enhancing talent bench strength

Our mentorship programme supports employees who aspire to develop into leadership positions. This is informed by succession planning for our leadership pipeline and is critical for employee development within our diverse organisation.

We had 126 employees (89% black people and 58% black women) in our 24-month mentoring programme (2022: 40). Demand for mentorship is high – 100 employees attended mentee training and 26 trained as mentors.

Talent acquisition

We appointed 16 external Paterson D band (middle management) candidates (100% black people and 63% black women) (2022: 16) and 43 internal candidates (81% black people and 35% black women) (2022: 40).

In the Paterson E band (senior management), we appointed three external black candidates (67% black women) and nine internal black candidates (2022: one and three respectively). Due to our well-managed succession planning and leadership development process, a number of internal employees have been promoted.

We advertise employment opportunities on virtual platforms and career fairs with accredited universities, and engage with disability units at the University of Pretoria, Wits University and North West University to place suitable graduates.

Grootegeluk's transformation journey

We acknowledge the crucial role women play in the mining industry and we are actively working to attract more women across all levels of the business. Grootegeluk, in its commitment to achieving employment equity goals and through the support of the women in mining committee and transformational leadership, has created an inclusive work environment for women. We also dedicate ongoing focus to developing our own internal talent. We are committed to local employment by broadening the skills base in mine communities.

Adult education and training

As interest in adult education and training (4.0% of our employees) is low due to the age profile of our workforce, we offer portable skills training in welding, plumbing and civils for entry level employees.

Adult education and training helps employees reach national qualification framework level 1 (grade 9) with functional literacy for health and safety communication, further development, and access to higher level jobs.

Adult education and training 2023 2022 2021
Investment (Rm) 0.95 1.57 1.02
Employees enrolled 0 4 3
Community members enrolled 125 52 89

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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria