Exxaro Resources Limited
Environmental, social and
governance report for the year ended
31 December 2023

Performance and value creation

Strategic direction

King IV articulates the responsibilities of the board, which is to steer an organisation strategically in line with its core purpose and values by approving and monitoring an informed short, medium and long-term strategy while considering sustainability-related impacts, risk and opportunities.

The board sets Exxaro’s short, medium and long-term strategic direction through our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy. It enables sustainable value creation through the approval of a new capital allocation model and budget, setting and monitoring performance and culture expectations as well as a group governance framework.

The board supports King IV strategy-setting principles through an iterative process. Before executive management’s strategy presentation to the board, iterative strategy workshops – which follow a bottom-up process – and board governance sessions ensure input is integrated into the group strategy.

During our annual strategy review process, management demonstrates how sustainability and ESG objectives are integrated into the Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy, including status and progress in our context.

The board reviewed an integrated medium to long-term decarbonisation roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The roadmap, which is at an advanced stage, outlines strategic considerations and actions to increase our decarbonisation performance.

Our strategy

Performance evaluation

KPIs track the execution of our strategy for the board, board committees, group and energy executive committees. We use a strategic performance dashboard that reports on the achievement of these KPIs. The dashboard was reviewed in 2022 and its reporting philosophy revised.

We developed a reimagined strategic performance dashboard to oversee strategy execution and facilitate strategic conversations at the right time within a tiered group governance structure. It aligns prioritised KPIs with the Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy to provide forward-looking insights, and support strategic discussions and resource allocation.

For more on our performance see:

Delivering measurable results and impact

Business continuity and crisis management

The board adopted an emergency response plan in 2019 – focusing on capability interfaces for crisis management and business continuity – to ensure integrated disaster or incident response and recovery.

The RBR committee oversaw the process of updating various business continuity governance documents and policies. This process sought to align BUs with the board-approved business continuity plan template, which is aligned to ISO 22301 and British Standards Institution 11200:2014.

Performance targets to support our climate change response

To strengthen GHG mitigation and business resilience efforts, we included targets on water security and efficiency as well as energy efficiency in the group-wide GIS in 2022.

Total carbon emissions and energy intensity are included as part of Exxaro’s strategic performance dashboard. The energy efficiency targets relate to diesel and electricity consumption. Diesel accounts for over 95% of our scope 1 GHG emissions, while coalbased electricity is 100% of our scope 2 emissions.

Implementation of these two KPIs is a progression of our Climate Change Response strategy, our goal to be carbon neutral by 2050 and further alignment with the TCFD recommendations.

Strategy-aligned internal reporting

Internal reporting to the board requires management to detail the outcomes of proposed recommendations to the board in respect of:

  • Strategy implications
  • Financial implications
  • Risk and compliance analysis
  • ESG implications


The board is committed to clear and comprehensive financial reporting and disclosure as well as constructive shareholder engagement, including transparency of activities and performance. It therefore ensures that reports issued by the company enable stakeholders to make informed assessments of the group’s performance as well as its short, medium and long-term prospects.


Applying good corporate governance to support the achievement of our strategic objectives:

Purpose: Powering better lives in Africa and beyond
Vision: Resources powering a clean world
Transition at speed
and scale
Make our minerals and energy business thrive
Empower people to create impact
Be carbon neutral by 2050
Become a catalyst for economic growth and environmental stewardship
SDGs supported
KPIs and
  • EBITDA contribution from new minerals (2026: 30%; 2030: 50%)
  • Generation installed capacity (1.6GW by 2030)
  • Group EBITDA
  • EBITDA margin (29%)
  • Adjusted ROCE (20%)
  • Solvency ratio (2x – 3x)
  • Coal exports (2026: 9.8Mt)
  • Number of fatalities (zero)RA
  • LTIFR 0.07RA
  • Energy intensity (GJ/kt)
  • Absolute emissions (2026: 579ktCO2e; 2050: 0ktCO2e)
  • Crop yield to market 6 000 tonnes
  • Financially sustainable SMMEs supported (2026: 207)
  • ECD – school readiness (2026: 90%)
  • Water intensity (0.105kL/tonne RoM)RA
  • FTSE Russel rating 4
  • Board-approved Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy
  • Audit committee oversight of financial reporting matters
  • Investment committee review and monitoring of material mergers, acquisitions or investments
  • Establishment of the board logistics committee
  • Establishment of the executive risk management committee
  • Management investment review committee
  • Board composition having skills and experience to support the strategy
  • Executive appointments to execute growth strategy
  • Revised the treasury risk management and hedging policy
  • Review of enabling group governance framework, delegations and group-wide policies
  • Establishment of logistics committee to address logistics risk
  • Remuneration committee and RBR committee oversight
  • Reimagined strategic performance management dashboard
  • Board approved the organisation effectiveness programme and structure
  • Prioritising safety
  • Retain safety moment and reporting as standing agenda item for all board, committee and executive meetings
  • Remuneration committee, SERC and RBR committee oversight
  • Board members and executive leadership participate in the annual Sustainability Summit, Leadership Safety Day and BU safety indabas driving business resilience
  • Implementation of the revised human rights policy
  • Revised workplace harassment policy
  • Board composition to include sustainability skills and experience
  • Board-approved Climate Change Response strategy, climate change position statement and performance targets
  • Performance targets included as part of the group-wide GIS
  • SERC and RBR committee oversight
  • ESG steering committee
  • Development of ESG policy
  • Board memoranda template includes ESG impacts
  • Board-approved DEI strategy
  • Execute revised ESD initiatives
  • SERC and RBR committee oversight
  • Board composition through the nomination committee
  • Board-approved policies
  • Independent external assurance on SLP reporting
  • Rationalisation and integration of social impact vehicles, with an extended mandate of Exxaro Matla Setshaba NPC
  • Board-approved revised supply chain sustainability policy

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Navigating this report
Building momentum and resilience for sustainable growth and impact
About this report
Who we are

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Our approach to ESG
Transitioning into a low-carbon business
Delivering measurable results and impact
Stakeholder-inclusive approach

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Climate change adaptation and resilience
Air quality management
Energy efficiency
Water security
Biodiversity protection
Mine closure and rehabilitation
Waste management

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Building momentum with people
Prioritising safety
Integrated health and wellness
Engaged employees
Talent management
Co-creating and preserving value with communities
Enterprise and supplier development
Supply chain sustainability
Respecting and upholding human rights

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Board key matters in focus
Ethical culture
Performance and value creation
Adequate and effective control
Trust, good reputation and legitimacy
Our board of directors
Executive leadership
Audit committee report
Investment committee report
Logistics committee report
Nomination committee report
Remuneration committee report
Risk and business resilience committee report
Social, ethics and responsibility committee report
Remuneration report

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Assurance report
Appendix A: Criteria