Integrated report 2019

Exxaro Resources Limited
Group and company annual financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2019
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Transactions with related parties are on terms that are neither more nor less favourable than those arranged with independent third parties. SHAREHOLDERS The principal shareholders of the company at 31 December 2019 are detailed in chapter 19, annexure 1. DIRECTORS Details relating to directors’ emoluments and shareholdings (including options) in the company are disclosed in note 14.5. SENIOR EMPLOYEES Details relating to option and share transactions are disclosed in note 14.3. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL For Exxaro, other than the executive and non-executive directors and executive committee members, no other key management personnel were identified. Refer note 14.5 for details on directors and prescribed officers’ remuneration. SUBSIDIARIES Details of transactions with and investments in subsidiaries are disclosed in chapter 17. STRUCTURED ENTITIES The group has an interest in the following structured entities which are consolidated unless otherwise indicated:
1 Non-profi t organisations. ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES Details of investments in associates and joint ventures and income received therefrom are disclosed in chapter 9. Details of trading transactions and balances are summarised below.